We need end game chat for console!

It makes me so sad that i cant say "ggs" to PC players, i genuinely dont know why console hasnt got this yet. But i assume its going to be "technical limitations"
I want to eat the salt.
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I want to say gg ez after I 4k a team with noed freddy
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The devs have said it's because there isn't really a need for it. It would take too long for *most* console players to type out a message.
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Id love it as well honestly
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It's not as glorious as you think, most of the time it's not so bad but sometimes it's just outright ridiculous with what people say to each other over a game
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Can you disable it? Because if you can’t, I don’t want it. This community, for the most part, is horrendous. I don’t want to speak to you. 😂
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I require minerals
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They should just add it, so where I don't need to have my messages set to freinds only because whiners can't deal with me beating them in a video game.
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Only the naive think this would be a nice thing and a good idea.
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I'm perfectly fine not being able to communicate with console players. I don't need more people complaining that I do not follow the survivor's rule book for killers.
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As long as it can be permanently disabled I don't see why not.
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Probably yeah.
I hate it too,because there were so many matches where i would have lived to compliment another player for a good match or good play they've made.
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No but PC-players should not have a chat, then everyone wins.
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Yeah no. That would be awful.
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With the chat filter being announced yesterday, I feel like chat for console is likely coming.
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Also, what’s so appealing about being able to say “GG” to somebody? It’s literally just two letters. Why is it so important?
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if they want get less people banned.
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With a PS5 it's a lot easier and faster to type things. I'd like cross platform chat
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Its my English genes, being polite and kind is kinda nice
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it would take too long to write messages out, but ig it would be fun!
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ok satan
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I can type pretty fast on series x
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I want to devour salt. It fuels me.
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i have a ps4 and its hard to type with the pad so idk what its like on series x, but it could happen