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Feedback and Suggestions

BBQ should be a HEX perk or nerfed



  • Member Posts: 359

    Ah I see @Sluzzy is finally advocating for making the game harder for survivors.

    Man imagine the perks I could use that aren't wasted by BBQ.

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    Um no they didn't nerf BL they just made it do wat it was supposed to all along. That's not a nerf it's a bug fix. And like someone else said lets nerf stridor since 1 killer great with it. So what. Do you really die that much? If so it's sad and yes I play solo and it's not the killer most of the time that makes me die it's trash can survivors. Learn please.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    First of all, the whole concept is dumb.

    BUT if BBQ was a hex perk it would need serious buffs. Aura reading is 12 seconds and also procs when any hex totem is cleansed. Better for ya?

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I would honestly be surprised if they actually played the game now. I don't see where they would find the time, being here almost 24/7 already.

  • Member Posts: 12

    If not a hex it should be like distortion tbh give them 3 tokens to start with and lose perk after the 3 tokens are gone. Seems fair by me. All the killers that say they only use it for bp are lying tbh your using it bc you cant find survivors. Hell I play both sides and dont use it and I get to rank 2 but there is not need for the aura reading perk. Use common sense and your ears and you wont have any problems

  • Member Posts: 12

    Like what? There's only two things distortion(has 3 tokens and perks gone) or hide in a locker and most killers run iron maiden

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    Why you always post absurd demands like this one?

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    Lol. Iron Maiden MIGHT be run by a Huntress, and as pointed out, people going for Legion adept. The only other killers running it either have no idea what they're doing anyway and are new enough to not know how useless the perk generally is, or they don't have any other perks available to them.

    And there's well more than two counters, as so many people have pointed out. Other than jumping into a locker, hiding behind a generator is easily the simplest one. Or changing direction after a few seconds of movement. Or just existing inside of BBQ's range. Even if the killer has a general idea of where someone MIGHT have been when hooking, by the time they traverse the map there's no guarantee that the survivor will even still be anywhere close to that spot when they get there, and even if they are, they can -- you know -- run and lose the killer a chase, or even -- gasp! -- hide.

    As I said in one of the OP's other threads complaining about BBQ, I'm a Red Rank survivor that doesn't belong at that rank, because I'm a decent survivor and not nearly as good as my rank suggests. When I lose, it's because I can't loop well enough, or I do something stupid -- but I'm definitely NOT losing because of BBQ, because even I know how to easily work around it. If BBQ is something you can't handle, then you're worse at this game than I am -- and at my level of play, that's saying something, lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    At least your cows are funny.. Sluzzy demands are not, and if hes not doing this for trolling and really thinks hes correct, then its sad 🤣

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited March 2021

    When they finally made lockers do something useful and no one uses them :)

    Or you could hide nearby if you are feeling frisky. Makes the save easier if you are already half way there and not being detected.

    Hell, didn't they add a kind of okay perk that counters aura reading a few times? (I have not played in a while) And the most common aura reading perk is BBQ.

    Or the old bait and switch tactic.

    But please. Complain like everyone else about how you can't counter it. I don't play survivor as often as killer, but even I rarely get found via BBQ. It's not hard.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I run BBQ on almost all of my killers, and it's pretty much for BP primarily. I run it on The Pig, who I play the most, and after a hook, this is how things play out:

    1) I don't see anyone on BBQ. Are the other survivors in lockers or close by? Who knows? But I'm not getting any help.

    2) I see someone way across the map, but I know other survivors are closer (either lurking for a save, or working on a nearby gen), so I ignore the person I see with the aura reading, making that knowledge useless.

    3) I see someone on BBQ and I head in their direction. If they were moving, they've probably changed direction as my terror radius alerts them I'm coming, so I might be going on a wild goose chase in the wrong direction and end up wasting precious time. If they were stationary, then they're either going to hide or start moving away when they hear me coming. In either case, it's as likely that I end up wasting my time as I do actually finding someone. And of course, finding someone and actually running them down and hooking them are two different things, as the latter is nowhere near a guarantee.

    4) I see multiple people on BBQ. So, all of the above applies, except even knowing someone is somewhere, I'm still might not be heading in their direction, as I have multiple potential targets, so BBQ is zero threat to them.

    If I wasn't burning through BP at an astounding rate on survivors and killers who have monstrous bloodwebs filled with useless stuff at Level 50 on everyone, there are numerous perks that I'd be running instead. Sloppy Butcher for one. Thrilling Tremors (which gives even more important location info on survivors AND blocks gens, making it arguably a more powerful perk, or certainly an underrated one) is another. Or any of the ones you suggested as well.

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    i took the time to read that mentioned there were 10-15 perks better than BBQ. I highlighted the Tracking/Aura ones to make a point. Sloppy is ran regardless of BBQ on alot of my killers. Short point Killers will be much more dangerous without BBQ taking a slot

  • Member Posts: 383

    All the other OP perks that need to be a hex are Predator, Remember me, Mad grit, Nemesis and hangmans trick.

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    For sure Hangman's. OMG that perk is stupid. One nerf aint enough lets make it a hex, 300 sec cooldown, and you need to hit a survivor while carrying another survivor before it will proc.

    Still can't believe it was nerfed before. I started playing about a week after chains of hate so anyone know what hangmans did b4 now to get the nerf? Right now I think its 6 mters from hooks.

  • Member Posts: 383

    300 sec cooldown lol that's really how a lot of these perks are....So stupid

  • Member Posts: 22,857

    what it used to do:

    Version 1.9.0

    Destroyed hooks return after 30/20/10 seconds (down from a minute if sabotaged/permamnently if Breakdown was used or a survivor was killed) Gain a notification when someone begins sabotaging a hook.

    Version 2.1.0

    Destroyed hooks return after 30/20/10 seconds. Gain a notification when someone begins sabotaging a hook. Sabotaged bear traps return after 60 seconds (down from 180 it usually took).

    Version 3.6.0

    Current Hangman's Trick (I can't find the PTB values in the patch notes and it makes me sad).

  • Member Posts: 10,402


  • Member Posts: 1

    I love how survivors cry about bbq and chili being op. The MAIN reason why killers run this perk is for bonus BP. We really don't care about the aura reading and it can be easily be countered by hiding in a locker. Duh??

    So quit whining when there so many survivor perks that are stronger.. IE sprint burst, spine chill, dead hard, iron will etc

  • Member Posts: 5,988
    edited March 2021

    Depends on the perk. The reason people use it though is because it basically doubles your bloodpoints, unless you are playing terribly, you are almost always going to hook every survivor once.

    I'm not saying that it isn't good, its "ok" but it has so many counters at this point. If it still worked like it used to, like showing the auras in lockers and such, then i would agree, but at this point it only shows you people really far away, the auras are often hard to see on the new gen auras, on top of that between lockers, hiding your aura behind the generator and perks survivors now have that prevent you from being seen it is much much weaker.

    On the flip side, thrilling tremors is a far better perk. It's cooldown is basically irrelevant because by the time you walk to where you want to go, find and chase the survivor, the cooldown is probably up. It shows you the EXACT generator you want to go to, and on top of that, blocks all the other generators from being worked on. It too, has a counter in that you can stop working on the gen, but it's counter means you stop working on that gen for 16 seconds which is more time wasted than simply hiding your aura behind the generator for 4 seconds against BBQ.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    The BP is an excuse. The auras are too much information and on a killer like Freddy that can teleport to the gen being worked on and stop it, remove objective progress, it is too strong for a perk. About the time he hooks that person, he can teleport again. Same for the other killers too. An Oni that is so versatile with his power movement can hook someone and go across the entire map within a couple of seconds and down someone he saw working on the objective. No survivor perk has so many advantages. If they do, they either have too many downsides or too situational to ever be used. BBQ has no downsides, just play the game normally to reap in a lot of benefits.

  • Member Posts: 445

    No don't Anakin, don't give into the dark side of the bait

  • Member Posts: 445

    Almost 8 pages. You are now one wlth the dark side of the bait

  • Member Posts: 445
  • Member Posts: 144

    I agree with everyone else, but I will say that the game is deffo not survivor sided. I know it's the classic meme that survivor and killer mains are always going to argue against the other side, but it has literally been proven that killers have (at red ranks) an average of 65% w/r compared to the 35% w/r survivors have.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Well, it is okay. We all have our own opinions. Thanks for saying it in a respectful manner, I appreciate it. The killer main vs survivor main situation gets really complicated sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 144

    People are always gonna argue about what sides better/more OP, which is why people need to start playing both sides, it's literally the most healthy option for this game lmao.

    I main Hag as killer and I win about 95% of all my matches, even against a mediocre SWF. But as someone who has more hours as survivor than killer it's quite noticeable how often killers win matches compared to survivors.

    And no worries, constructive conversations are way better than all out wars between sides lol.

  • Member Posts: 66

    If they use it for BP they dont need aura reading abillity with it, or i am wrong lol?

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    It's because killers are way overpowered in so many ways. 95% seems about right actually. Killer mains denying it is said so much the devs actually believe it. Game is almost in an unplayable state as survivor unless losing is enjoyable.

  • Member Posts: 5,305

    this is a joke right?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,515

    BBQ is the only freaking farming perk that's useful.

    I run Distressing, Beast of Prey, and BBQ on my killers. Distressing is usually harmful if anything, and unless I'm memeing Beast of Prey shouldn't even proc. BBQ is the only perk that has any real chance of giving value during a match, and even then I often don't see any auras with it because there are so many counters. But I'd really like to not be running zero perks that give any gameplay value just so I can earn BP.

    The fourth farming perk is Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, which I don't run because it's useless. Absolutely useless. The survivor who cleanses it makes more BP than it gives me for running it.

    If we're gonna mess with BBQ, then first the devs need to add other useful BP perks, because it sucks to run two useless perks and one sometimes-I-see-auras-with-it-if-the-survivors-are-super-lazy perk.

  • Member Posts: 231

    By all means give BBQ the OoO treatment. While we're at it, give corrupt the decisive treatment too.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    How has this gone on for so long? Maybe we should have a week where BBQ doesn't award extra BP and see just what perk is ACTUALLY op. Probably Tinkerer, that one is a solo destroying masterpiece.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    So you want to make Corrupt Intervention less abusable... Right...

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    I'm down for that.

    But only if the killer has the ability to destroy survivor perks, for example ds, ub, sb, dh, etc.

    If you really think bbq needs to be a hex perk than you are clearly delusional

  • Member Posts: 481

    What is especially funny about this is that the Devs read this suggestion on stream and made fun of it.

    "I dunno about you but I like having perks" I believe is what was said.

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