Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

About linked cosmetics...

There are a few cosmetics in which it makes complete sense for them to be linked and be unable to be set apart, either because of the model conflicting reasons (like nea graff crafter) or due to agreements with collabs (Cheryl and Pyramid Head), but I was wondering if there could be room for someday to separate a few pieces from sets that don't necessarily need to be linked to those? (Think Kate's flower hair or Jane's the goddess muse, which, even when other people glitched them with other outfits they never clipped in or looked odd with them).

I think separating the heads on those and keeping the dress parts forcibly linked together would be very nice, and would give players more options to mix and match! :)

Best Answer

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
    Answer ✓

    Yeah many people have asked for that. Would be a good question for the next Q&A dev stream tbh.