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Legion is in Desperate Need of a Buff/Rework

For a very long time now, Legion has been one of, if not the worst killer on all of Dead by Daylight. His add-ons are very weak for the most part and he has one of the least threatening powers. I feel like if they’re going to buff them, they need to do something about the deep wound status effect itself. However, I believe they would benefit much more from a complete rework, preferably one that incorporates that there are four of them into their power.


  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    As a Legion main, he is far from being the worst killer in the game. I agree he could get some small buffs, but he's nowhere near as bad as you make him sound.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,349

    His power is good at stalling survivors. It may not be lethal, but it is harder for survivors to finish gens when they need to mend periodically. Add in gen regression perks like Pop or Ruin and you can easily keep gens from being finished. Plus the killer instinct is good at keeping tabs on everyone.

    Legion could use some simple buffs like removing the power bar loss on M1 hits and reducing the fatigue duration would help a lot.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    I don't believe Legion is the worst if he's played well and you play to his strengths

    He's one of the (if not THE) best anti-heal killers in the game, has some of the best anti-stealth and with the right build(s) a good legion can make the game hell for survivors. He basically can cut a chase in half by getting the first hit extremely quickly. I think survivors are more prone to messing up while they are injured.

    That being said, his biggest weaknesses are survivors who don't heal and survivors who avoid each other like the plague (no pun intended). His power does nothing to help him in chase, that's a given.

    Most survivors think he is boring to face, though. Mending isn't fun, neither is the killer stabbing you then going after someone else. Completely subjective though of course

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,771

    100% agreed on the need for a complete rework. I hate their power. It's simultaneously frustrating to use (because it's very weak against decent teams) and frustrating to play against (because all you do all game is take free hits it Frenzy and hold M1).

    I'd like to see deep wounds phased out entirely, with the possible exception of BT. I think it's just a terrible, boring mechanic.

  • phyphrus
    phyphrus Member Posts: 67

    I think he would be so much better if the fatigue time wasn't ridiculous