devs DS nerf review bomb fears

Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
we get it, youre scared of them review bombing again because it worked last time. we warned you what would happen if you caved to them.

like we said ages ago, and have repeated numerous times, you dont negotiate with survivormain terrorists.

as we have told you before, no offense, but your internal dev team do NOT represent the playerbase with your rank15-20 gameplay. you need to have a team of vets (not streamers) of both sides, to discuss potential changes and test them, cuz logic.

love you guys, but youre killing me.


  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    Lowbei said:
    we get it, youre scared of them review bombing again because it worked last time. we warned you what would happen if you caved to them.

    like we said ages ago, and have repeated numerous times, you dont negotiate with survivormain terrorists.

    as we have told you before, no offense, but your internal dev team do NOT represent the playerbase with your rank15-20 gameplay. you need to have a team of vets (not streamers) of both sides, to discuss potential changes and test them, cuz logic.

    love you guys, but youre killing me.
    I'm not sure what was so unsatisfying about the DS nerf. It looked good enough to most of us. The only ones who had a problem with it were the survivor mains who relied on it to carry them.
    Because those are the people that the devs want to directly cater to.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    yeet said:
    Lowbei said:
    we get it, youre scared of them review bombing again because it worked last time. we warned you what would happen if you caved to them.

    like we said ages ago, and have repeated numerous times, you dont negotiate with survivormain terrorists.

    as we have told you before, no offense, but your internal dev team do NOT represent the playerbase with your rank15-20 gameplay. you need to have a team of vets (not streamers) of both sides, to discuss potential changes and test them, cuz logic.

    love you guys, but youre killing me.
    I'm not sure what was so unsatisfying about the DS nerf. It looked good enough to most of us. The only ones who had a problem with it were the survivor mains who relied on it to carry them.
    Because those are the people that the devs want to directly cater to.
    The devs ought to get to rank 1 killer and see how damaging DS can be up there. If not that, then invite a few veteran players to a KYF. Maybe then they'll see why it needs gutted. 
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    I rarely see it used anymore... They must be looking at stats and prioritizing from there. I think survivors are more concerned about self care than DS atm...maybe?
    Just because you think that few people are using it doesn't make it suddenly free from the ability to abuse it.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Lowbei said:
    we get it, youre scared of them review bombing again because it worked last time. we warned you what would happen if you caved to them.

    like we said ages ago, and have repeated numerous times, you dont negotiate with survivormain terrorists.

    as we have told you before, no offense, but your internal dev team do NOT represent the playerbase with your rank15-20 gameplay. you need to have a team of vets (not streamers) of both sides, to discuss potential changes and test them, cuz logic.

    love you guys, but youre killing me.
    You should support my amazing Decisive Strike rework so the developers won't over nerf the perk to a border line useless level and survivors won't review bomb the game!
  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    @yeet it's not just DS they lied about.. they also said Freddy's rework would be in the mid chapter patch. I don't see a single change for him. Not even a QoL one
    Yeah the only change I see to freddy is an indirect nerf to survivors in the dying state being able to be almost instantly healed back up which will hinder one of his only tactics that he can rarely use successfully.
    I had high hopes that he'd be buffed/reworked this patch and that Decisive would finally be out of the overpowered zone.. but for whatever reason (which I don't understand why they couldn't tell us already) they decided to delay both those things. Both of which are needed. 
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    powerbats said:

    @The_Fallen_Utopia said:
    @yeet it's not just DS they lied about.. they also said Freddy's rework would be in the mid chapter patch. I don't see a single change for him. Not even a QoL one

    So something comes up that makes them have to delay it that must make them liars. Now if we use that logic everytime a game developer or any producer for that matter of anything.

    They're obviously lying because they didn't release it as planned, it couldn't be because of production issues, quality control, doesn't work, time constraints, other things taking more time etc.

    they said DS nerf WILL BE in the midchapter patch 
    now they're claiming that it's "not satisfying" without even letting us test it first.
  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    @powerbats Normally I would think differently but if you paid attention to past times you'd know this is not the first time they lied. So don't try acting like I'm saying this because it's the first time this happened because it's not. I'm sure some others would agree. 
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    @yeet it's not just DS they lied about.. they also said Freddy's rework would be in the mid chapter patch. I don't see a single change for him. Not even a QoL one
    Yeah the only change I see to freddy is an indirect nerf to survivors in the dying state being able to be almost instantly healed back up which will hinder one of his only tactics that he can rarely use successfully.
    I had high hopes that he'd be buffed/reworked this patch and that Decisive would finally be out of the overpowered zone.. but for whatever reason (which I don't understand why they couldn't tell us already) they decided to delay both those things. Both of which are needed. 
    They may plan to release the Freddy rework for the next chapter so the next Killer can get the Spirit treatment. That poor soul got replaced on her own release by Wraith lol.
  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    @ChesterTheMolester Hopefully that's not the case. I've played more as the Wraith then the Spirit so far just because of the changes. lol
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    @ChesterTheMolester Hopefully that's not the case. I've played more as the Wraith then the Spirit so far just because of the changes. lol
    I have seen 10 Wraiths for each Spirit spooking around. And i played more Wraith than Spirit myself.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Nickenzie said:
    Lowbei said:
    we get it, youre scared of them review bombing again because it worked last time. we warned you what would happen if you caved to them.

    like we said ages ago, and have repeated numerous times, you dont negotiate with survivormain terrorists.

    as we have told you before, no offense, but your internal dev team do NOT represent the playerbase with your rank15-20 gameplay. you need to have a team of vets (not streamers) of both sides, to discuss potential changes and test them, cuz logic.

    love you guys, but youre killing me.
    You should support my amazing Decisive Strike rework so the developers won't over nerf the perk to a border line useless level and survivors won't review bomb the game!
    i will take a look
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    Lowbei said:
    look i get that theres delays, it is what it is, software development is complex. its the bad decision making based on lack of experience that i have a problem with. theres far too much data and vets willing to assist for them to be so arrogant as to think they know the game well from rank 20. epicfailtryhard played better than the devs and that guy played by rolling his face on the keyboard.
    Watch out he may finds you. I bet he has an alt account here.

    We are not safe here.
  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    If someone runs DS they should have some sort of gimmick like deliverance.

    So if youre the main Obs you have 1 less hook in you, Meaning 2 hooks you out of the game.
    But i never thought of the circumstance if everyone ran DS on the team.. what would be best to deal with that

  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    @powerbats and you're forgetting that this is not the first time the same Decisive change has been delayed.. And I knew the exhaustion nerf would happen and that wasn't delayed twice.. I fail to see your point here.. and that quote "All you killer mains" tells me more then enough about you.. I want what's best for this game and that is balence while you? I'm not even sure why you are bothering me with this. Just because I'm a killer main doesn't mean I only want killer buffs. But no one can deny this games been imbalanced for the longest time. 
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    If someone runs DS they should have some sort of gimmick like deliverance.

    So if youre the main Obs you have 1 less hook in you, Meaning 2 hooks you out of the game.
    But i never thought of the circumstance if everyone ran DS on the team.. what would be best to deal with that

    i would support a condition requirement for DS, or a change that cost them one hook penalty if used, thus straight to struggle mode on first hook or dead if 2nd.
  • βLAKE
    βLAKE Member Posts: 544

    @yeet said:
    βLAKE said:

    @Lowbei said:

    βLAKE said:

    Ugh killer mains crying again. Like the DS change is coming regardless what are you guys crying about?

    arent you the same rank20 goober who wanted to use mlga in the other thread so you could avoid killers who mori’d you?

    I have been consistently getting rank 1 since the old days. I wanted MLGA because toxic killers like yourself would grief and your over here crying over ONE perk so ######### please.

    (Oh and nice to see you posted your own selfie)

    Someone kills me? TOXIC!

    Nice comeback. Do you turn your brain off when someone owns you?

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    βLAKE said:

    @Lowbei said:
    βLAKE said:

    Ugh killer mains crying again. Like the DS change is coming regardless what are you guys crying about?

    arent you the same rank20 goober who wanted to use mlga in the other thread so you could avoid killers who mori’d you?

    I have been consistently getting rank 1 since the old days. I wanted MLGA because toxic killers like yourself would grief and your over here crying over ONE perk so ######### please.
    (Oh and nice to see you posted your own selfie)

    lol you called tunnelling, camping, and moris “griefing” so i cant take your butthurt seriously.

    also that picture is from a well known movie. get some culture son.
  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    βLAKE said:

    Ugh killer mains crying again. Like the DS change is coming regardless what are you guys crying about?

    arent you the same rank20 goober who wanted to use mlga in the other thread so you could avoid killers who mori’d you?

    People still use MLGA? LUL

  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    @Lowbei if Decisive had a requirement then I wouldn't mind it not going into the state the devs said it would. But as it stands now there's no counter play to it. And even less on the PTB with the hook changes. Can't even juggle them to hooks most of the time now probably. A survivor perk should not completely ruin the match for the killer because that's basically ruining it for it for a whole team. Since the games a 1v4 perks should be balenced around that and not as a free for all or whatever it is now. Sorry if I ranted on a bit I'm just very disappointed in this patch. 
  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    I'm assuming this.. survivor with the Quinton avatar is only here to troll and is a whiny survivor main.. I'll look for this other post that was mentioned to see if he is the one who cried. 
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    @Lowbei if Decisive had a requirement then I wouldn't mind it not going into the state the devs said it would. But as it stands now there's no counter play to it. And even less on the PTB with the hook changes. Can't even juggle them to hooks most of the time now probably. A survivor perk should not completely ruin the match for the killer because that's basically ruining it for it for a whole team. Since the games a 1v4 perks should be balenced around that and not as a free for all or whatever it is now. Sorry if I ranted on a bit I'm just very disappointed in this patch. 
    i understand your frustration. the ptb is a mess imo
  • βLAKE
    βLAKE Member Posts: 544

    @Lowbei said:
    βLAKE said:

    @Lowbei said:

    βLAKE said:

    Ugh killer mains crying again. Like the DS change is coming regardless what are you guys crying about?

    arent you the same rank20 goober who wanted to use mlga in the other thread so you could avoid killers who mori’d you?

    I have been consistently getting rank 1 since the old days. I wanted MLGA because toxic killers like yourself would grief and your over here crying over ONE perk so ######### please.

    (Oh and nice to see you posted your own selfie)

    lol you called tunnelling, camping, and moris “griefing” so i cant take your butthurt seriously.

    also that picture is from a well known movie. get some culture son.

    Right because throwing the game for the sake of ruining a certain players experience is not gonna offend people and is obviously what the game was intentionally meant to be played as. Get outta here with your logic.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    βLAKE said:

    I'm going offline from these forums. Too much toxicity in-game and now it leaks over to the forums. Cya killer mains. Keep crying with your idiotic logic.

  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    βLAKE said:

    I'm going offline from these forums. Too much toxicity in-game and now it leaks over to the forums. Cya killer mains. Keep crying with your idiotic logic.

    Says the one crying about tunnelling and Moris... cya survivor main and your rather pathetic logic
  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    @βLAKE said:
    I'm going offline from these forums. Too much toxicity in-game and now it leaks over to the forums. Cya killer mains. Keep crying with your idiotic logic.

    You're literally the only person here who doesnt want proper change though...

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    edited October 2018
    βLAKE said:

    I'm going offline from these forums. Too much toxicity in-game and now it leaks over to the forums. Cya killer mains. Keep crying with your idiotic logic.

    Ok normally I try to be a nice guy on these forums and in-game BUT I JUST CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! God I think I lost brain cells reading most of you're posts, I mean I have nothing against survivor mains, MY BEST FRIEND IS A BIASED SURVIVOR MAIN but good lord the things that they say sometimes just makes me lose control over myself. I have to leave I cant let the toxicity corrupt me MUST..STAY...POSITIVE....
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited October 2018
    βLAKE said:

    I'm going offline from these forums. Too much toxicity in-game and now it leaks over to the forums. Cya killer mains. Keep crying with your idiotic logic.

    Lol you are using MLGA to avoid everyone who is better than you. 

    "I dOnT wAnt An EdGE, i OnLY WaNT tO MaKE SuRE ThAt i PlAy wITh nOoBs ThAt ARe wOrSe tHaN mE"