MMR idea

zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

this is going to be a way to average multiple different scores/ ranks that players may have to get a correct balance to ensure close, well balanced games

so for survivors it could be pretty simple:

whatever rating they get can be multiplied by a modifier based off of how many survivors are queued together.

for example solo q could be .75, 2 man could be 1, 3 could be 1.5 and 4 could be 2 the idea being a survivor is only capable of fully playing to their strengths if they are playing with at least 1 other person in q and if they are playing in a full 4 man they are expected to win much games again much more skilled opponents than they would be able to beat in solo.

for killers:

many killers are very similar in baseline play in that playing Myers for 1000 hours will make much better with other killers this is because Myers has the most basic killer gameplay in the game. if you play myers well you likely know exactly how to chase, cut off, play pallets, moonwalk and the rest. therefore if you are at rank 1 with myers you could likely hold your own at red ranks if you played a similarly basic killer such as freddy, ghostface or trapper.

each killer would get unique as well as common %'s to help the game determine how good you would be will each killer. commons might include: snowball, stealth, range, planning(traps) and quick reaction time (deathslinger, hag and oni for quick flicks and taps)

myers might look something like: 50% baseline, 20% snowball, 20% stealth and 10% unique to myers

huntress might look like: 30% baseline, 50% range, 10% snowball and 10 % unique to nurse

nurse might look like: 10% baseline, 20% snowball 20% mobility and 50% unique to nurse (meaning if the game thinks you will win red rank games if you played a stealth killer, mobility killer and baseline killer but think if your first nurse game the game would place you among rank 10's)

tell me what you think of this


  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
    edited March 2021

    How about high ranks can rot in their eternal lobby simulator, unable to de-rank troll via the swf exploit or just regular de-ranking because once they achieve it they are locked into their rank . . . for ever . . . so they don't get to spew corrosive acid all over our new player base foundations slowing killing the game one match at a time. That sounds fair =D

    I know I know some of these dinosaurs actually enjoy stomping all over the new player base to the detriment of the health, well being and future of their -own- game. I know it shows next to zero foresight and an extremely limited capacity for intellectual and cognitive reasoning but there you go.

    Post edited by Tricks on
  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    Jt feels like they silently released an mmr this patch. Scott jund made a vid on it and I think its accurate.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    i just finished watching his video and went back to the forums to see your comment. the hive mind cometh