Killer idea: The Ginosaji!

The most horrifying weapon ever is in his hands! The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon! The spoon!
He hits you over, and over, and over! Leaving ... bruises! Maybe knocking out a tooth!
He cannot be killed! He cannot be escaped!
Think you can break his spoon? He has more!
Think you can run? He can throw the spoons!
Woe to his obsession! He is constantly upon them! Hitting them! With his spoon! At the generator! In the closet! Before, and after vaults! At the gate! After escaping!
His power is to have complete awareness of where all the survivors are, and can instantly teleport to them with a surprise attack!
He even comes with Survivor, Jack Cucchiaio!
For everyone who don't understand what this guy is talking about
Post edited by Rattman on2 -
And to complete the picture, "Cucchiaio" means "spoon" in Italian.