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What does everyone think of the new killer and survivor?



  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I love them! The killer and survivor are both super cool and bring some fun perks to the table. Plus, the killer's aesthetic and power are a very welcome change of pace.

    Plus the wraith buff ooooooghhhh 🤤

  • Member Posts: 59

    The amount of knives for killer seems a little ridiculous, but I guess that's something that (wishful thinking) may be changed after the ptb..

    That being said, he looks quite survivorish, so maybe they justified the former statement from a stealth perspective - like how it's easy for some people to mistake stealthing pig as killer? They expect it to be possible to get close to survivors to make throwing knives easier?

    I haven't played either yet though, so I don't know If that's viable.. just speculation.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    they look interesting.

    the killer especially seems to be something very different, though i cant say that i'd dislike the design. its something unique and i think that they have huge potential in terms of future cosmetics.

    his power is something i actually like aswell. its not the most powerful and i dont think it really justifies being a 4.4 m/s killer (especially when considering that Blight is a 4.6 m/s killer), but its something unique that, as far as ive seen, is both fun to use and verse.

    the Perks are mostly perks that can be combined with others to achieve any real effect on the game, though his Hex: Herd Control seems like a very strong Perk, one that absolutely justifies being a Hex. I am very happy with that one tbh.

    for survivor, she seems a little too loud right now.

    her design is also not all that different to some of the other survivors cosmetics (looking at feng and nea here), yet still unique.

    the perks are mostly centered around your own survival, which is interesting. seems like the devs were trying to push a bit of a more self centered playstyle with this chapter.

    though those are my day 1 thoughts, so they may change a bit further down the line (especially the balance thoughts).

  • Member Posts: 208

    I like his design... Sorta. While I like the devs approach towards this it's done pretty well, however I do wish instead of being shirtless he could wear a furcoat or something. But all in all I like how this went!

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Better than I thought, to be honest! Granted, I'm not a fan of the killer design, but I can see it growing on me.

    However, the perks do add some fun game play. I've read quite a few people talk about No Way Out linked with Blood Warden and NOED, but I also think Starstruck mixed with Mad Grit and Agitation could become the DBD Pain Train!

  • Member Posts: 219

    I find the killer can be semi broken with his perk. If you sum it up in an ideal set of circumstances:

    Perk Remember Me = +16s increased time to open the exit gate

    Perk No Way Out = +40s time before exit gates can be opened.

    Blood Warden = +60s when gates are open before survivors can escape

    So if you play it right, thats almost 2 minutes after all gens are done before any survivor can escape. (i know this is in an ideal situation but its not impossible)

  • Member Posts: 31

    I don’t mind the killer. I just wish he was more brutal looking. Maybe one eye could be hanging out and maybe he could be missing some fingers or a smile that actually looks like it was cut into his face by his own daggers (they did say joker was inspiration)! I like his design, but he needs to look a bit more brutal. Chop off an ear, cut out an eye, idk, something. His perks seem decent.

    The survivor. She seems a little basic. Like basically Elodie and Feng Min combined but with worse perks.

  • Member Posts: 977

    Another round of useless perks for the survivor, killer is kinda underpowered imo

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Agree, i'm not a fan of the design but lorewise he opens a lot of doors for future characters. Just bc it's a horror game it doesn't mean that all characters have to be big strong scary guys.

  • Member Posts: 378

    I like the killer design because his backstory pretty much amplifies what he is. A hot charismatic man who just barely masking the fact he's batshit insane.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Killer: Power seems cool. Like other distance killers wonder how easy will be to use on console with controller. I can see ricochet add on being used a ton. Do think DBD should reconsider calling his power "Showstopper" since a DBD streamer by that name in the past week was booted from Twitch for sexual assault, so bad timing to be using that name in DBD.

    Killer perks: Starstruck I can see being used a bunch, especially by killers that complain about survivors body blocking for others at hook or that have problem with survivors sabotaging hooks on front of them. Crowd Control I see being used about as much as Blood Favor. No Way Out will be interesting to see how useful it is since most end game builds are there because killer has hard time hooking survivors during the match, have feeling this will be more for the killers that lose last survivor after starting egc with hatch being shut.

    Survivor perks: Self Preservation will be used by survivors that sandbag other survivors when in a chase, probably be combined with Bond. Fast Track is going to encourage survivors to leave teammates on ground so they can get tokens towards gen progression when that survivor is finally hooked. Smash Hit seems most useful without screwing over teammates, probably see it a bunch when archives have "pallet stun the killer" challenges.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    The new survivor looks great, but I hate the new killer.

  • Member Posts: 65

    It isn't that I don't like the new killer, its just there are so many different killers to choose from that people have really been wanting for a long while. Slender man, It, Chucky, Candyman even like I would've just liked to see a long waited for killer instead.

  • Member Posts: 841

    Everything about him is great.. but his power and strength as a killer?

    He's pretty bad, very bad. There's no reason to ever pick this guy over Huntress or Deathslinger, they're objectively much better than him in every possible way.

    He's basically a 110 M1 killer with a very niche power that just doesn't do anything. Pretty disappointing.

  • Member Posts: 1,531

    I love it I love it all

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I'm definitely surprised. Having a machine gun killer where if you miss your ranged attack one time it's not such a blow to you, but you still can't miss all the time and get results.

    I've never seen a Korean as threatening or the type to be a killer, so seeing one in this light is a bit uncanny but fun. I think I could get used to it. It's clearly flashy K-pop stuff which I've only glanced at, but that's kinda cool in a way.

    The survivor seems cool and I like the theme. I'll probably fidget with some of the perks in some meme builds, like Killer I would use Bitter Murmur, Remember me, New killer gate perk, Blood warden or something.

    The survivor pallet perk seems useful against Spirit Fury/Enduring. So that's kinda niche but neat. I like the chapter overall.

  • Member Posts: 918

    Survivor - Looks cool, 2 meh perks and a new meta perk

    Killer - Not so great, might as well just play Huntress. He will get nerfed even harder once survivors cry "no counterplay" so expect him to end up bottom tier like legion and freddy did for a while. Perks are literal junk you'd get more value out of iron grasp or territorial imperative.

  • Member Posts: 119

    I love the Trickster's backstory and kit. I had zero interest in the Twins but I really want to play the knew killer. His perks are a lot of fun, too.

    I'll give the new survivor some time to grow on me.

  • Member Posts: 587

    It's not to say that his power IS the same as Deathslinger, more so that from the Survivor's point of view, there is just as much, if not fewer, strategies to counter it, because of how quickly the projectile moves in comparison to Huntress' uncharged hatchets. That element of projectile movement speed is why I make the specific comparison. It is essentially just about minimising how much time you spend in his line of sight, and that's about all Survivors have to think about when facing him as opposed to other Killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    Perks are good but lets be honest, they're all better versions of pre-existing perks. The Survivor looks stylish, can't wait to see her in the cosmetics like the blue dress they teased. Killer looks... unique, but there's other kinds of horror so I'm reserving judgement. I love the little things they put with him such as the wink in the lobby, smoothing out his hair when stunned, laughing and speaking Korean throughout the match, especially his reload animation. Power initially seems kinds weak, but no one can really say for sure until there's a bunch of experience and playtime as and against him.

  • Member Posts: 84

    I'm not disappointed since I never got my hopes up or engaged with any of the lgbt/fnaf/burn victim stuff here. I never had any expectations set prior.

    I think the Trickster's design is fantastic, but it stands out in a game like DbD. While it's good from a creative standpoint and has a lot going for it, it doesn't have a lot of synergy with any of the other killers, and it doesn't fit the aesthetic the game had prior. Hopefully his cosmetics help with that!

    The survivor is fine, and she fits in well with the others. I always take some time to get used to them (I still hate how Felix looks lmao) but she's definitely growing on me. Don't think I'll use her though. :[

  • Member Posts: 1,071
    edited March 2021

    New Survivor is alright. I dont really have any strong feelings about her one way or the other.

    Gameplay-wise, Trickster is just abysmally bad, they need make some major buffs to him because right now it looks like he's destined for trash-tier. Aesthetically, his default color scheme is just plain hideous, hopefully he'll have some less god-awful cosmetics in the shop when the chapter launches. Also, his throwing animation looks really goofy as hell, he just looks so ridiculous doing it.

  • Member Posts: 1,624
    edited March 2021

    New survivor is trash.

    New killer? Dunno I'll see when he hits live.

    I don't care about lore and survivors are just skins. So I'm only looking at perks and mechanics. Survivor is too thicc though for a Korean woman.

  • Member Posts: 1,140
    edited March 2021

    Of course i'm against stupid cosmetics, but this is even worse because its base kit. "Horror game" btw. I was against legion because they were just edgy teenagers that liked killing for fun and didn't look very "scary" but this is just a pretty twink with blood in his face. And not to talk about his animation while throwing daggers looks like he has a buttplug in his ass.

  • Member Posts: 132

    So the killer for you should only be ugly? Old? Disfigured? Dark?

    Because you're acting like horror doesn't encompass anything else. Check out The Neon Demon, check out The Purge ... Check out plenty of other media that has different horror variations.

    And since you have a Pig for the profile icon. She's literally a woman who was an addict. She isn't even the main antagonist of the franchise she's from. But yeah, she wears a pig mask so "horror" right?

  • Member Posts: 132

    Cool. I like your honesty. If you like darker and creepier killers, that's fine. Everyone has a different taste. I for example love sci-fi horror and want more creatures (Like the Xenomorph).

    But I still have to disagree about The Trickster not being horror. Because horror is such a wide genre and comes in many different forms. Simple serial killers, normal people who go crazy, monsters, ghosts, aliens, demons, cryptids, sci-fi ...

  • Member Posts: 75

    Survivor: Not too much to say, cool design with decent perks.


    - Aesthetic and lore: Overall really like it. Definitely gives me 'Asian Ultra Violence' vibes (my first thought was Ichi The Killer). The only part I'm not a fan of aesthetically is the neon looking pink bits on the weapon.

    - Power: Meh. I don't love it or hate it. Time will tell how strong it is but initially doesn't seem OP or complete garbage to me.

    - Perks: Cool perks with new ideas and I think they are pretty well balanced overall.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Your saying these things about lose lose situations whilst the killer is in a very weak state. These lose lose situations will come to exist once he recieves buffs. The only difference is that your losing to dagger spam as opposed to a well placed shot. His lacerations currently decay at a fast rate and are likely subject to change.

    If the devs choose to leave him as is much like the twins his initial impression will be cool killer gimmick that will ware out its welcome the minute players realise how underwhelming his power is. I keep stating this but a killer can't coast off gimmicks to be popular they have to have some competitive or form of deeper learning curve to get a player base otherwise most players espicially in the high levels will default to the stronger killers.

    His power has a rather annoying rng element as correcting his recoil is not something you can adaquetly do considering your success is dependent on a large volume of projectiles connecting. At this stage only time will tell but I doubht dagger spam is gonna find some balanced/competitve play.

  • Member Posts: 6

    The new killer is fun to play as. He looks awesome; I love the Joker/Serial Killer vibes he gives of. He's not strong though. They definetly could buff him somehow. His perks are good but they easily could be reworks of already existing perks like 'No Way Out' could just be a buff to 'Remember Me'. They are definetly running out of ideas of perks. The survivor is visualy good looking. Her perks are ok but could be better. And all the lore is really cool and intresting.

  • Member Posts: 918

    So I got to try him in a live game and it was actually kinda fun but I had a map that was good for him. Low walls work.

    Going against sweatlord crutch build p3 claudettes that hug walls on a map filled with high walls might not be so fun. We were playing a bit of kyf and I felt like I had to rely on m1 more.

    Its really had to judge killers on ptb because I dont have the patience for the queue times.

    One thing I do love as I said elsewhere is that pressing E to outplay doesnt outplay him so much which is great. No doubt that will change though because survivors wont like it, tapping E should disable his ability to throw knives or something.

    The perks. I think the exhaustion perk will rise to be 2nd/3rd in popularity. Its a shame that they keep giving survivors exhaustion perks to carry them rather than have survivors take skill.

    No way out actually seems like it’s going to be an incredibly boring perk that everyone hates if it becomes popular. Its the only time in the game where the killer has an objective but the survivors don’t. Every game on the ptb just becomes a case of hiding nearby until its not blocked anymore, but this is with like 1-2 hooks. At a full 40 seconds this is going to be boring.

    That terror radius perk is annoying lol not overpowered just kind of annoying. I cant see it catching on though so it doesnt really matter.

    I wont be buying him though. I refuse to support the game financially given the current direction it has been heading with map reworks (where maps are designed to carry survivors no skill required).

  • Member Posts: 25

    He grinns and throws a knife in the air, then starts pelting you with dozens of knives. Finally he does a headshot and when you fall down, the first knife hits you. Then he gives you a photograph.

  • Member Posts: 37

    About the killer, I've really liked his power. It gave me so much Deathgarden vibes. I've realy loved to play that game, and it looks like I'm gonna enjoy playing with The Trickster.

    About his appearance, I've felt it weird at first, but I guess it's a matter of time for me to familiarize with him.

    There is just one thing that dissapoints me: his weapon, the daggers, the power, the moves, the mori, everything would fit as a glove... if the killer were The Joker (but I guess this realm has no place for two clowns).

  • Member Posts: 429

    The killer seems like a blast to play, really interesting addons (especially the ricochet one) and overall I'm loving how expressive he is in game, perks are also amazing this chapter (except the exhaustion one which seems really niche in comparison).

    However I found I was kinda dissapointed they actually did nothing with this whole fire theme, like scars in the face of the survivor, otherwise why bother hiding it so much? Or the killer, any would've done it, I feel like it was a wasted chance, since they teased it around so much.

    Other than that, interesting chapter, shame no map with this theme, I'd love it.

  • Member Posts: 324

    Visually speaking, the killer is super boring. Even more boring than Legion.

    Just a guy with yellow eyes and a little blood on him. Yawn.

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