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Small Game does not activate on Dream Snares or Dream Pallets.

SauceMan Member Posts: 17

No clue when this broke, or if it was ever functional, but in 1.3.0. small game was changed to activate on "a bear trap, a phantasm trap, a dream snare, a dream pallet, or a totem." -- SOURCE

Tested it in-game, Small Game does not seem to work on these.

Platform: PC, Description above, Run Small Game against Freddy to reproduce, occurs every time.

Once fixed, Small Game can take it's rightful place as the best perk in Dead by Daylight. (maybe.)

2 votes

Not a bug · Last Updated

Small Game works on Bear Traps, Dream Pallets and Phantasm Traps as well as Totems as defined in the perks description, it does not include Dream Snares.


  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,018
    edited March 2021

    I run Small Game from time to time so I slapped it on yesterday and hoped for a Freddy. Got one with dream pallets, for which the perk triggered just fine and one with dream snares, for which the perk didn't trigger.

    My guess is that it isn't supposed to trigger on snares since you can see them pretty well, whereas you can't distinguish dream pallets from real pallets.

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