DC Penalty: Game Should Be Able To Tell A Crash From A DC

I frequently crash during games, which often leaves me with increasingly longer undeserved penalties. Right now I'm sitting on a 6 hours penalty - longest it's ever been - because I crashed 4 times today (which also got me 2 one hour penalties plus a 30 minutes one that was already long because of previous crashes). This is quite upsetting, to put it mildly, there should be a way for the game to recognize when someone is genuinely crashing and someone is actually disconnecting. There's a difference between someone disconnecting because they're angry and clicked the 'leave mach' button and someone who is about the leave a game where no one got hooked (genuinely happened to me) and the gates are powered and the game even kept them in that awkward walking-to-nowhere animation because they were actually still playing.

The DC penalty is a good thing, but it should work properly and not punish genuine crashes. You're already losing a lot by crashing, your item, your points, your offering, the rest of the match's time, and if you're playing with a team, they're being robbed of your help for abritrary reasons and the killer is also robbed of a survivor - which can be very bad if there's some special mechanic attached to them like stalking or an obsession perk of some sort - but if it also gives you a penalty for something you didn't ask? Then it's doing more harm than good.

The people here and there who dc once in a while every other day and collectively ruin games get 5 to 15 minutes each - a slap on the wrist -, me who doesn't do any of that gets 6 hours.


  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    IIRC the game can already sort of tell. If someone quits via LEAVE MATCH there's the "death gong" and their body remains in the trial until they leave the lobby. In the event of a lost connection there's no noise and the survivor vanishes.

    At least it used to be that way. I know for a while the DC sound effect used to never play on leaving the match but it seems to be back.

    One issue though is if lost connections don't punish you whatsoever, survivors might start pulling the internet cable when they want to DC to ensure they get no penalty. I remember back in the days before dedicated servers survivors would actually do this to save their items and BP. (Since the killer used to be the host, killing the connection would make the game think the killer DC'd)

    I think the penalty could be improved a little bit though. But you have to keep in mind if it punishes less harshly for crashes/lost connection survivors might start killing the game via task manager or disabling their internet connection to avoid the penalty.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    Its too easy to trick, IRC if i close with task manager it will be seen as a crash, otherwise there are programs that can crash applications.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    You can leave by Alt+F4, and as @Yatol said, you can also leave by using the task manager, it's impossible to know if the crash is a alt+F4, a kill task, or a real crash.

    Anyway, currently the game doesn't crash as often as mentioned in the post. Take a look on your computer config (hello bad custom overclocking), or check/repair the game.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,785

    Not true for console, crashes are quite common. I restart my Xbox after every 3-4 matches to bandaid issues like this we've been dealing with for years. Restarting also mitigates the fps drops some, but no one should have to work around stuff like this.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Oh yes sorry, I totally forgot the console situation. I don't know anything about it. :x