Don't be homophobic



  • Rescultir
    Rescultir Member Posts: 185

    He's not LGBTQ, K-Pop people come off like that. It's just their style for some reason. Got a lil' bit of weeb in there too

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    pretty much everything you said is wrong.

    Elaborate your statement instead of arbitrarily assuming that I am not educated on the subject. If you don't like the truth, not my problem. Someone here said that "being sexually oriented towards a person of the same sex is provided in nature by many examples". True, and i add that nature also provide many and many examples of "discrimination" against the "different ones". I don't hate! I should support the LGBTQ+ movement, because of my sexual orientation, but i'm not, because I recognize the political exploitation of their false rhetoric, that is build on gain power. You don't. That's it.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    No one said you should support LGBTQ+ movement.

    adding a character that’s LGBTQ+ is also not a political movement. The devs want to do that. There is no need to force them not to. Or else, that is also a political movement on its own.

    let the creators do with their game what they want to do.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Also, get off your high horse.

    no one ever denied the existence of that part of the LGBTQ+ community or politicians trying to exploit it. That doesn’t give anyone the right to explicitly exclude anything related to LGBTQ+ from everything.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    What about avoid completely any "sexual orientation" reference in particular, and let the people decide it by their own? For example many authors completely avoid to include any reference to any particular existent religion in the real world in their stories, because they don't wanna stand for a side or another, and that's wise. Why instead is a good practice to exploit different "sexual orientations" in movies, tv shows, videogames, even if not exactly explicit, that are actually forbidden in many existent religions, like for example Islam? Isn't discrimination as well considering their beliefs on the topic "wrong"? That's why i consider this mere "propaganda", because there are many logical facts that destroy completely its fundamentals.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    That’s fine by me to avoid any sexual orientation. But we are talking about DbD where multiple heterosexual relationships are mentioned in the lore. I am not discussing with you anything further, that would be Off Topic.

  • kor
    kor Member Posts: 27

    We all want to help one another.

    Human beings are like that.

    We don't want to hate and despise.

    Life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.

    We think too much and feel too little.

    • ChristianMossuto - Violence...


  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    Please for all things holy do not bring animals into this..Cause, well Otters jerk off with fishheads and other weird crap in the animal kingdom. Or the army of birds who decides burning half a nation down for a snack was smart. That and well, that can be flipped in a way that is...Well, not very wholesome 100.

    It kind of is promotion when you wave a flag around and scream It at the top of your lungs tbh. It really depends, like summoning a LGBT character right in pride month is a tad on the nose. It feels more like pandering by that point. Even then,out side of chick flicks most people don't care about sexuality as much as anymore. I would also argue If you have even a straight cupple going "we straight btw" and smacking lips every 10 mins It would drive people up the walls..But,then again Twilight and romance novels are a thing. But, once again DBD is a horror game about 4 people with lightsticks harassing some super natural power creature as the godlike monster who put them there laughs and throws wood everywhere.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Please for all things holy do not bring animals into this..Cause, well Otters jerk off with fishheads and other weird crap in the animal kingdom. Or the army of birds who decides burning half a nation down for a snack was smart. That and well, that can be flipped in a way that is...Well, not very wholesome 100.

    I'm not the one who brought up "natural", though. Either nature is relevant, or it isn't. If it is, then homophobia is unnatural. If it's not, then "natural" can't be used as an argument. That's my point.

    It kind of is promotion when you wave a flag around and scream It at the top of your lungs tbh.

    Show me someone doing that on this forum or the game, please.

    It really depends, like summoning a LGBT character right in pride month is a tad on the nose. It feels more like pandering by that point.

    Like Christmas decorations in December is pandering?

    Even then,out side of chick flicks most people don't care about sexuality as much as anymore.

    The fact that there's this much (vocal) pushback every single time an LGBT character is even considered tells me otherwise.

    I would also argue If you have even a straight cupple going "we straight btw" and smacking lips every 10 mins It would drive people up the walls.

    Frank and Julie's lore didn't, though.

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    Natural and unnartual are barely debatable stances...I also don't like Dolphins. Octopuses are clearly smarter.

    Not talking about forums, talking about everytime some adds something they scream it on social media...They called a cartoon duck Lantinx ffs.

    Well, Christmas was based around holiday created in rome which was a day where slaves where freed of debts and some prisoners could go back to their homes. It was changed with the transition of Rome into a Christian civilization where they basically did the quick "yeah Jesus was totally born today" thing. As time progress people kept the tradition and It changed for a lot of reasons. But, It is a very oddly old holiday. Which become a Corporate ######### show as time progressed.

    Pride Month is very much new and very much corporates. It is such a holiday which people from the SCP community and other like to push in settings that ironically most of the world outside of white European countries don't acknowledge It. Hell, even some of those countries acknowledge Christmas but not pride month. But, then again I find Autism awareness to be just as oxnoius in terms of pandering. Because,It is both a trick of special treatment yet ironically reinforced alienation. But, getting into social bullshit is more depressing then my match win rate lately...So,we will leave that when people want a survivor with a wheelchair.

    The vocal pushback is a result of the vocal upheaval. Push and pull and all that. Cause, to be upfront the LGBT community has been getting too loud as of late. On top of that as stated people are getting a little tried of every other day "We need a LGBT character" threads. By this point I am 100% sure a large amount of the push back is out of spite And calling people homophobes only empowers the pushback/spite. BVHR have already stated they are gonna add a couple and outside of like a few whiners on the twitter no one really cares.

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