Just a few from a survivor main.

I think either killers need to be at the same pace or just slightly faster than the survivor, not 20% faster. Or if you won't change the killer's speed then you should take away bloodlust. Good killers don't need bloodlust or don't even make it to bloodlust when they catch the survivor.

I'm sure this can't be implemented into the core game but the killer should not be able to see survivor items in the pregame lobby. This gives the killer an unfair advantage to see what the survivor is bringing and can make adjustments (like if they can see a key they can switch to franklins to make them lose the key or if survivors have med kits they can switch to nurses calling). Or survivors should see who the killer is so they can make changes.

There should be a barebones playlist. No perks/items/addons. Just survivors and a killer. That could make the game a bit more challenging for both sides and no one can complain about items or iridescent add ons.

A thought on the dark mist. So I don't like that it only creates little clouds of mist on the ground. It should be a continuous fog or change the item to darken the map.

Struggling on the killer's shoulder. Seriously who thinks that this is fair? A killer main? It should be reduced severely. I shouldn't be carried halfway across the map (without Iron Grasp) to be hooked. We have all had so many close calls or times where that bar was filled up but still got hooked. If you won't decrease the time of struggling then reduce the amount of hooks or increase the distance. There should be a fighting chance for a survivor to wiggle free. Unless you are an idiot killer or teammates take hits then there is no wiggling free. I'm not saying it should be one sided like it is now but it should be fair. There is no instance where I've been downed and was able to wiggle free because the closes hook was far away.

Bubba's ######### mode. I don't know if this would get bleeped or flagged but you all know what I am talking about. This is highly unfair. Bubba can swing that chainsaw halfway across the map. Once he starts there is no stopping. I have tried numerous times while hugging walls and obstacles to get him to hit his chainsaw. Doesn't work. I think he needs a major nerf to where he only has a few charges or even the slightest tap on an obstacle or a wall stops him.

So while I have being hit by a killer on my mind I don't think a killer should be able to hit you on the other side of a window. You're telling me Pyramid Head can swing that blade through a window?

I know how toxic this community can be so keep your ignorant comments to yourself. I don't need to "git gud" or "play something else". All feedback helps the game. Good and bad. The developers need to hear our words and make this game fun and fair again.


  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144

    If you took this as bait then you are the fish on the hook

  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144

    Please state your case. Otherwise please see yourself out.

  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144

    One thing I forgot to add is that if the killer won't be slowed down then take away that stupid/unfair lunge

  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144

    Being a killer is too easy. Being a survivor is very challenging because you are being chased by a fast killer that has probably casted some kind of status effect on you. I play killer very frequently to get bloodpoints and complete challenged. 9/10 I eventually let my survivors escape (after being hooked twice) because of the unfair advantage I have against them.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I actually agree with some of the things you said, (Having a mode with no perks, add-on's, items. Dark Mist offerings getting reworked) But holy ######### you need to play more killer.

    Reducing killer movement speed? Making survivors struggle out faster? Nerfing Bubba? My guy, do have some screws lose?

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Those suggestions for Bubba are kinda already in the game.

    His chainsaw has three tokens, which he burns to start his chainsaw sprint or keep his sprint going if he times it right. When the sprint stops, he goes into an exhausted state like the Nurse after she blinks.

    If he touches anything or revs his chainsaw for too long he goes through an abusively long "tantrum" period where he moves at about 1.2 m/s, but any survivor who gets too close to him is instadowned due to him waving his chainsaw around wildly.

    His main counter is windows. That's it. If he's revving his chainsaw, just run to the nearest vault space. He can't do anything but wave his chainsaw while sprinting, so he'll have to either try to run all the way around and burn all his tokens, run into the window to try and saw you while you're vaulting at the cost of entering a tantrum, or just cut his losses and wait out his sprint in order to chase you better.

    Keep in mind that a good Bubba knows his own weaknesses, and he'll try to scare you into vaulting early by starting his chainsaw (often while waiting on the other side).

    I know these mainly because my mains are Bubba, Ghostface, and Pyramid Head.

    Speaking of which, it would be extraordinarily irritating if vault spaces blocked attacks like a full wall. That would allow survivors to stand literally inches away from the killer and be perfectly safe, giving them yet another safe way to T-bag the killer who is seconds away from uninstalling the game and making survivor wait times just a little bit longer still.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    It's in the word

    It's stupid

    Without base


    Not well though out

  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144

    I play Killer enough to know how unbalanced things are. I wouldn't have stated my opinion if I didn't. I educate myself with experience before I put my two sense in.

  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144

    Thanks for the advise. Next time I will spell everything out for you kids.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    This might be the funniest post I've seen on the forums in my time here.

  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144
  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I came here for the information and left with humour seeing that you were sincere.

  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144

    Some of you are what's wrong with community. We are all here for the same reasons. Killers and Survivors. We are here to have a good time, make the game challenging for the other side, and give feedback, whether positive or negative, to the developers so they can bring more balance in future updates.

    I laugh when people come into a thread and start attack or just being plain toxic. Don't bring your negativity, bring constructive criticism or great counter arguments. That's what this is all about

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    lmao ok yeah i'm totally the kid, whatever helps you sleep yada yada...

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    You really think it's unbalanced that killers are faster than survivors? What you're suggesting would literally make killer unplayable.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited March 2021

    Outside of perks or powers, no killer is 20% faster than Survivors. Most are 15% faster. Huntress, Slinger, Hag, and Spirit are 10% faster. Tier 1 Myers is 5% faster. Now... what I want to know is, have you ever attempted to force a chase as Tier 1 Myers? 8 times out of 10 it won't work well. The times it does work, you can clearly see it happened because Tier 1 Myers is 100% undetectable so they had no idea which way you were going around the loop and literally ran into you. If all Killers got nerfed to 105% speed, they would need some ridiculously crazy buffs to balance that out. As for removing Blood Lust, they did test that one weekend. Honestly it kinda sucked. Not for the reasons you might think though. During that weekend, so many survivors were just holding W basically forever.

    Ok, here's the thing. Between 4 Survivors, you have enough perk slots and items slots that you can theoretically bring anything you might need to counter any Killer. The killer has only 4 perk slots to work with and can't even swap killers anymore. The Killer simply can't just bring everything he might need... so he gets to see what the Survivors are bringing since he can't counter everything. As for the Survivors seeing what Killer it is... HELL NO. There are a lot of Killers where 1 single perk or item that royally messes with them. That would single handedly kill almost any semblance of Killer diversity. All stealth killers will get 4 spine chills. All Hags and Wraiths will get 4 flashlights. Trapper will get a dude with Small Game and a trap tracking map every game (or an OoO user). Does literally any of that sound fun to you?

    I personally wouldn't want to play in a Barebones queue, but assuming the game's player numbers could support it, I wouldn't be opposed to that.

    Eh... so I do agree that the Fog offerings are garbage. However, you know what is ridiculously not fun? Losing because the maps are way too dark to see the Survivors. When that happens, it doesn't feel like you got outplayed or just did poorly... it feels like the game was actively keeping the information you need to actually play the game from you.

    Struggling on the Killer's shoulder is fine the way it is. Outside of a mistake on the Killer's part, Flip Flop, Boil Over, or Body Blocks, it should be just about impossible to get yourself out of that situation. If it was easy to get out of that, Killers would just slug you and let you bleed out which honestly sounds way more boring for both sides. However what that mechanic does do is make it so the Killer can't just put you into the basement from literally anywhere. I honestly think you've misunderstood the purpose of that mechanic.

    As someone mentioned, Bubba already works that way.

    Why would a window with literally nothing in it prevent a killer from swinging their weapon through it? If you are close enough to a Killer that they could theoretically pat your head, what is essentially a waist high wall between you two wouldn't prevent him from stabbing you irl, so why should it in this game? Honestly the fact that you can hit over/through windows and the picket fences on Haddonfield is a fantastic bit of realism.

  • canakavian
    canakavian Member Posts: 25

    OK, killer main here. A few thoughts on what you wrote.

    I think either killers need to be at the same pace or just slightly faster than the survivor, not 20% faster. Or if you won't change the killer's speed then you should take away bloodlust. Good killers don't need bloodlust or don't even make it to bloodlust when they catch the survivor.

    Reducing Killers speed needs balancing on survivors side as well. Lithe, sprint burst and balanced landing need to go then or they would be getting too strong. Removing fast vaulting as well. Fast vaulting generally is in the advantage of the survivor in strong loops and gyms. About bloodlust: It is true good killers do not need bloodlust to hit you, but then again not every killer has the same ressources. Removing bloodlust would impact some killers more than others.

    I'm sure this can't be implemented into the core game but the killer should not be able to see survivor items in the pregame lobby. This gives the killer an unfair advantage to see what the survivor is bringing and can make adjustments (like if they can see a key they can switch to franklins to make them lose the key or if survivors have med kits they can switch to nurses calling). Or survivors should see who the killer is so they can make changes.

    The more medpacks I see, the less incited I am to actually bring Nurses, fast heal speeds mean lower chances of me getting reliable Nurses value, but that is another discussion. First thing would be to remove keys since they alter how the game is played. No keys, less variance and less need to know the items. Lore wise it would make sense that he sees what survivor is in game, what cosmetics they have and what items. Basically the entity shows the victims to the killer. The only item that really makes me alter my gameplay is keys. No item makes me change my perks in lobby, it only might make me change an addon. Seeing a lot of medpacks as example does not make me bring sloppy suddenly, especially when I am playing a non M1 reliant killer. Knowing the items has just small impact. Example seeing several toolboxes gives me knowledge that a 3-gen setup can be less effective, but that only comes into play if there is a 3-gen setup, but by then I will have seen the items on the survivors anyways.

    There should be a barebones playlist. No perks/items/addons. Just survivors and a killer. That could make the game a bit more challenging for both sides and no one can complain about items or iridescent add ons.

    Nice idea. I actually like that one.

    Struggling on the killer's shoulder. Seriously who thinks that this is fair? A killer main? It should be reduced severely. I shouldn't be carried halfway across the map (without Iron Grasp) to be hooked. We have all had so many close calls or times where that bar was filled up but still got hooked. If you won't decrease the time of struggling then reduce the amount of hooks or increase the distance. There should be a fighting chance for a survivor to wiggle free. Unless you are an idiot killer or teammates take hits then there is no wiggling free. I'm not saying it should be one sided like it is now but it should be fair. There is no instance where I've been downed and was able to wiggle free because the closes hook was far away.

    Firstly it is an exaggeration that it is across half the map without agitation/iron grasp. If you bring that argument, you need correct data, example how much you actually can transport someone across the map. First thing that comes to mind when I hear people suggesting to reduce the wiggle timer to break free: remove sabotage. If you significantly reduce the distance you can carry a survivor, then sabotage gets so much stronger. At the moment you already have an issue when survivors sabotage a hook just in front of your face and generally it is more often impossible to get to another hook in that instance before the survivor wiggles free. This would also impact some maps more. Some maps have bad hook placements, example Hawkins, where you see a hook close by and it is behind several walls and turns and dead ends. This would require extreme rebalancing on every hook in basement challenge. Next point here is that there is slowdown like attempted flashlight saves and bodyblocking. They can easily cost several seconds when transporting a downed survivor. Reducing the wiggle timer a lot, then those slowdowns would need to be addressed.

    So while I have being hit by a killer on my mind I don't think a killer should be able to hit you on the other side of a window. You're telling me Pyramid Head can swing that blade through a window?

    He can stab it through. Lore wise he was able to stab it through walls as well and that was not implemented. This argument uses realism to vent, despite a lot of things not being realistic. Why not mention as well that survivors jumping all the time out of the second floor and never twist their ankle? Also getting hit by a chainsaw and not die and be healed in seconds. Hitting through a window at arms length is realistic. You also used Pyramid head with an oversized weapon. You think Clown would not be able to slash through a window and arms length with his knife?

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Another post that's essentially change certain things about this game because I don't like them and they're challenging for me and I want to play on easy mode