Trolls need Immediate Game Punishment

Just had a match where a player spun in circles the entire game and did nothing else until the end game. I opened the exit gates and the killer got me and hooked me. This player came to unhook me, stood there for about 30 seconds... and then acted as they were to unhook me, but kept on stopping the process. So the unhooking process was started but stopped over and over and over. I finally just let myself die. As a result, I did not enjoy the match and my daily was not completed.
I mean it was so frustrating. I think if certain actions are half-started so many times, that player should automatically die like if the timer runs out at the gates or maybe get placed on a hook themselves but lose the ability the be saved.
Spinning and tea bagging... fine. But intentionally ruining my experience by being a total asshat like that is not okay and something needs to be in place to punish players that do that kind of thing.
report and move on.