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blight cloth fixes, and an unfixed lighting issue on lerey's estate

TM_The_Shape Member Posts: 14
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

some issues ive noticed on blight, my favorite killer, in the cloth physics department, maybe the always wonderful art/design team can fix it at some point?

for the 'sophisticated slaughter' skin, the 'mangled tailcoat' has the tailcoat draped around something invisible behind him, been this way since blight's launch, i like the outfit but i dont wear it for this purpose, its an eyesore.

for his 'true blight' skin, the cloth draping around his legs is constantly clipping through his left leg, though with the angle everything is at this might not be so easy of a fix...the placement of the dripping serum looks like it might've been an attempt to cover it up, so not a big deal really...

as for the doctor's of the tiles has its shadows turned 90 degrees, its usually a pallet tile, plants on either side of the pallet, and chairs. this has been there since the map's rework.

the last picture isnt previewing because i couldnt paste it for some reason, hopefully you're able to see the issue there..

just small fixes, i hope, nothing the art team can't handle im sure since they've done a great job so far.

EDIT: oh right! i just remembered, in that first pic you can see an animation issue with blight's hand, it goes to that weird loose pose sometimes, but thats only in menu.

another issue is in first person, if stunned by a pallet while doing your rush recovery animation, the syringe will be stuck stabbed into your wrist until your next recovery animation. it may also happen if stunned mid lunge from a lethal rush? im not positive.
