How is slugging for the 4k bad



  • Antrapace
    Antrapace Member Posts: 253

    I play both equally before anyone complains at my opinion, because that’s all it is, an opinion!

    When I was new I slugged for the 4K, I soon realized that it is sweaty as hell, reeks of desperation and can waste a good amount of time. I will do it occasionally now but only if the last one has been unproductive, selfish or toxic. Claudettes hiding behind rocks, Nea’s urban evading, not doing gens or helping their team, stuff like that.

    With regards to saving that last person on hook during the EGC, I don’t really see many similarities. You know exactly where the survivor is, and you have the man power to at least attempt a rescue, it can spice up an otherwise dull game, you’ve spent the entire game playing with / alongside them (random or SWF) and it would just be plain damn rude to not even attempt to help them in their time of need.

    ————SHORT VERSION—————

    slugging for 4K, is almost guaranteed to bore everyone to death including the killer

    saving during EDC, can add some excitement and thrills for everyone!

  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256

    Say to a Nurse player that you think Nurse is the worst killer in the game. Either he will laugh at you and think you are joking or tell you that you're bad at the game.

  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256
  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347
    edited March 2021

    I think it's pretty ridiculous to have a problem with a statement as neutral as "it's boring", because it certainly can be. For everyone involved, as I've seen plenty of killers find it boring to do but just as one example they feel like the emblem system (especially at red ranks) can be very demanding and therefore they feel forced to do it at times.

    But I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it. I always get confused when the killer just hovers in a 10 meter radius of the slug for 99% of the bleedout bar and then gets surprised when the final survivor decides to just find hatch and sit on it until it opens though.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    It's not a problem, just players utilizing a tactic to compensate for game designs that can harm performance and pips.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited March 2021

    Well then you'd have to pay attention with the fact that kill rates are only 56% when including all ranks... The 6% can easily be explained by bad matchmaking, suicide on hooks, over altruism, and people throwing for challenges.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    Nothing about this toxic sentence surprises me from a self-professed Legion main.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    If the gates are not open you should just man up, kill the 3rd guy you have down and race the other bro to hatch as the game intended. Slug to 4k is the lazy, cheap play. I will DC if I get slugged for 4k on my last match cuz then that penalty is moot, especially if I think they know where hatch is. And I play solo, so that is trading my game for a stranger because it is that annoying to me.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Its just boring for both sides imo. You already won the game just hook me so I can go to the next game. And as killer you waste your own time to find the 4th survivor who's never going to pick up the survivor and probably hiding in a locker. You can play whoever you want but now you're just wasting time for both sides. I only slug for the 4th when the team I played against was being toxic.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    It's incredibly boring for the survivors.

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    Not everything needs to be fun for survivors or killers. Deal with it

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2021

    It's fun for me.. 😎 although I don't really do it that often.. only on the salty teams when it get to it..

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    What is funny is that always the ones that get killed are the ones that text salty msgs afterwards..

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Honestly, slugging for the 4k is just really, really boring, especially as the slug. The reward you get is miniscule compared to the time investment, because 1 hook and 1 kill honestly doesn't give you much at all in any scenario.

    If you wanna slug for the 4k, go ahead. Whatever, it's your choice, if you want those 4 sacrifices guaranteed then you do you. It's just extremely unfun to sit through for everyone involved. I used to do it a lot but now I almost never bother, not even if the survivors made me sweat for it and were playing really nastily. I'd rather sit happily in the knowledge that I totally won and quickly move on to the next trial.

  • aEONoHM
    aEONoHM Member Posts: 208

    Do killer mains not care if they get slugged for the 4K at all when they play survivor?

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354
    edited March 2021

    Being slugged at 5 gens after waiting awhile for a match is just annoying, but that being said that's not always on the killers fault, survivors play a role in while everyones slugged at 5 gens, because they dont make any attempt to assess the situation, they dont hide well enough ect, go in for the save instantly, like it's okay for someone to get hooked for their first time in the match, dont true be the hero 30 seconds into a game, because it screws the team even more.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    It just shows you don't value your time or the time of others. There is no team mentality, it's just the killer being an ass at that point. When you go back to save that last person, that's when the epic moments in this game can materialize. Killers sweating for the 4k is just boring, pathetic and sad.

  • Raja
    Raja Member Posts: 319

    They feel entitled to hatch escape

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 915

    People tend to forget that there are real human beings behind the aliases and the monitors, but that's just a common thing on the internet unfortunately. Wasting everyones time like this is nonsense, you already won. This goes also for survivor teams who wait at the exit gates or bully the killer.

    Especially when the survivors heal up while you're searching the 4th and then it starts again till you finally found everyone, i don't get it. Sometimes this part is longer than the actual match.

    There is also no comparison between slugging for the 4k and saving the teammate. As i said, it's an human being and you want to save your mates, it has nothing to do with harming the killer. While slugging for the 4k is only for your ego.

    It feels more like "i don't want the other side to have something good under any circumstances" than "i want to win" because you already won.

    I only slug for the 4k when the team was very toxic. In the past i did it when i wasn't sure that i will pip, but i don't really care about that anymore so much. I play with BBQ so often times i see the 4th surv after hooking and just kill them anyway before they reach hatch.

    I often even give hatch when it's clear it was a solo team and they didn't really had a chance from the beginning because the teammates were bad and DC'd or suicided.

  • ClownBeThiccc
    ClownBeThiccc Member Posts: 5

    Slugging for the 4k Is only truly bad if it's a 5gens and you're the sweatiest nurse/spirit etc who makes the game boring for everyone who's just trying to have fun. Typically, not always the case but so find it's common with PC players especially

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    Survivors do not care about the killers fun at all so why should the killer care about survivors?

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    I wouldn't say it's bad but its not very fun for the Survivors most of the time people are just ready to move on but the Killer wants to ensure his 4k and in most situation 4king isn't that huge of a deal what bothers players the most is Slugging a Survivor and then walking around the entire map looking for the team mate. Basically it feels like their time is being wasted that's why you see a lot of disconnects.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited March 2021

    Id respectfully say this is where you're wrong Fun is a core part of a video game. Fun is a huge reason Legion was Nerfed. Fun is also a very huge reason Freddy was reworked although he isn't Fun now (In Line for Changes soon confirmed by the Devs). Point is while Fun is 100% a subjective topic being slugged while the Killer looks for the last Survivor is a Commonly complained about thing and has been labeled by a majority of the Community as unfun.

    It's a terrible flaw that was introduced into End Game. Killers still have the mentality they did even before the Hatch closing mechanic was introduced. If you ask me honestly Behavior shouldn't reward slugging for the 4K it's not that serious. I'm not saying the Survivor should escape for free but the Survivor also shouldn't be forced to sit on the ground while you run around map like a chicken with its head cut off looking for the last player. Basically it seems you care way to much about this "4k or i lose" mentality that a lot of people have and im sure that will come to a halt once MMR is completely functional and once you start facing teams where at best you may get two Survivors. Which trust me if you are even remotely able to play the top 1% It's not gonna be "Fun" at all.

    It will for sure be a huge awakening for this Community on how unfun this entire game can be once you throw the top 1% of the community against each other and what I openly expect to happen is people leaving this game taking breaks for their MMR to fall off, People finding ways to Derank, the list goes on and on. Conclusion if a game isn't fun people will simply stop playing it you can throw this competitive mindset at me as much as you like don't get me wrong im Competitive but i also realize it's a video game that is full of RNG and in no way will ever be fully competitive feel free to play how you like but don't be shocked when changes get made to things deemed unfun.

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    So what im getting from you is that everything should be fun but... You're forgetting this is a unbalanced asymmetrical game. Killers can sometimes black pip after killing 3 survivors and playing fair which is ridiculous.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited March 2021

    I'm not saying everything should be fun but when a huge chunk of the community agrees something is very unfun then its a problem even most of your popular Killer mains agree to that It's not fun its better to just move on and hook and get into the next game. Actually i addressed the game nature and why it'll never be fully competitive also comparing a flawed Ranking System to a game mechanic is a stretch.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    ######### is this attitude? I gave the reason why survivors don't like it, chill out.