Practice Mode

Training Grounds: 

Players can queue up in the following categories: 

  • Train With Friends 
  • Train As Survivor 
  • Train As Killer 

Upon joining the lobby, all players will have access to all addons, offerings, and perks. 

Players choose which map they want to play by using map offerings in their offering slot, or can choose to use something else. 

Offerings and addons that will have to be on a five minute cooldown:

  • Judith’s Tombstone 
  • Tombstone Piece 
  • Moris 

Addons that will NOT be allowed because they are too straightforward to need practice with.  

  • Any killer addons that allow infinite states of power, such as Myer’s permanent Tier 3 addons. 
  • Maps
  • Keys


Once 50% of the maps pallets are broken, as each pallet after the 50% mark is destroyed, pallets will respawn in the order they were broken in, one by one. 

Once five generators are repaired, they will reset. 

Survivors cannot be killed by the killer, but instead will be counted as kills, and enter a ghost mode, see below for explanation.

Ghost Mode: upon player death, the survivor enters a downed state instead of being removed from the match, that they can recover from nearly instantly. While in ghost mode, the player is invisible to survivors and killer alike, and is not able to collide with them. They also cannot use pallets, windows, or closets. This is to prevent trolling. 

While in ghost mode, players have infinite haste, allowing them to reposition themselves where they want to try again from. 

During the entirety of the player being in ghost mode, a prompt labeled ‘Ready Up’ will show in place of the interaction prompt at all times. ‘Ready up’, will be bound to the “Follow Me” emote key/button. 

  • Upon being hooked three times, downed three times, or mori’d, the survivor will be unhooked, instantly revived, or in the case of a mori, be placed into a downed state, then recover at 100% the normal speed and self revive. Reverse Bear Traps activate the same state as the mori. 

  • When hooked, the survivor can choose to instantly unhook themselves and restore both health states. With a 10 second invulnerability period to prevent killer griefing.  
  • Upon being hooked three times, the kill animation will not play, instead, the survivor will be immediately unhooked via hook escape animation. 
  • Upon being Mori’d, when the animation finishes, the player will be placed into ghost mode, enter a downed state, and then be able to nearly instantly recover, restoring health completely and
  • Being put into a dying state three times, results in a downed state recovery and once again entering ghost mode.

When all survivors leave through the exit gate, it will return to the lobby. If two survivors leave through the gate, a five minute timer will commence until the match ends and returns all players to the lobby. 


  • aras1377
    aras1377 Member Posts: 55

    i love to see they add some practice chamber for us , but i think if they add lan matches offline in the game to able to start the empty server without others you could be able to explore the map as killer or survivor and you could learn the game and if they add some ai to practice (even if it has dump ai ) it would be awsome