New Clown is fun, but a few adjustments would be nice...

I actually do think new Clown is pretty strong, and his new buffs have really solidified his identity as a killer who is all about chasing and routing survivors. He is now clearly stronger than Freddy in a chase, as you can't just abandon the loops as easily like you do against Freddy's snares.
The only thing I dislike is how clunky it feels to swap between bottles. I have had many times where I wanted to chuck an antidote ahead of me to catch up to a survivor, but accidently toss a tonic instead, and vice versa. And if I want to chuck more than one type of bottle at a loop, I have to wait for the cooldown, then swap, and finally I can throw my other bottle, which will still do the job but it feels sluggish.
I understand the cooldown between bottle throws, but switching between the bottle types should be instantanous imo. This would promote more tactically play with his bottles and make Clown feel more fluid overall.
I also think that his bottles should have seperate ammo. Having only 4 bottles really discourages creative use of his bottles as you really want to hold onto them, so giving him 4 of each type would really help to making kyou want to use either bottle more.