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How does it feel playing The Trickster with a controller?

Jay_Whyask Member Posts: 566

With projectile killers you can just lower your sensitivity to improve your aim, but having to hit a survivor 8 to 16 times with low sens seems like a recipe for disaster. I imagine a survivor could simply run past a console Trickster to completely outmaneuver them, damage boosting 1 or 5 knives and then forcing the killer player to slooowly turn around.

Also, how fast can The Trickster switch stances, if a survivor bumps chests with you while you're trying to use your knives, then disappears from your low field of view, how do you react in that situation with a controller? I imagine a lot of Huntress experience crosses over to The Trickster, can I just play him the same way I play Huntress?



  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    As a console player that has played a lot of Deathslinger and huntress the main issue is always being accurate with your "first" shot. Like i can do well with huntress but if i don't play her my sense of aim is off and i have to play multiple matches to remember where to aim.

    Deathslinger isn't as bad since you get ADS so he is easier to get used to, i can get a sense of aim as him in under 3 matches.

    The trickster will have a fast moving projectile and MANY of them so it won't take you long at all to figure out of to aim and even if you don't you can adjust your aim as you spam his power. The only thing that might cause some trouble is the recoil but it isn't much so to me it seems that you can aim pretty "accurately" (He has some RNG with his shots) in just a few games playing him.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Can confirm as controller player on PC. I do terrible with Huntress and below average as Deathslinger. With Trickster I had only played one game but it was fun and you can adjust, it wasn’t as demotivating

  • Fløux
    Fløux Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2021

    Change sensitivity/adapt (get used to what feels comfortable) for the console player. I think people overthink things, but that's actually "kind of" good to do.

    Killer: Don't really focus on anything when you play this game, there's too much going on at one time and you'll hate it.

    Survivor: Hide if you have to, but use that extra time wisely!

    Both roles: Focus on feel.