The Thing Bothering Me About the Reactions to the New Killer



  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    I don't really care, but I think the trickster should look a bit more creepy, there should be something uncanny.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I think he fits the game nicely.

    Almost everyone I've talked to thinks that the character is either the creepiest or funniest character that they've seen, and that's a good thing.

    Sure doctor is another creepy psycho, but the effects on his laugh don't hit the same way that Tricksters do.

    His running can either be seen as SO FUNNY, or literally so strange that it becomes insanely scary.

    The clothes and his appearance match his story, he is literally someone who is obsessed with the attention and fame that he gets, to the point that he literally only kills people he has a connection with.

    His power will be buffed, he deffo needs to be more powerful than he is, and BHVR will figure out a way to do it.

    The people hating this character are the people who aren't willing to see change and just want everything to stay the same. Sorry bucko, but life moves forward and isn't static. I ######### love how they've been more inclusive to the K-pop and LGBTQ+(my) community, and if it brings in more new players for me to slaughter as a hag main then I will take it.

    Personally, I would prefer BHVR to listen to the community more and take community oriented ideas and implement those to some capacity. Seeing ideas like The Scarecrow or The Knight and stuff are really interesting and original ideas.

    At the end of the day, the people who always complain about whatever BHVR adds can do one, they're never going to listen to you and you gotta find a new hobby rather than shitting on this game constantly.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 989

    I kind of agree that making a funny horror character can be different in a good way. My problem is that after some months, the joke will get old and I reckon that he won't feel so natural anymore. I mean, as I see, he is a mix between comedy and hotness. His attitude is funny, his laugh is kinda sexy tbh and his power is extremely extra. Do I feel like he is scaring? Definitely not, and after some time this will start to feel really weird, especially after other subsequent releases. I wouldn't feel so bad if he got a cosmetic like the Halloween Ghostface and Legion, so I can't be too harsh about him in the first moment. I just think that it would be a really nice thing to do to give this cosmetic for free, since you are already paying for a DLC, a Killer extends beyond its design and I am definitely not the only one that feels that way.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited March 2021

    He definitely clashes with the aesthetic of some of DBD's older maps. He just seems real odd running around something like Autohaven Wreckers or the traditional maps. His color palette almost clashes and he looks like a cartoon character.

    I'd like him more if a brighter, very different style map was released with him.

    As far as who this killer actually is and the lore behind him, however, yeah they knocked it out of the park. This guys horrifying.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    For me I love this guy. Sure he may not match the usual set of killers we have but I like that. This guy looks normal. I could walk down the street and see someone just like him and have no idea he's actually a serial killer. That thought alone is terrifying and I love it. Also just the fact he has his little laughs after inserting knives into someone gives me chills. Like you know he's enjoying himself watching another human running in terror. I can't wait to play this killer on release.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Clown was also quite colory compared to all the previous killers.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    He does knife tricks, and tricks with the baseball bat too.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    To be honest, he seems like he's a sign that Dead by Daylight is on the path to change and that's not necessarily a bad thing. If they leaned more into knowing what their game really is, they'll be able to do more with it.

  • Feleas
    Feleas Member Posts: 123

    They don't make sense because you're not giving a reason why, whereas OP provided facts with their's. An opinion is a baseless opinion until it's backed by facts.

  • Feleas
    Feleas Member Posts: 123

    I wish that sign was more focus on stealth Killers. All of my most memorable and adrenaline-filled matches has been against stealth Killers. Their always making you guessing where they are is so much fun.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    People love the twin's visual design and concept; its just no one plays them because their gameplay sucks.

    A beautiful shell can't always hide a rotten core.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328
  • Feleas
    Feleas Member Posts: 123

    Because their mechanic is self-defeating. Viktor is countered by simply staying as a group. Someone gets downed, Viktor gets killed, downed Survivor is healed back up before Charlotte comes to collect.

    Self-defeating mechanic.

  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186

    I don't find many killers scary. Scary is a very subjective word. For example the Twins? Are they scary? Eh...they're gory, same with the Alchemist, he's not scary but his ripped off jaw makes him rather gory than scary.

    I don't even mind his bright colors, there are many outfits which are brighter than barbie house and no one cares. The problem why some hate him is because the fact all previous killers were brought by the entity from the past makes him stand out. I remember myself thinking the same with the "oh...but she's like from completely different's weird" but then I realized entity can choose anyone from the past, present and future. And the Trickster feels like a modern or futuristic killer amd I like that. My personal problem though is his lack od...DBDishness...cause many killers have this special...I don't know how to say it...interesting twist. For example the Spirit's cut body parts - the way she was killed. Or the already mentioned Twins. So to me he looks very...Meh, like the Legion..basically a survivor with a mask and knife, how shocking and suprising look. I just don't get him...he's throwing knives because he was taught this skill as a kid? I mean...ok, what an excellent lore. He uses a bat with a sharp knive for what reason then? Just...make his special somehow.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    There are plenty of killers that are lacking that "special" thing you claim. Huntress, Ghostface, Myers, Pig, Legion, and Clown are all just people wearing masks, or in the case of Clown, makeup. Lore wise, the killers that aren't messed with in the way you're talking about are the most sadistic. They enjoy what they do. Ghostface is a literal serial killer, same as Clown. The Trickster's unabashed humananity is his 'special' thing. Not every single killer needs to be masked or mutilated in some way. That would get insanely boring, and it's a very limited definition of horror.

  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186

    Yeah I didn't want to bring up licensed character cause you know...DBD didn't create them so I don't try to compare them with original DBD characters. But I agree and I see your point. Although he does not stand amongs the newer killers...Clows is like what...almost 3 years old? Legion 2 years? Huntress maybe evn 4 years? I mean, he's like a huge step back to me with anything exciting adding to the original dbd killer crew.

    "He's just a guy who enjoys killing people so...we didn't decide to give him any original look, he's just a psychopath, done. "

    That's just a poor excuse to me but once again, I understand your comment and I value it.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I was a bit iffy on bringing up the licensed characters too. The only one I am really adamant about including is Ghostface, since technically BHVR created that version. I also do get your standpoint. I'm just for diversity. I think Oni is the best-looking thing in the game, but I think characters like Trickster have a place in it too. A diverse cast is good, it prevents them from muddling together.

  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186

    Yeah you're definitely right. He's something fresh and something definitely new, so that's probably why some people don't like him. I just wanted to say why I personally don't find him attractive (play wise and even look wise) enough to buy him. The killer cast is full of diverse personalities and characters so having a killer who's actually a psycho killer is nice, very nice. I just needed something little, maybe one small detail to like him enough. I also must add that not having a map related to this chapter is a big loss, that would also add way more personally to this killer.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    The lack of new map is a huge loss, but I understand why. Despite what I've said, I'm not the biggest fan of his outfit. His overall design is fine, I just think it's just a tad too bright, but I do know a lot of people adore him already, so hey, whatever. I think he looks stupid-fun to play though, so I probably will get the chapter, even if he isn't going to be necessarily strong.

  • katapad
    katapad Member Posts: 55

    Honestly, I just like the amount of love that was put into him. You can tell they put a ton of effort into the new animations and design. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the bright yellow pretty boy aesthetic, but I think a shift from all mangled, deformed, gore covered killers is a good thing. Pull in more types of killers and give us variety, it's good for the game.

    All that said, he seems much weaker than the other 4.4 killers in loops. Make this boy our first 4.5 or something... first knife does extra stacks? Less hits to down? Not sure what would help him yet, but he probably needs some time to feel out.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Jared Leto's Joker is exactly what the Trickster is, LAME. I hope they put a "damaged" tattoo on his face so we know.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    I didn't read the whole post or the comments (sorry) but the thing that makes this killer standing out so much from the crowd in my eyes is not the brightness of his clothes but that he looks the most like a normal human.

    Most of not all killer have either no face (instead a mask or similar) or are straight up monster and/or extremely disfigured.

    The trickster is the first killer that just resembles a real life murderer and not a monster/killer from a movie. He has a normal human face and no real marks of being a monster and uses "normal weapons". This leads to an uncomfortable feeling of realism in this killer not fitting the "dark fantasy" atmosphere of dbd.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    You ever see the old batman movies directed by Tim Burton? The first 2 were very dark and gritty. The atmosphere was depressing. Then when they made Batman Forever there was a complete change in tone. There was a ton of glow in the dark paint, a lot of neon lights, batman wasn't a shut in, the villains were goofy. You could tell the film wasn't directed by Tim Burton.

    It may seem like it's totally unrelated to DBD but that's how I feel about this killer. All the bright lights just feel out of place compared to the rest of the game. I do enjoy his back story.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Think its a cultural difference.

    A psychopath who's full of himself can be just as much a monster as any of the other killers.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I think you are misinterpreting what people mean when they say “Scary”.

    For one, a standard theme that seems to follow DBD is that most (if not all) killers were human and no longer look like a human. So even if they wanted to take a different direction, this killer doesn’t have anything aesthetically that makes him look menacing or disgusting whatsoever.

    He feels like straight up out of a fighting game, especially when you watch his mori.

    Like they could have at least made his clothes look a bit more tattered and maybe play with other elements to make him look more menacing/crazy.

    Its no wonder people thought he looked like a survivor. Because he does.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    There's no facts behind my opinion, it's literally just my opinion. Why do you want to disprove my opinion so badly? Are opposing opinions harmful or what?

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    -Jumpscare myers.

    -Random GF coming outta nowhere scaring the ######### outta me

    -Tinkerer on Any killer, (Despite me knowing they have it)

    -Getting randomly stunned on a pallet by a survivor

    -Survivors running into me as both survivor / killer outta nowhere,

    -A random shot from slinger in which it either flies by my shoulder. Or hits me,

    ...I think i listed too many reasons why i get scared, =I

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673
    edited March 2021

    If a lot of people enter the game

    Choose a killer

    And their first impression is that he seems to be photoshopped from somewhere else

    Then I'm pretty sure these people aren't wrong.

    This killer is TOO shiny. TOO clean. TOO polished (literally, he looks like he's made out of wax or plastic). He doesn't seem like he fits in DbD.

    DbD characters are dusty, rusty and dirty. They aren't looking like they've just got a 12 hour session with their stylist who finished their look by pouring some shiny red liquid on them.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    American Psycho

    Clockwork Orange

    Horror doesn't need to be what we see on the outside.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited March 2021

    True. And that was one perk I found interesting and could synergize with a couple of others. That said, though, I'll just wait for down-the-line when it appears in the Shrine for 2k shards, as opposed to spending 9k shards on him.

    I haven't played (except PTBs) in many months and have reset back to Rank 20. So, when I do eventually decide to play again, I plan to mess around on killers I own but have rarely or not yet played, as opposed to my main killers. So, I'll probably rank up slowly, and have time before I need to worry about potentially serious builds again.

    Heck, I might even mess around and learn some new killers while going perkless, which is usually my preferred starting point to get a feel for power, cooldown, timing, etc.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Then why can't we just remove the masks from Huntress, legion and Ghostface. Remove the bandages from nurse's face. The twins, doctor, trapper, leatherface, etc should look much more normal. Just make the game full of normal looking people. The entity is really weird on how it chooses to change people's looks. I guess it likes Kpop.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Thats an odd response. So is it all or nothing to you?

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited March 2021

    My point is why didn't the entity change the tricksters looks? It would be just as weird if nurse was a hot red head in a nurse outfit but the entity said cover that up. Or Legion with no mask. Other characters got super weird makeovers.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    The Entity will only does something to the killer if it doesn't kill for it. For example the Trapper. Don't think the Trickster has this issue.

  • uncreative_username
    uncreative_username Member Posts: 85

    I don't think any the killers are really scary at all, just some disturbing, and the only time I'm scared in dbd is when I get jumps cared by a killer when I'm on a Gen chest totem or whatever, even then it's less fear and more surprise

  • The_Nightmare
    The_Nightmare Member Posts: 65

    I agree with you. I understand that most people dont actually get scared by this game anymore but its the theme of the game. My main complaint is there are so many different more well known killers I myself and many others have been wanting to see for a long time then instead add a killer that i don't know anything about so in turn we have to wait even longer for someone like It or Pinhead or even ######### Candy man for God sakes. I guess id like to see more killers I know and love added on instead of this. No hate to the killer though he's cool just disappointed it isnt someone else

  • PerfectlyPink
    PerfectlyPink Member Posts: 435

    Good thing this is a game about slashers and not a horror game.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about how the entity clearly spices up the look and wardrobe of its killers if it wants to.

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    Your arguments are weaker.. just respect others opinions.. your definetly no better..

    From my side I just like a darker look into the killers.. that's it.. I will just not play the new killer and period.. no need to b1tch about what other think like you ..

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    There was a psychopaths that were literally sewing people together, doing a disturbing experiments like making a blood transfusion with dog's blood, turning them into grotesque things and torturing them by days in that way. Imagine being sew with someone for few days and then finally dying from bleeding out. This is psychotic man.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    Look good, plays awful.

    Survivors gonna gave a field day looping this donut.

  • AbsolutelyAmel
    AbsolutelyAmel Member Posts: 146

    He doesn't fit in because his ENTIRE POWERS are rehashed, reworked powers of The Huntress and Legion combined. It's a lazy way to resell the same premise with another design which was clearly targeted at thirsty fans to make quick buck.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Umm, can I have some clarification as to your point and/or stance?

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    Does...does no one expect him to have darker color options in the Store? I don’t like his outfit either but they usually start new killers with like a handful of color options in the store...

  • robotron
    robotron Member Posts: 41

    There are just several problems with this killer that just add up.

    -His clothes are a bit much and as many people stated, look similar to the joker or the character from Yakuza. The thing is not all kpop stars dress like that and they easily could have toned it down while maintaining the idea he is into himself.

    -The other problem is the killer breaking the 4th wall and winking at us. It's just to on the nose. If the devs wanted to show this guy is self centered they could have made him pull out a pocket mirror or something and wink at himself to further that point or fix his hair. I also think his mori is a bit too much but I know there are some who like it.

    - His name doesn't make any sense. In the lore the only reason why he didn't get caught was because his manager saved him because she cared for her own career. If not for her, he would have released his unedited music and everyone would have heard the victims screaming. He isn't a trickster, he is an idiot.

    -His power is just a weaker version of other killers. The coconut and Scott Jund went into detail about this. The only real innovation we are getting is the ricochet mechanic compared to the previous chapter that introduced a mini killer and the ability to switch between two killers. Many of us wanted more or something new.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069


    Josef Mengele did a lot of sick experiments on the twins, one of them was sewing the twins together to look how their DNA will resolve together (He sew them too make them look like siamese twins) The twins suffered the worst possible pain, the sew wound was constantly bleeding from blood and pus. After a few days the twins died from bleed out and their body was later burned like nothing.

    In MA there was a scene that the psychopath tied to bed her ex-crush and prepared him to dog blood tranfusion, after she cutted him, he suffered from the pain where his body rejected the dog's blood and he suffered the horrific pain for few days, when later on he finally died from bleeding.

    Done. There's literally even more ######### up things that people make to torture others, and recording their screams is literally nothing compared to it.

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    Another thing, a lot of people are saying K-Pop isn’t horror, but aren’t thinking it through. Cowboys aren’t horror either, and people didn’t say this about Deathslinger. Just because something isn’t inherently horror, doesn’t mean it cant turn to that.

  • angematias
    angematias Member Posts: 86

    Did you actually read the lore? Dude was always up with knife tricks ever since he was a child, and carried them into adulthood in his career.

    And he didn't burn his bandmates alive, he *allowed* them to burn alive by neglecting to help them.

  • angematias
    angematias Member Posts: 86

    It's more likely to do it to non willing killers, willing killers like Michael Myers and Ghost Face are absolutely untouched, same for pig and arguably legion