New Survivor will be LGBT



  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    No one has said that, like at all.

    That is very clear idk why you're acting like I'm saying we're being excluded at all...

    I never mentioned a killer camping an LGBT survivor you're literally making stuff up wtaf? also that ######### does happen with minority characters but no one mentioned anything along those lines.

    So to be clear you've thought of three random statements that no one has said and then tried to argue them to me for no reason? NGL it sounds like you're averse to an inclusive survivor just by your attitude.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 205

    I mean, killers are just gonna tunnel and camp even if the character was straighter than a ######### pole. I doubt anyone would be petty enough to tunnel someone because they wear a silly skin (because let's be honest survivors are just skins)

    You really think someone is gonna get worked up over a crossdresser or a trans person or a gay person or whatever the survivor is to tunnel them?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    So do they get more money for using an identity shamelessly (which directly means new/more players) OR will it not bring more players in?

    you are kinda contradicting yourself there.

    btw, in both/all cases: why care at all? It’s not pandering, it’s just adding diversity and expanding the lore. Nothing more. It’s like if the char is being a K Pop idol. Would that also be shameless pandering to K Pop Fans? Or is that argument only valid if concerning LGBT+ topics?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I don’t think the lore and story team fix bugs but anyway

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    I know. But then they should just stand to their opinion and don’t make excuses like it’s hindering the devs to fix the game. That is so ridiculous

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Fair point.

    good thing nothing has been forced here at all. It’s just a guess based on colors. The main traits of this character will not be their sexuality, there have been several Tweets that show an interesting personality/lore that have nothing to do with their sexuality.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Very true but a lot of tlou2 hate came down to Ellie being gay or Abby being too muscular( That doesn’t even make sense they clearly show why)

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    lmao what? people on this forum are on smth today i swear. Sorry that I pointed out that you sound like one of the people that complains about cosmetics for no reason.

    Yes whilst the quality of the game is important so is social progression and inclusion. This is why more companies push for diversity hires nowadays (although its kinda disrespectful only to be hired because of your identity rather than credentials) because people who aren't outside of the predominant community (straight white men) in these situations don't feel overly comfortable in those situations. No one is asking for every single character to become gay or bi or trans or nb or whatever (or autistic seeing as you brought up the spectrum for some reason?). What we want is to be represented because especially in a world with so much discrimination its ######### nice to show that you are seen and you are respected.

    Also it doesn't need to make interesting gameplay. DBD actually has tons and tons of story, shown by the tome and the lore sheets and all the cutscenes. They specifically put in time and money to write this and then later narrate it for the tome sheets. Also balancing and character design and story are not the same area of the team. If you have balance issues or bug issues take that to the balancing team and the bug fixers, not the character design team. Irdk what you mean in relation to anything else you've said with the last sentence (especially since you become about ten times more intellectual in that last sentence alone) but (assuming you are a straight cisgender person because that's certainly what you put across) you have never understood the need or want for representation in the respect of your identity but i think not wanting people not to care about what is being put across to a large community (which is that whilst up to speculation everyone is straight until explained otherwise) is a rather reductive mindset on your part.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Well. Exactly. It shouldn’t matter!

    let the people who are glad for the inclusion be happy. It will literally change nothing.

  • RealKamakaze
    RealKamakaze Member Posts: 117

    I feel like people get excited over the wrong things in this game. Maybe instead of making LGBT Survivors they should fix the endless list of bugs and issues. As I have stated so many times we don't need new survivors or killers we need the game to be fixed. Either way does it really matter if a survivor is LGBT? It's a character is the game and as long as they have good perks, are easy to play as and don't look like the northern lights letting the killer see them from half way across the map who really cares?

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 205

    Mind you, I think going "OH IT'S LGBT INCLUSION" over colors is frankly silly. Does a character wearing a colorful outfit suddenly make them gay or trans?

  • RealKamakaze
    RealKamakaze Member Posts: 117

    No not everything does, most things do though. I mean lets keep it a buck fifty here Dead By Daylight was only created to make money why do you think it's 9000 Iridescent Shards to unlock a character without money? It's wanting you to buy it with your money. I mean if you honestly believe the currency in this game is legit you must be smoking something good. 21000 Iridescent Shards for a character outfit is not a good price or a reasonable one. If they create an LGBT Character it's so people buy it for the reasons you mentioned not so people enjoy the game more. It's a sad truth but I suppose they are running a buggy, unfair & overall broken game, they have to make there money somehow.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    New character will have lore and distinctive traits anyway. The fact a character might be LGBT doesn’t change anything whatsoever. The people working on the lore would be working on lore either way, so might as well not exclude LGBT topics, when we already got plenty of straight relationship mentions where nobody complained btw.

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    While I agree with you and would love an Operation Health, I dont think they are going to be doing that and hopefully they can release this next thing with better quality than the Twins. That being said, its always been a fun thing for me to try and guess what the next thing will be when teasers release. It is like solving a puzzle sort of. I was way off on Twins. But I just felt like I figured out the clues and was sharing my guess with the community for input. That is the point of the post.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Completely agreed. But that’s just speculation, the community already speculated if the char is a KPop idol or a hacker etc.

    no one had a problem with that speculation though..

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531
    edited February 2021

    I find this highly amusing. I never said you're homophobic or transphobic for not agreeing but the way you're trying to argue this situation certainly seems like your averse to the addition of a non straight or non cis character (i never said that this means you are phobic nor that this was 100% the case but that it sounded like it). The only cheap shot is you undermining me and trying to be make it seem like I'm doing that. I can take cheap shots if you want but I'd like to have an intellectual discussion.

    Talking about want/need for inclusion does not imply exclusion. One can be neither included or excluded at the same time. Especially in this situation with what you said about how no one is every specifically said to be straight or cis. Explicit inclusion is certainly more impactful than speculative. Like if you interviewed for a job and you kind of knew you got it but you were never told so you just turned up one day and no one said anything (my analogy is a bit sketchy but its the first thing I thought of).

    Fair enough about the general thought, but whilst it is not a MASS issue it is an issue that happens, specifically in pair with the shockingly common racism in this community. I've run into four separate people over the course of the past months targeting only minority characters. I say only four because they did it explicitly and were racist and pointed it out in endgame chat. In addition to these four there are probably others that did it in subterfuge (maybe idk) and numerous numerous matches where racial abuse has been thrown about in end game chat like it's free real estate for multiple reasons from using smart face on Bubba to using Claudette to just saying gg wp after the match. So yes, not a MASS problem but certainly a problem. In relation homophobic and transphobic abuse is thrown around in endgame very commonly, so to defer from the racism issue people would specifically target minority characters based on their sexuality and gender.

    Now will you continue having an intellectual conversation or are we gonna start taking pot shots at each other?

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 205

    Eh. At the end of the day, what's really the point of all of this "oh Death by SJW unu" or "why are you complaining about LGBT inclusion" stuff? If the devs wanna do the LGBT thing, it's not like they're gonna suddenly retcon it because some people were mad. That and more people tend to be "I just wanna play vidya I'm not interested" (like me) or "oh LGBT rep!" (like you)

    Maybe I don't really get it because I don't usually invest myself in these threads but it's kinda silly when you get down to it?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    The second one got bashed for two main reasons

    1. it’s story( warranted)
    2. Representation( not warranted)

    Gaming critic loved it obviously but just one look at r/tlou2 shows how many people utterly despise this game and not for good reasons.

    Not just LGBT here either a lot of the hate Abby garnered was her physique rather than if she was a bad character or not ( I’ll leave that up to you)

    It did win goty so obviously people liked it but there was a pretty vocal community of people who hated it for it’s “wokeness”

  • RealKamakaze
    RealKamakaze Member Posts: 117

    Right I have no problem with an LGBT Character but for five minutes lets pretend Dead By Daylight isn't a broken game and needs bug fixes more than characters and lets just say this, who really gives a #########? I mean I'm not trying to be rude here but it's a character in a game which you only play based on how easy it is to use and what perks they have. Nobody plays Claudette just because she's black they play her because she blends in with literally anything on most maps making her incredibly easy to use not to mention the Self-Care and Empathy perks. If people use this character they will use it based on perks and how easy they are to use. I mean if they don't look like a ######### McDonalds billboard at night letting everyone know where they are I will probably use them.

  • RealKamakaze
    RealKamakaze Member Posts: 117

    Thank you! I don't care weather a character in a game is straight, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual or a bloody attack helicopter same as I don't care about the gender, race or religion of a character. Video Games along with Movies, TV, Anime, Books, Comics & Manga should all remain apolitical. Nobody plays a game for it's political message they play it because it's fun (which Dead By Daylight is not because it's broken af)

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Strongly disagree on that.

    personally i play every char, and i dont care if i get represented. But there are many people that do care and they like to play characters that have similar traits as themselves, be it appearance, personality, hobbys, jobs, and yeah sexuality and relationships. Identity. And that’s a completely valid way of playing. Especially in a game where the characters are just skins anyway.

    there was this one fog whisperer that was so happy about the inclusion of Elodie, she said this was the first time she can identify herself with any character in any video game.

  • RealKamakaze
    RealKamakaze Member Posts: 117

    I only joined the Forums a couple days ago and although I haven't played TLOU2 I assume it isn't as good as the original when you create a masterpiece like that it is hard to beat. However if the game is just LGBT Inclusion and that's it without any gameplay or story then it's not a good game if I wanted to see that I would watch the News or go to a protest not play a Video Game.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    It isn’t and tbh the lgbt representation is actually quite small in the story( I won’t spoil it) but people still raged about it like it was the end of the world

    It’s just nice for lgbt people to have a character they can relate to and identify with in both movies and video games .

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,924

    i'm sorry what? is this actually a thing?

    (not being malicious, just curious, cause i have never heard of this term)

  • RealKamakaze
    RealKamakaze Member Posts: 117

    I mean Ellie and Rachel were gay and nobody gave a flying ######### about that in the first one. If people are angry about something in the second one it must be big or offensive in some way, I mean if it's literally just thrown in without any meaning and just to look PC then no that's not good.

  • RealKamakaze
    RealKamakaze Member Posts: 117

    I mean if the new survivor cannot camouflage one bit then your kinda asking to get tunnelled. I try not to tunnel in my games but if I see a Claudette in a bright pink shirt you know who's dying first because you cannot miss them and I'm not just gonna leave someone in the open and let them do generators that would be stupid.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Yeah I think just like the rainbow flag representing LGBT+ in general there are colored flags for representation for e.g transsexuality etc.

    not really invested too much into those topics though..

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited February 2021

    Wait, what political message is it that you're concerned about being added to DBD?

  • 4 people in a month? Where do you live? The deep south?

    I think the game is such a mess right now that people don’t want to see all this hype over sexuality while the game itself needs fixing. As everyone has already said its not the same teams but players are feeling desperate and unheard. People are assuming that they dont want an LGBT character released but if you look back over the past year a lot of players have been saying they don’t want ANY characters or dlc released, they just want the game to receive an operation health style makeover.

    I only came back a few weeks ago from a 3 month hiatus. Earlier last year I took an even longer break. Seeing what they have done with the new maps really saddens me for the future of the game not just because the maps are bad but because we can see that the designers clearly do not understand their own game and are incapable of designing good maps at this point. The new meat plant in particular is so bad that I’m considering uninstalling again because no way am I playing an m1 killer on that map. There is zero gameplay. So when that map comes up I now take a 5 minute timeout or I go afk for 5 minutes....,like either way I’m wasting 5 minutes doing nothing when I could spend those 5 minutes playing a different game and having more fun. Rotten fields was already that kind of map for me, not sure if its because im colour blind making it worse but I physically had to learn forward and squint every game to continue a chase against characters with dark clothing and it gave me eye strain. Speaking of which given Almo’s attitude towards color blind people which was recently made aware to me I wouldn’t expect this company to handle any kind of inclusion your hoping for in a tasteful way. They fixed the maps last year and then ruined them again with the updates. So sad.

    Then we have the bugs. The game it collapsing under the weight of its own bugs and many have been in there for years. They said they fixed the silent survivor bugged and yet its still there so they cant even fix the bugs they claimed they fixed.

    Finally we have the balance which nobody has been happy about for a long time.

    So with players frustration at an all time high, the game just adding more and more bugs to the pile, the developers actually somehow making maps worse everytime they touch them, and just the usual balance issues which have remained for almost 5 years, I think a lot of hype about the sexuality of a character in a game with no sex, no romance. No dialogue, no direct way to interact or communicate with other characters or people is just leaving people fee cynical like the developers are just chasing easy sales and cheap praise rather than doing anything which would take more work. People felt the same when they were adding more licensed killers too, hey the game is a mess but STRANGER THINGS GUYS!! PYRAMID HEAD GUYS!! yeah I really enjoy Pyramidhead but the novelty quickly wears off when you start losing games because of bugs or you have a stressful of boring time because of map design

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Are you sure ? i mean for me the colors are purple and blue which is a common duo of color to use.

    But i wouldn't mind a LGBT survivor, even tho it's already up to everyone to make their opinion on each survivor sexuality and gender ^^ People already create their own canon (Felix x Blight, Zarina being trans, etc i saw many different opinions and ideas) But i think it would be nice to see some diversity especially if the survivor is Asian, i really hope she doesn't end up being a fusion of Kate and Feng :(

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 518

    Meh I dont care much for the survivor either way, other than appearance a survivor really isn’t a big deal to hype up, literally no gameplay changes or anything, just 3 new perks. Would much rather them get hype going for the killer like normal.

  • The game in a nutshell

    Players: We want more licensed characters!

    BHVR: We hear you guys! Here’s Stranger Things and Silent Hill!

    Players: We want more representation!

    BHVR: We hear you guys! We have an LGBT character on the way!

    Players: We want bug fixes!

    BHVR: ......did somebody say something? No? Guess not

    Players: We want less hackers! And better maps!

    BHVR: Crickets

    So not to be cynical but it seems BHVR only hears you if they’re adding something to the game they can SELL you as dlc. Map fixes, bug fixes and a better anti-cheat don’t go up on the steam store with a price tag so we never get them.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    While I for one feel good about an lgbt character (an open one that is) I'm still really concerned about the current state of the game, and since they really won't do health operations since they keep wanting to do them in badly prepared mid-chapter patches, I guess there's just nothing we can do as much as we try to bring the feedback to them.

    I'm just hoping there's no hate threads or posts over the forums.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Yes, those two topics are completely different from one another though.. it wasn’t brought up when people speculated if the character might be a KPop idol or a hacker of some sort.

    I don’t understand why this is brought up if the topic is LGBT..

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    I wouldn't be surprised if people used it as an excuse. I've been facecamped for playing Bunny Feng before.

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