Six New Perks

These aren't linked to any specific Killer/Survivor ideas, even though they kind of ended up along specific themes. Just fun things to read if you like hypothetical Perk concepts.

Killer Perks

Stay of Execution: If a Survivor is unhooked, and within 10 seconds afterwards would be put into the Dying State, Stay of Execution activates, causing them to instead be put into the Injured state and recieve a 150% movement speed boost for 3 seconds. When Stay of Execution activates, the spared Survivor's hook rescuer is put into the Dying State, and all Generators lose 2/3/4% of their total progression. Stay of Execution does not activate if the activated Survivor's rescuer is already in the Dying State.

Repeat Offense: While carrying a Survivor, you can see their Perks on your HUD underneath your own, as long as Repeat Offense has revealed them. Repeat Offense will reveal 1 of a Survivor's Perks at random whenever you put that Survivor into the Dying State. You also recieve a stacking 3/4/5% Successful Attack Recovery reduction respective to each Survivor, which only activates when you down that specific Survivor. (eg. if you have just downed a Survivor, and you have downed them once before, your attack recovery is 10% shorter. Yes, this stacks up to 100% to completely negate attack recovery on a down, if you've downed that same Survivor twenty times in the same trial)

Hex: Solitary Confinement: You become obsessed with one Survivor. The Obsession cannot see other Survivors or interact with them in any way, and other Survivors cannot see the Obsession or interact with them. This "cloaking" effect blocks aura revealing effects between cloaked characters, and effects that trigger in the proximity of other Survivors. The cloaking effect is halted between Survivors that are in any state causing Entity progression, such as being Hooked. Only the Obsession can see and cleanse this Perk's Hex Totem. If the Obsession changes, former Obsessions can see and cleanse Hex: Solitary Confinement's Totem for 10/15/20 seconds afterwards, after which they will no longer be able to see or interact with the Hex Totem.

Survivor Perks

Eyes On Me: Increases your chances of becoming the Obsession. If you are the Obsession, you start the Trial close to the Killer. When you are Chased for the first time in the Trial, the Killer's aura is revealed to you and all other Survivors for 10 seconds. You percieve the Killer's Red Stain as 50/75/100% larger than normal.

Enlightenment: After blinding the Killer, Enlightenment activates. Beginning to sprint deactivates Enlightenment, and causes you to break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. Causes the Exhaustion Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Enlightenment cannot be used while Exhausted. You do not recover from Exhaustion while running. (NOTE: To specify something that isn't immediately obvious- Enlightenment CAN "activate" while you are Exhausted. It simply will not cause the speed boost and deactivate until you recover from Exhaustion and then start sprinting.)

Absolute Focus: While repairing a Generator with no other Survivors assisting, your repair speed increases by 10%, and you are inflicted with the Oblivious status effect. The Oblivious status effect will persist for 10/7/5 seconds after you stop repairing the Generator or after a Survivor begins assisting with Generator repairs.

So, feedback? I definitely think Solitary Confinement is a really ambitious Perk that almost certainly has a gigantic issue with some Perk synergies that I'm just not seeing, so I'll be interested to see if people can theorycraft a way to break that Perk's balance. Absolute Focus increasing solo gen repair speed also has worrying potential that might be a problem. If these Perks were in a Chapter, would you be excited to use any of them, or do you think they'd suck or destroy the game balance?


  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    I think my favorite perks you gave out were stay of execution, and absolute focus, although I'm unsure if stay of execution would work in higher ranks since people love borrowed time, and with absolute focus, I would totally run this perk in solo queue to rush gens since others are probably hiding or rescuing each other, and not being able to hear the terror radius makes it scarier for me when I'm on gens which is a plus! Great perk concepts, although I think they're better off being universal perks, not attached to a specific character.