The Thing Bothering Me About the Reactions to the New Killer

ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

People bring up that The Trickster does not fit in Dead by Daylight because he's wearing bright flashy clothes and is not scary. Here's the thing though, if I asked you (the reader) "When was the last time you were actually scared in Dead by Daylight?" It would probably be a long time ago. For me I stopped being scared after the first 5-10 hours of playing and I have between 2.5k and 3k hours in this game. The argument of how "scary" a killer is doesn't feel very fitting for people who have been playing the game for a while. Am I right?

Now for the flashy clothing argument. Go to the freaking shop and look through the cosmetics. I'm pretty sure that's enough an argument for why "flashy clothes" isn't much of an argument once the shop released in 2018. We have onesies and elf cosmetics and you're arguing about this guy wearing hot pink and yellow? Sorry, but the looks argument died out once the shop was introduced.

I understand that people don't think he fits. That's fine, but the arguments aren't really there since the arguments used, if you play the game, aren't really arguments anymore and haven't been for a very long time. Yet here we all are still playing (and complaining but still playing).

Edit: After reading comments I don't want people to think I mean "Your arguments don't make sense." I'm saying they're weak arguments based off of what the game is. They're still arguments, they just aren't the best.

Post edited by ChurchofPig on


  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited March 2021

    My only gripe about the new killer regarding appearance is his run cycle looks kind of bad. The clothing looks fine in all honesty and really just look at the cosmetics you can equip in DBD. Also for those saying visually he's not fitting they've not seen enough horror flicks. You can make almost anything work if the character is made well either through writing or acting (In the case of a game I suppose how well he's designed?).

    Regarding the name itself - How is he a trickster? Where are the tricks? Don't say his perks because that's lame. I guess you could ultimately say being able to land bullseyes with his knives but really come on now.

  • Rigbeta
    Rigbeta Member Posts: 182
    edited March 2021

    The problem is that he looks like a Dangan Ronpa character. -_- I just wish he had more to him then "sexy pop idol with knives". I don't mind attractive or normal looking killers, but at least the others have something that sets them apart besides the walking fanart style he's got. Even just making him pale would've sufficed, but I digress. Hes part of the game so its just something to get used to.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689

    i like him he’s pretty psychotic

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    He's amazing and I adore the guy. He's something fresh and exciting, I really don't think I could get too excited for another body horror killers after we got several in a row or another dull clothed person wearing a mask. He has more personality and psycho vibes than the entire Killer cast.

    Most are grasping at straws cause he isn't their dream addition to the roster. Guess what? Many love him as well. Be happy for that and wait for the next Killer. I had 0 interest in Blight. Doesn't mean I tried to get him changed and/or removed cause he isn't what I liked.

    Your Legion avatar makes me question your statement.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    Look, I used to play him a lot. I never said his design was good.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    the next time i hear someone tell me "Trickster isn't scary because he's too bright and flamboyant" i'm going to just how a picture of any iteration of Joker that isn't Leto or Phoenix and say "Trickster and this guy have the same energy"

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905
    edited March 2021

    I think his name as the trickster is barring his murder tendencies he can blend in as a normal person he tricks people into thinking he’s a friend he’s safe before he gets bored and kills them a good comparison would be Stefan from evil within two that guy was flamboyant but he blended himself in as a normal person the second he was in stem he took it over because he could and wanted to

  • DrStone
    DrStone Member Posts: 132

    But didn't you hear man? Horror is only horror if it's ugly, disfigured, old, dark ...

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,823

    Yeah, I think there are a lot of uncomfortable undercurrents in the criticism toward this killer. I think the art direction is different from previous chapters, and it's fair to make that observation, or to say that you prefer the style from previous chapters over this one, but the level of anger some people express about it makes me think something else is going on.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    His clothes are fine. His lore is fine. I see most people turned off because he looks like a ripoff of Jared Leto's Joker.

    I think the KPop angle is perfectly acceptable, although I'd rather have seen something more ancient from Asian folktales rather than a modern Killer. He SHOULD look "pretty" because that's an adjective that most people associate with the whole KPop/Drama scene. He should NOT look like the Joker with a couple adjustments.

    BHVR exists to make money. Bringing in a new market makes money. They just needed to do a bit more original design work on his model, rather than what it currently looks like imo at least.

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    His design looks like they attempted to have a rip off joker and they just splashed some blood on them and called it a day

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Joker isn't scary either and he atleast had a mask/make up. The knife throwing looks cool but seems totally pointless when he is carrying a bat.

  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256
    edited March 2021

    His power is nothing new because he is a worse version of Huntress. Everything Trickster can, Huntress does it better. The only people who will "main" him are the ones who aren't able to play Huntress. His perks are nothing new and for the most part look very weak. I don't care much about his apperance and theme anymore but his kit and perks could have been way better. He is B tier max.

    Even Scott Jund made a video where he says that Trickster is worse than Huntress and Plague in literally every way possible.

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    I checked out the new killer yesterday, played around with it a bit on my wife's account and have to say I think it's great. I don't know yet how it will play on the PS 4 then, but I'll wait and see. 

    His looks and demeanor fit his backstory. Psychopaths in particular tend to have a large dose of narcissism and this absolutely conveys the flashy color choice. Already in nature it means in most cases, the more colorful something is, the more poisonous and dangerous. 

    I like the normalcy it exudes - I don't always need a Spirit or a Freddy. The horror in the ordinary usually hits with me more than the supernatural things. I love his Mori, his ability, and I'm curious to play him more. 

    After more than 2000 hours in the game, he is refreshing and something different. 

    Everyone has their own tastes, but we shouldn't generalize. Horror is different for everyone and not everyone can like every killer. I'm not going to stand here and say Bubba is stupid. I love the movies, I like the design - yet in my experience, most people who play Bubba are ... - special? 

  • HellraisingPredator
    HellraisingPredator Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2021

    I like him. I think they've taken some influence from Asian cinema. Perfect Blue influence was theorised before release and Ichi The Killer was the first thing that came to mind for me when I saw him.

    Post edited by HellraisingPredator on
  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140
  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    some of the iterations of Joker are seriously terrifying when given context, not all of them, which is why i purposefully left out Phoenix and Leto, but some of them

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    This is literally what I’ve been saying lol.

    He represents the real side to horror, aka serial killers. To me, he’s creepier than any killer we currently have because somebody like him could actually exist. And in fact, they do.

    But nope! kIlLeR nEeD mAsK 2 b ScArY 😭

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 989

    For the first question, I will just remind you of their last release, The Twins. Charlotte looks like a normal person on the head, but when you look down you can see a gruesome open wound on her chest with Victor in it. It's straight up body horror in a way that gives you at least a unsettling feeling if you are not scared. From the moment you see Charlotte, you know that you should avoid her. The Trickster? Well, if I take him out of context, I would be sure that he was a character from a yandere type of romance manga.

    His base clothes are flashy indeed, and you may argue that there are a lot of flashy killer clothes in the store but none of them are from the killer's base wardrobe so this make The Trickster the first killer to be so bright colored at their normal state.

    Also, I think that you can pretty much see by his animations, from mori to walking, that he wasn't really taken seriously as a horror villain. He looks so goofy that he seems taken out of a parody movie or a comedy special of all things, which is fine since comedy and horror have walked together for a long time.

    I would really be raising an eyebrow if a DbD developer came and said that they made The Trickster to be threatening as their last releases in the first place. For me, I see him as more of a joke than something that should be taken seriously.

    I like his gameplay tho. He seems weak but fun at the same time. Nothing that a beefy buff cannot solve.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 989

    It's a bold design choice and i get that they were trying going for humor instead of creepiness, but it was obvious that it would please everyone. I think that they should give players a free cosmetic that made him a real scary killer so everyone could be happy. After all, some people may like his gameplay but don't want to buy the chapter and play as a character they don't see fit. I think it would be only fair since you are already spending some dollars.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    I’m sorry but that’s such an entitled mindset to have lol.

  • raysg
    raysg Member Posts: 6

    Nothing you said till now makes sense. First of all, killers we have right now don't have "flashy clothes" or "elf cosmetics". All the skins killers have are somewhat "scary". I haven't seen a single person say that you have to be scared, but I have seen people complain about how this killer doesn't fit in the game. We went from killers like the oni to some random feminine korean guy with flashy clothes, neon colors, flying knives, boring gameplay and suddenly sexuality is involved.

    There is so much wrong with this dlc that it is pathetic how behaviour could release something like this. It really seems like they didn't even try(once again).

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    His music is different from every other killer's in the game and sounds weird for dbd chase music. I like his chase music, but it doesn't sound like dbd music.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    By the entity's rules, yes he can very well be in the game. The flashy psychopath character is really common but that's not why I dislike him. Everything about him just seems over dramatic and silly, he doesn't strike me as a dangerous killer, he strikes me as an anime character. My main point overall is that he just seems like a parody killer that belongs in a different game.

  • zugz
    zugz Member Posts: 6

    Saying I have played for a while so I am not scared does not imply anything goes in terms of the design. Adding thanos as a villian to DBD because bongclound69 isn't scared anymore isn't a good design philosophy. The same logic applies to silly cosmetics, which are only acceptable because they are rare and the paywall funds new content.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Firstly many of us are not going to look at him and think "Oh he is scary because of his lore" In fact i bet not even the people who like him are going to think that much about his lore in a game. You are going to look at him and see a colorful psychopath with a bat and knifes and a "great" personality.

    Im fine with colorful cosmetics but i don't want them as the default, as long as he has a cool looking dark or gruesome cosmetic i don't care too much but i don't want to use his default or even prestige. You are right that this isn't a scary game anymore but that doesn't mean they should stray away from that theme and using lore to say he still fits the theme isn't exactly right since with theme looks also play a big part.

    Does his character fit the theme of the game? yes absolutely. Take away his lore, now does he fit the theme of this game? absolutely not.

  • frysauce01
    frysauce01 Member Posts: 30

    I totally get where OP is coming from. He's right, DbD isn't exactly a "scary" game after a while, and there are a lot of wild cosmetics. However, as someone who is rather disappointed in this killer's appearance/vibe not fitting in well with the game, I'd like to point out and say "you've got to understand what we mean, right?"

    For example, by saying that flashy clothes and not being scary is a justification for the new killer, why not just license Spongebob and put a little blood spatter on him? I would argue that would feel out of place. Of course this is an extreme example, but what BHVR has done with this killer is lower the bar of what kind of scary killers you can include in the game. They will likely do it in the future. You can claim "slippery slope" fallacy all you want against me, which would make sense. But as @Mringasa pointed out, bringing in new markets makes money. Why not include a market of children?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Outfit and personality wise, he reminds me of a psychopathic, instead of masochistic, Ban from SDS.

  • honk137
    honk137 Member Posts: 9

    He blocks the exit gate switches for 40 seconds with one of his perks that's amazing

  • OffensiveHumor
    OffensiveHumor Member Posts: 131

    He's a trickster because he looks like a normal person, and he acts like a charismatic, loveable person when behind it all he's a sadistic psychopath who loves to torture people and make them scream.