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Nurse Tips?

Dark41 Member Posts: 22

Any tips on using the Nurse?


  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    Trying stocking up on the plaid flannel add-on because its really good for beginners to help them gaige where exactly they are blinking to.

    also when blinking after a survivor, try blinking in front of them because blinking takes a second and blinking directly behind them will leave you out of reach to hit them. Also a

    Another thing, as Sally, 3 gens are extremely powerful especially on indoor maps as you can blink between floors and gens and with plaid flannel you can see where to point in order too traverse floors and cut survivors off.

    As for beginner perks, bitter murmur is good on nurse if your patrolling gens but then one gets completed allowing you to quickly blink to them and stop them.

    Lastly, if possible, try to hook survivors in hard to reach areas like the basement or a 2nd floor, or on a hill because not all survivors use balanced landing but you yourself can always blink downward to insta-hit them since there's no penalty.

    Oh yeah one last thing (I promise), it'll take some practice but you can actually swing right before fatigue sets in so that you don't have to look down after blinking, it's kinda hard to time though, so it needs practice, but I believe you can get there, just be patient, hope this helps! Sally and Philip say hi!

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    edited February 2021

    Tl;dr guide by @nursewannabe

    SupaAlf nurse guide:

    regarding advice posted by @Thunderous_670 :

    1) do not blink in front of people. Your 2nd blink should ideally go inside your target, more or less.

    2) Fatigue cancellation has been recently acknowledged as a bug (using it is not bannable, so dw); presumably it's getting patched rather soon. Investing time into learning it right now seems suboptimal.

    Random pieces of info/advice:

    -you can aim a bit upwards when blinking to guarantee maximum blink range (as long as there is no actual 2nd floor around your location)

    -if your sensitivity is high enough, you can rise your pov during fatigue to negate fov restriction, but you'll have to turn back down once fatigue ends - otherwise you'll find yourself staring into the sky

    -you can rotate your camera during blink

    -using single blinks is the fastest way to traverse the map; only use 2nd blink to actually hit ppl

    -if you M1 immediatly after blinking, your lunge range is reduced. It is a mechanical limitation unique to nurse and hag. Waiting an extra fraction of a second neglects this effect as you get enough time to build momentum for a full lunge speed

    -don't copy perk builds from the very best nurse players, you'll need 2-3kk hours for m&a+deerstalker+nurse's to become an optimal perk set for you. Use something less sophisticated like bbq, corrupted, sloppy+nurses, IF, ruin+undying, ruind+haunted, devour hope+undying, whispers and so on. Nurse is a flexible killer perk-wise; find what you are most comfortable with.

    -dropped pallets are your friends: they guarantee you hits on survivors stuck in animation; don't break them

    -FL is supposed to lightburn nurse preventing her from blinking, but due to latency/desync/bugs it does not work as it should (and never did); don't be specifically scared of flashlights

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Lmfao how do u still have this? xD

    Also uhh i cringe every time i see supalf's name. Don't get me wrong he's good but abuses fatigue cancellation and overall plays in a disgusting way too verse :/

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    I kept your drawing as a great example of short, comprehensive and yet very important gameplay advice.

    SupaAlf's guide is OK. Gameplay-wise it's more reasonable to watch unknown eastern streamers found through leaderboards, imo.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    The absolute best advice for Nurse players is this: Use the first blink to get close to a survivor and the second to go in for a hit.

    Afterwards, you then want to master your muscle memory with her.