Ash Perk Rework Idea

Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Although I love Ash as a character as well as his perk concepts, I do have some ideas for buffs/changes to his perks:

Mettle of Man: Taking 1 protection hit grants the user the "Endurance Effect" instead of taking damage, has a cool down of 120/100/80 seconds and taking protection hits grants 1 token up to 5 tokens for increased healing speed by all survivors to heal you including you. (You get healed faster)

1st Token: +30% healing speed for anyone who heals you (including yourself)

2nd Token: +35% healing speed,

3rd Token: +40% healing speed,

4th Token: +45% healing,

5th Token: +50 Healing speed and 25 bonus blood points in all categories.

Buckle Up: You can see the recovery progress of survivors by the intensity of their auras up to a distance of 40 metres, also survivors in the dying state within 40 meters of you crawl 50% and are healed 30/%40%/50% faster but only by you. After healing, both you and your teammate can see the killer's aura for 10 seconds.

Flip Flop: Up to 50%/75%/100% of your recovery progress whilst in the dying state is converted into wiggle progress upon being picked up. You also decrease your overall wiggle time by 4%/8%/12% while Flip-Flop is equipped.


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    This Mettle of Man will be heavily abused, with no counterplay... just imagine killer carrying survivor, who blocks the hook.

    Killer is forced to hit, then survivor sabotages hook, but still has full health.

    Like... mettle of men needed 3 unhooks, to be active and it was too powerful... and you give it only a cooldown of 80 seconds...

    Buckle up... still weak, usually when you heal someone from the dying state, he is already mostly done.

    Flip flop...


    1. 50% of maximum with 100% conversion will make it already pretty strong for anti slug builds, the problem with 100% conversion is that, it will be insane with a perk, that allows you to throw pallets, while being carried.
    2. Decrasing overall wiggle time will create many dead spots, where killer can just look at you while you are bleeding out, on some maps such dead spots already happen. This effect alone will make any perk straghtforward broken

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    Although I'd suggest mad grit as a direct counter to mettle of man, it is still unreliable since there's no guarantee that someone would even bring m.o.m, although it'd be impossible for a survivor to sabotage hook since they would still be interrupted and I think that m.o.m being op now is pretty questionable, as a rank 6 killer, I have only seen someone use m.o.m four times vs me seeing adrenaline, bt, or ds nearly every single game, and I have Ash myself, but it certainly doesn't feel op, it kinda feels under-powered if anything, it's too much punishment for a such reward especially if someone is downed next to a hook,

    Also my idea for the cool down was to keep it somewhat close to "by any means necessary" and dead hard; allowing someone to be flexible but also not having it active at the same time as others, and gens regularly take 80 seconds anyway, at least by yourself (which is the optimal strat for higher ranks). Besides, that single protection hit probably won't stop the killer from hooking them, not unless the hooks are far away or everyone bodyblocks but then no one would be doing gens and just gets injured so it kinda balances out in a sense.

    As a killer main, I would see something besides the meta perks be used, m.o.m could b one of them.

    As for buckle up, I know it's still kinda weak, but the whole point was to keep the perks at least somewhat balanced when put together and with the buff I'd give buckle up is I intend for people to use buckle up bravely; specifically against slugging killers which I understand can be annoying if done unnecessarily. I suppose though, making buckle up a kindred for downed survivors in a 10/15/20 meter range could be an interesting buff, but I also kept the healing speed somewhat low so that it doesn't overshadow WGLF from David which is not what I want nor intend.

    Lastly for Flip-Flop, that's the point, it's supposed to be a lot more powerful than right now and heavily punish killers who love slugging and hopefully make boil over relevant in the process, and the wiggle time decrease is to help counter Iron Grip and again (make boil over a relevant pairing without making boil over obsolete).

    Another thing, the name of the perk where you drop pallets while being held is called Power Struggle from Elodie and the thing is, with the way power struggle is designed and how it pairs up with the current flip-flop, you still get to drop pallets you stay around if you recovered for even a short amount time with unbreakable (again that takes up 3 perk slots for it to work properly).

    So I honestly don't see it being op flip flop doesn't make you recover faster nor does give you the ability to fully recover from dying state: it still needs to be paired with at least one other perk to reach most of it's potential, but not needing three anymore which was just ridiculous and a meme build I almost never saw on higher ranks. So no, I don't think this flip flop is op; especially when compared to the survivor meta which can easily be used individually without pairing other perks together like DS or unbreakable, which although they can synergize with others, are still extremely powerful on their own, and can still be abused regularly by players of any skill level.

    At last over all, the main point of the rework idea is to actually make Ash's perks relevant and not be meme perks in no-mither builds or wiggle builds, as a killer main, i am so sick and tired of seeing the same perks because it makes this game feel so repetitive, I have plenty of buffs for killer and survivors perks alike, I think its bout time the other perks get some love, and not just nerfing the actual meta perks into the ground. Hope this helps, thanks for reading!

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    The suggested Mettle of Man change would be way, way too powerful. Bear in mind that even in its current state, the problem is SOLELY that taking 3 protection hits in one match is very unlikely to happen. The actual effect, entirely ignoring one of the Killer's attacks, is crazy powerful.

    The Buckle Up change is the best out of all of these, but it doesn't really solve the Perk's problems, just throws more buffs at it. (Personally, what I would want is if you heal a downed Survivor at all, they gain Buckle Up as a visible buff on their HUD, allowing them to pick themselves up from that Dying State if they need to)

    Flip Flop would essentially be an infinite-use Unbreakable. In fact, if you comboed it with Unbreakable, you could very easily gain the benefits of the 35% increased recovery speed without needing to actually consume Unbreakable. Sure, it doesn't let you pick yourself up, but that doesn't matter at all if the Killer physically can't pick you up without being stunned and you escaping, which is precisely what would happen if 100% progress is converted over. Not only that, but Killers would respond by quite literally slugging Survivors until they bleed out on the floor, because that's their only way to respond to this version of the Perk.

    I'm all for buffing Ash's perks and shaking up the overly rigid Survivor perk meta, but some of these suggestions are being made without serious consideration for the game's resulting balance.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    Well I guess when you put it like that the new m.o.m would be op, so maybe just two protection hits instead just so solo que players can still use it more often, but I still the think the tokens would be a good idea,.

    As for Buckle Up, I guess that perk will always be a little more weak than the other two unless it got a massive overhaul, and I'm not entirely sure I understand what you are trying to say but if you're saying that your flip-flop gives you a free unbreakable, then maybe it could work but I suggestion to add to yours is keep my buffs, add your buff, but then reduce flip-flop's radius to either 24/28/32 meters or 16/20/24 meters. I'm unsure which meter suggestion to use but what I am sure of is that buckle up would easily become a borderline meta perk with this new rework which would be nice to see some different perks be use

    At last for flip-flop, maybe it would be, so I guess it should go 50%/60%/70% instead, so that it still has to be paired up with tenacity if your next to a hook, and/or unbreakable to get that progress up faster (this wouldn't fix it's perk pairing reliance issue though), and I'd still want to keep it's wiggle timer reduction of 4%/8%/12% just to buff it a bit, and if not then give it to boil over as a true counter to Iron Grip.

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    Ya that's pretty over powered I did my own version of buckle up buff I posted. but metal of men is good where its at ,still make good plays with metal of men. And flip flop mady buff it from 50% to 60% but 100% that's to much.

    My version of a buckle up buff was was to keep the ability the same but add one where you get some up out of the dieing state you get healed or you ignore the dieing state when hit for 10 seconds. Think that would make sense with ash sense it can help with metal of man plays.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    These perks can be easily abused with WGLF, unbreakable, mettle of man, and oak offerings.

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    I agree but metal of men I really have no problem with I make metal of men plays a lot. Ones I had two metal of men plays in one game.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    Teach me your ways, I almost never get to use it in solo queue since i'm stuck doing gens when others won't which is frustrating because I actually like this perk but never really get to use it unless I'm in a swf.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    Bro that would make buckle up so much better, almost like bt but for the dying state, but would conflict with soul guard or double it's effects? But if the person you heal is healed to full health then I'm not sure if they'd give buckle up a cool down because while that sounds good, it also kinda sounds op in swf, idk I guess maybe buckle up needs a big overhaul then.

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    The perks I use for metal of men is lucky brack, iron well and self heal. You take a hit for a survivor and run away.than self heal or if you have a med kit it would be faster to heal and have more charge in med kit because of self heal.

    Or desiseve strike,unbreakable, sole gard and metal of men. Get in the why of a killer when hes chasing hurt survivor and let him hit two times two the ground a chans he well keep chasing the survivor than ues sole gard and unbreakable what until the right moment if the killer is geting loop be the the survivor recover in his face and get a nother metal of men hit. If he picks up hopefully some one gets you off the hook take I hit for the survivor if hurt so you can use ds the you get a nother protect hit if not hopefully you still have unbreakable or cerst by a hexs you can get up.this build is risky.

    Here's a nother build metal of men,brack out,unbreakable or flip flop and the one perk that gives you 50% Carling speed and recover while moving.

    Get a tool bucks with a sabitoch speed up equipped and go right under the hook when a survivor is getting carried to the hook and take a hit right after brack the hook then crawl far away and recover. And a chans for the survivor to get away and you if you play it right.

    This take practice. Good luck.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    Thanks man, appreciate it, I never thought of those builds but those sounds really powerful when use properly, I look forward to it!