What does everyone think of the new killer and survivor?

I think they are cool. the killer is pretty cool and I think people are exaggerating when they go oh since he is kpop this makes it "not a horror game" because personally I never found this game as a horror game. but anyway both perks on both sides are really good, especially on the survivor side.
Survivor's design is neat, and her backstory is interesting. Her perks are whatever, nothing groundbreaking.
Really dislike the Killer's design, but I enjoyed reading through his backstory. His perks have decent potential, and I think his power feels really fun to play as.
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lots of memeing potential, but that's it
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I S2 James Charles.
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These are uber-first impressions so the community's settled thoughts will likely be quite different.
Survivor is fine. Nothing exceptionally good or exceptionally bad. A new Exhaustion Perk option is always good, I think a lot of people underestimate how Head On has improved the game's health. I do like how they've tried to approach the idea of Perks around the idea of a "selfish" Survivor playstyle.
The Trickster needs to be split up into a bunch of different thoughts.
- The design is bad IMO. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the idea of a flashy Killer or the basic concept, but I think it's poorly executed. The Trickster very blatantly stands out against the rest of the game's roster with him looking way too "normal". You'd think The Entity's influence on him would've created this interesting dichotomy between his attempts to look flashy and beautiful, combined with the inner evil that's readily apparent once you look closer. Kinda like how the Plague has one side of her face that looks fairly normal, only to reveal the other side that's rotting off her skull. Instead, he's just a BTS member with blood splatters. As a sidenote, I also really don't like his running animation, his blendspaces look pretty weird. (the successful attack animation's dope, though)
- His Perks seem cool. Beefy and likely to add variety to games. Probably the best part of the chapter. I find it very weird that No Way Out exists alongside current NOED, though.
- His Power doesn't seem well done. From the Survivor's perspective, this is a lot like Deathslinger, with zero serious interactivity or counterplay. From the Killer's, Huntress or Deathslinger could provide a very similar experience, but in a more exciting manner that rewards good aim more. There aren't that many scenarios where Trickster can land hits when Huntress/Deathslinger wouldn't also land hits, except Trickster requires way more hits in order to get downs, even if they come out faster.
IMO, they should make his ricochet addon basekit. They can always make other adjustments to try and balance him around this, that's just the base design change I think he needs. This would allow Survivors to think more tactically about where they hide in loops, instead of solely thinking about breaking line of sight, and allows Trickster players to have a much higher skillcap plus gives him a unique selling point other ranged Killers don't have.
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The new killer looks super goofy. His running animations looks incredibly stupid.
His power is Huntress with the counterplay of old Legion. Survivors are gonna love this guy.
I don't have a problem with the survivor at all, I like their design a lot.
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I think the new killer is absolutely fantastic from an art and lore standpoint.
I can totally understand why people wouldn't be into his design, however it think it perfectly encapsulates what they were going for aesthetically (a "trickster", a privileged and charismatic "normal" person who's actually batshit insane,etc).
It's all about deception, which is exactly what you get from this.
He also seems to be a lot of fun to play as and against. I'm looking forward to giving him a shot.
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Survivor looks and sounds great, hate her perks. Love everything about the killer other than the default outfit. His ammo count may be too high balance wise.
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Gameplay-wise I cannot comment on the Killer as I only had one game as a Survivor (not the new one) and no Killer games. Look-wise I dig it. No real comment on the Survivor.
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Really unique and cool.
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Aesthetically, I really like the design of both the killer and survivor. Like, really a lot. But I also think they look a little different from the normal style of the game.
I don't get what about the killer is "trickster" since his power is throwing knives and that's... not really a trick, except in the carnival sense. Their power seems like a cross between Huntress and Plague, but my very first impression is that it's a slightly worse version of both, because the survivors don't get injured on a hit, and they passively lose progress toward injury over time.
I'm waiting to see what I think of the perks.
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The killer is complete garbage.
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I don’t see how he is related to old legion at all.
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He has about as much counterplay as old Legion.
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I like the design of the new survivor and her lore is very interesting, But her perks are awful.
Don't really like the new killer's design because he looks way too "normal" compared to the other killers. His running animation also looks kind of goofy. But I like his backstory and his perks are decent.
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The Trickster looks too bright, tone down his clothing colors and add more scars, tattoos, and wounds to his body so he looks more menacing. The Survivor looks fine.
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Perks look interesting, I'd have to try them out to have any real opinion on them though.
Survivor is just another skin so yeah, not bad not great.
Killer sounds interesting on paper but looks kinda meh play wise we'll have to see, model looks more like a douche at a rave than a dbd killer.
I'm not sure if he wants to murder me or sell me E and do jell-o shots.
Different but rather underwhelming again.
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Seems like a worse huntress tbh. And looks goofy as #########, totally out of place.
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Design - 3/10
Power 9/10
Perks - 7/10
Just not loving the purple hair and humanoid look with bright yellow clothes.
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The only thing I don't really like about him is his color scheme but he seems pretty cool otherwise.
He's full of little details that are just great and I can't get over them lol
Really amazing killer perks too. Smash Hit is great but the other survivor perks seem pretty underwhelming whereas all of Tricksters seem really good.
I can't wait to read both characters full back stories but I can't seem to find them anywhere lol
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Thanks for everyone's response! As I said, I find that dead by daylight has never been a "horror game" and I like when they go for a goofy killer and I find everything just really funny. I have also heard that the game being goofy "ruins the experience" which personally I don't think so {maybe its because I usually play with a group of friends} but I do understand why people think that because it seems like the devs want this to be a horror game so having something like this is out of place. Oh, and can we talk about the mori? it's insanely funny.
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The new killer is a very good looking guy. Although he is not disgusting or looks like a monster, he is still a threat and looks like a real psychopath.
I am pleased with his story and design. one might think that he is not suitable at the moment perhaps because of the maps that do not fit his style. i feel the same way about Yui.
And the new survivor, I'm pretty disappointed to be honest.
She looks very mature and her voice is a little weird compared to the killer who looks very young.
If they had designed her in a slightly different way, a cute face and different clothes, she would have been my favorite.
Since I'm playing as a survivor, her perks are pretty good for solo games.
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I think the killer's appearance was based on Hisoka from HxH.
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Love him. He's new and fresh. While the Twins excited me cause of the little guy gameplay (and kicking him), this guy excites me cause he's fresh and exciting. It's not just another body horror killer with sad/tragic past. It's unhinged and psychological type of horror which isn't highly represented in this game.
I also like that the new Survivor is pretty bad herself in the lore. She figured things out and didn't turn him in cause of her career. She deserved to die in his performance but instead was "saved" by the fog.
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This killer is basically deathslinger but weaker, he can easily down survivors at open loops with short walls by just spamming but a good deathslinger does the same and is faster at it.
btw he needs 8 knifes to hit to injure you, with his piercing + ricochet addons he can do it with 2-4 knifes with luck he is very addon dependent.
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I really want to see the Trickster's mori.
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I mean, the new killer has some of the scariest lore and chase music in the game... but then we get to the design and it's just, ugh.
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I have to find their lore to read it, my opinion is only based on how they look for now.
I love them. Bye.
Seriously, I love how the new Killer looks. The Survivor is fine, but I'm waiting for cosmetics to see if I would like to play her.
About their perks... I don't know... I have to play actually. But they sound interesting to me.
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Not swaggy at all.
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It's like a vibrant and weaker huntress. Honestly I think even Plague might be stronger.
Then again I've gotten only full 5000 hour swear squads on PTB who keep taking map offerings and brand new parts for some ######### reason so it's hard to say if they are really that weak or not just yet.
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I think he's closer to plague where you charge up vile purge and have to hit consecutive amount of knives to infect someone until they lose health state. Like old legion but with skillshot component with more counter-play.
First impression is that it takes too many knives to down survivors. I am not sure how they thought that this 110% killer is competing with killers like... Nurse... Spirit, Huntress in term of power-level. Also the realism of being able to tank 10+ knives to the face is even better. are we facing survivors or super-humans?
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How fast can Trickster launch knives, how far can they go?
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trash. LEGIT garbage in all ways possible I can think of
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Probably my favourite chapter since Halloween.
I C O N I C 👏🏻
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Your first point about the Killer makes nose sense, really.
The Legion exists, so your thoughts on the Entity changing him are rendered moot.
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The killer just feels like a legion to ranged killers.
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Think the killer is a cyberpunk reject and doesn't fit into DBD at all, just by looking at him versus every other killer (Legion is meh as well).
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The knives move quite fast. Maybe a tiny bit slower than Deathslinger's harpoon, from eyeballing it?
I'm pretty sure the range is comparable to Huntress hatchets, maybe a little less. His range doesn't matter that much however, as the purpose of throwing his knives at long range is questionable.
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Not really a look I can get into, but that's why there's a dozen different killers to choose from.
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I don't really care about the new survivor. She seems pretty typical to me.
The new killer on the other hand is rather ridiculous. His power is interesting, but that design just seems strange to me. Not my cup of tea unfortunately.
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I think I lost my respect for the devs. They added James Charles in after he was exposed for being a groomer. Even as a killer, he should not make it into the public game.
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I like the Killer, the only thing I dislike are his clothes I hope he will get some nice stuff in the store.
I don‘t Know if it’s just me but I don‘t really like the survivor because she reminds me a lot of Jane for some reason but again maybe it’s just her default Outfit.
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I tried the killer in the ptb.
I usually play on my ps4, but I have the base game on my notebook. It can't run the game properly and frames are lost...a lot...
played him with just 1 perk because I obviously don't have bloodpoints to use on him.
he is a lot of fun. just throwing the knives is a lot of fun. you can get 3-4 hits on a pallet which usually leads to a health state being taken.
far away hits are cool and all, but it's hard to hit them and the survivor gets a speed boost when they get injured. so I would advise against using long range hits on healthy survivors.
his and the survivor lore are pretty good. him using his victims screams of pain and agony on his music is quite the interesting touch on his story.
Their designs are good.
I would give the chapter an 8 / 10
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Overall kinda disappointed, he feels very out of place due to his animations and constant anime groans and quips. I like the lore and the concept but I think it needs to be toned back a bit, it's very forced.
Post edited by MiniPixels on0 -
I like the Lore of the new Killer. Fits quite well into the game's theme. Not sure about the Power/Perks... they seem a bit too samey and show how packed the game is with Perks already. Did we really need another Ranged Killer?
I do not like his look. First thing I thought was "Is this a Joker license?" He looks really similar to Jared Leto's Joker, and I'm not a fan of that. Taking each piece of the Killer, I think they work fine. I don't mind the bright, flashy clothes since they do fit his background and lore. The weapon is pretty interesting. It gives an anime feel which fits fine with his background. When you put it all together though, it looks more like an action FPS character rather than a horror/slasher character.
The Survivor. Fits in with the theme, works well with the lore of the Chapter, perfectly fine imo. Should be some really interesting outfits for her as well, so that will keep people happy for a time. Perk wise... not sure if any of them will fit into my build(s), but there's some things I could do with them. Nothing OP too, which is nice.
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I love this chapter! I wouldn't consider his design as "goofy" but rather charismatic... He is a lot more child-like compared to other killers and his lore and him losing his marbles fits with his flashy design. Not to mention, ASIAN entertainments (usually Korea) use flashy and vibrant colors and clothes. Yes I'm asian before anyone asks lol.
The survivor is also refreshing and for a default skin... it's really good! Her perks are interesting and it's nice to see another exhaustion perk again.
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What worries me most (said this elsewhere) is how the community will handle things in terms of those that like the new killer vs those that don't.
Because chances are people will celebrate and woobify him, despite him being literally everything (the same) people hate about deathslinger and worse, and what they use to harass deathslinger players/fans. Just watch it happen, i'm taking bets
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The lore is good and I like how closely the new characters are tied together. The perks don't seem game changing (although the new exhaustion perk seems like a upgrade from sprint burst) and they all fill their niche.
The trickster's power seems boring for both sides and I hope it gets changed. It doesn't look like much fun to mindlessly hurl knives until you get enough in / try to avoid them the same way as with every other projectile killer's power. His powerup mode will probably get countered by good old stealth like with Myers/plague/etc and since his terror radius is smaller, infectious fright won't work as well.
I think his designs also a little too normal looking- most of the other 'normal' killers have some kind of corruption like with the trapper's body hooks, but the trickster doesn't have anything but blood. Replace his animations with that of a survivor and I'd never know the difference tbh.
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The killers design is something different but I don't hate it. It's a bit simple which makes it not so horror like to me but that's a personal opinion.
As for the gameplay I just played a few games against him and as him and I can tell you that the experience was just miserable. As killer you take frustratingly long to down people using your ability and when you do get to a point where you could use your ability I found that just giving em a good ol' smack on the head was just a time saver.
As survivor you just feel helpless. He's got the same flaws Deathslinger has when you go against him. Hardly any time to react and to be quite frank it just doesn't matter because he spams it anyways. All short loops suddenly become useless
The gameplay is just so frustrating for both sides...
Also, it's all just so unimaginative... Just another slow killer with projectiles. Nothing really new and I was kinda hoping the devs would come up with an original power.
It's just lackluster.
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This. "add on dependent"... should probably be looked at a little closer in this PTS by the devs. I concur that his base kit is very very weak and the number of required hits are very high. I suggest perhaps the ricochet add-on being part of the base (or at the least a modified version) this will add a level of threat that just doesn't exist as he currently is. Add on top of that the slow-down when the "Main Event" is activated, which goes away or diminishes so fast. Considering the "main event" is the main killer power that is suppose to be uber strong... it really depends on where it's activated. In open areas verses a closed in loop heavy area... Devs pleas review before live release. LOVE THE CONCEPT though.
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Killers power need to be fewer knives to down a survivor. He needs to be a faster killer. You really can use m1 most of the times and the showstopper is very situational. Very map depended, in loops before he can use his power he can m1 because it takes so long. At this point he's not gonna last at any red ranks.
Maybe h's a pure end game killer idk but he just feel abit weak atm