NOED is so Infuriating
Just had a match with a rank 4 killer playing pig. I was able to loop her well and she had given up on the chase multiple times and decided to just tunnel two of my other teammates. ( the minute one was taken off hook she would go straight for the injured one) I had only been hit once, never hooked. I managed to do all but one gen when the time came and I was the last one alive. She immediately closed hatch and found me and one hit down me with NOED. Honestly I’m not the best player but even I knew she wasn’t that great, at least with Pig. It sucks that I did pretty amazing that match and got screwed over by a perk a lot of people use to get a free kill. It feels like my efforts were undetermined very cheaply by this perk. I’m not saying get rid of NOED but perhaps if there’s only one other survivor left then NOED shouldn’t activate. Like to me NOED is used as a last ditch effort when all the survivors are still alive endgame and the killer hasn’t gotten anyone.
If you were the last one alive with hatch closed and the pig on your ass, it woudn't matter if she had NOED or not.
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"Like to me NOED is used as a last ditch effort when all the survivors are still alive endgame and the killer hasn’t gotten anyone."
Sounds like the Killer didn't really need NOED if they already had 3 of you dead.
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Every survivor in dbd hates NOED, Including me but I have enough hours to know there is a counter. Take 1 of your meta perks out and swap in "Small-Game". Sure, it isn't the most OP perk but it does counter trapper too. I honestly hate trapper the most so I run small game to counter 2 things and to buff 1 thing.
- small game counters hag and trapper.
- small game counters hex totems.
- small game buffs inner-strength.
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It's all part of the strategy, man. They may have been a weak pig in your opinion, but they ultimately made the right call leaving you be and going for the weaker team mates. So what if they tunneled them? Again, it's all part of the strategy, and in this case, a good one that gave them a 4k.
You did your job well, but the real problem here, I think, is that you had some lesser skilled team mates that didn't do theirs.
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Bragging about not having been hooked once while the rest of your teammates were hooked 3 times. Sounds like you got exactly what you deserved, for your bad team play to me.
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NOED's got issues, but you're using the worst example for why it's bad.
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How? I unhooked and healed them multiple times? You want me to just sacrifice myself to killer instead?
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I rarely encounter Trapper anymore or Hag. It just seems like a gamble and a waste to run small game on the off chance someone uses NOED. Which I rarely encounter anymore.
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She honestly wasn’t on my ass. All she had to do was patrol the two exit gates. Which Lately seem to be beside each other. So not that hard to patrol.
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Pig made the right call going for the ones she could down, the alternative was against her with a long chase and no gen pressure. Noed doesn't look like it mattered in that case.
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Part of being a good teammate is taking aggro for your team. If you haven't been hooked, you should be willing to be hooked in order to give your teammate a chance. The only time you shouldn't take aggro is if you have bad teammates that don't play properly.
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You don't need to "sacrifice" yourself to the killer. Spend some extra time and clean all the totems and NOED isn't an issue.
Post edited by PhantomChimera on12 -
Kinda yeah. You made yourself a non target for the killer by being more skilled so they went after everyone but you to create that end game situation since it was the only way to get you. Had you taken the time to get hooked earlier and kept yourself as a valid target for later your team would have had a better chance at survival overall as the killer may have had more inclination to chase you if they had downed you earlier in the match.
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She chased me multiple times. I’m not going to just randomly take a hit for my teammates or just stand there and let her hit me. That’s a stupid move.
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Or, she would hook me and then down the others before they could unhook me and thus the match ends quicker.
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Then might I propose a second option?
Try inner and detetectives hunch, together they keep you Healed up and counter the Killer Meta /Ruin/Undying and other hex perks like NOED to the point that it's not even funny. You've still got an extra 2 slots for what ever you want DS, Unbreakable, BT etc.
Give it a go and let me know what you think. I can only speak from my own time running thus in my build, but it's yet to let me down...
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You don't just have to just stand there. If you were that good at looping, you could keep trying to bait her into a chase and waste her time. Even if she was in a chase with someone, you can body block for them if you haven't been hooked yet. It is not stupid to take the pressure off of your teammate. Your choice to not do so contributed to your loss.
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Might do that. Thanks.
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There wasn’t much I could to force her to come after me. She wouldn’t even bother with me after awhile and just constantly search for the others.
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So the killer had a 3k, but wasn't pressuring you whatsoever, which means you had all the time in the world to do the totems and didn't. Then when NOED popped she got you because you still didn't hide or look for the lit totem.
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I mean to be fair I didn’t really have time. I needed to do gens cause she was constantly going after the other three. I don’t want to be mean and say they were bad survivors. Maybe underskilled or just unlucky. I had to keep healing and trying to save them as well.
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Again your ignoring the psychological aspect of the game in the killer mindset, you had to constantly do gens while your team was being pressured, because you couldnt/wouldnt take agro. Wouldnt because you were afraid of not getting unhooked if you went down, couldnt because you made yourself a non factor by making yourself too difficult to hit.
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I wasn't there to see your game, but yes sometimes you have to take those protection hits. Sometimes you even have to take those hooks to protect the weaker Players. I have no doubt you did a lot of heavy lifting, but I can tell you as both a Survivor and Killer Player, that the most effective Survivor groups tends to ALL do some time on the hook, spreading the hate as it were.
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In your op you said she was tunneling 2 survivors, now you seem to be claiming she was keeping pretty even pressure among 3 Survivors and still keeping enough pressure on you without hooks that you couldn't do much.
Which is it?
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In that case, she made the right choice and got rewarded for it by winning the match. It sucks for you, but that's the risk in playing solo survivor. It is a team role and as such, if your teammates aren't good, you will suffer for it. I recommend running plunderers if you play solo so you can get a better chance for a key spawn. Otherwise, SWF is your only other choice.
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One survivor died really early in game cause she tunneled him first. He didn’t even make it to midgame
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Break totems instead of running past them to the next gen.
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Man reading those posts is like a deep dive into the mind of those folks you get in solo queue that make you want to pull your hair out.
Like this is such a huge red flag here.
To be fair in games where every second counts, spending 14 x 5 seconds to break all the totems (not counting finding them) is not likely too often.
The better plan is to just remember totem locations as the game goes on, and then just giving them a once over at the end of the game if you think or know noed is active. Noed is not even some overpowered perk by any means, often it only secures one kill, two if a killer is very very aggressive with it. Unless survivors act like lemmings they are generally able to get all but one, or often everyone out even if the totem is still up.
Perks, maps, etc can be a big help as well if an option. Also BT, DS, and other meta perks are significant counters to noed on their own as well. Septic agents can be too. So many counters even if you don't break the totem.
A lot of killers don't even run Noed because it isn't really that good.
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Not as good just being a useful teammate and doing the gens instead of wasting time trying to do totems whilst unable to communicate that you're doing totems/how many totems you've done/where you've looked for totems.
Also, perks shouldn't counter perks. If small game actually countered NOED, which it doesn't, then that would be terrible game design. And the reason it doesn't counter NOED is because it's actually more valuable to have survivors trying to do dull totems than it is to have the endgame powerspike.
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So yeah, sounds like once she closed the hatch she had a 4k, NOED or not.
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We love tunneling and NoED /s.
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In a lot of situations, I find myself running right behind the hurt survivor and let myself be hit.
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I do that when it’s close to endgame or endgame. Admittedly I don’t do that off the bat. Especially with the teammates I had that would have been a risky move cause more than likely we would have both just been downed.
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Why weren't you doing totems then?
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"the minute one was taken off hook she would go straight for the injured one"
Why do people complain about this like it isn't the super obvious and intelligent thing to do in that situation?
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If I come across a totem I do it. But wasting time constantly running around looking for dull totems only makes it harder to do gens. Especially when people are dropping like flies. Honestly usually you can tell if someone uses NOED cause they use other hex perks as well. She didn’t though. So I was on the lookout for totems during the match but it wasn’t a priority
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I’m not saying that’s a bad move but people in this discussion were asking why I didn’t do this or that or tried to get her to follow me. I was explaining that she didn’t take the bait and there was nothing I could really do.
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Ok... And guess what that cost you? NOED
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Your particular situation sounds the worst; I've gotten 4ks after 3 hooks by NOED alone.
Plus, that's kind of the point. It's a way for less experienced killers to try to salvage games that didn't go so well. That's why you see so many "questionable" killers running NOED. Unfortunately, it's powered to be more than a salvage, it's a full on arsenal.
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Yeah, that’s super annoying. You know what else grinds my gears is how the developers put a handle on the gate. What’s even the point anymore?
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Sounds like you got outplayed, if the Pig killed 3 of your teammates and closed the hatch it wouldn't matter if they had NOED or not.
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Exactly right.
...and small game is not a good perk. Comfortably D tier for me. As useful as this is not happening.
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That's what I was thinking lol they said doors seems to spawn close together all she has to do is patrol or whatever, well then what does noed matter if your get screwed by door spawns 😂
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If you're complaining about noed, but you were the last one, why the hell were all your teammates dead before the gate?! Sounds like they did not need noed at all in that case, what are you on about?
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I just have one thing to say...
The perks name.
" No ONE Escapes Death "
That should include you.
Because I might want that last person gone when it's a lengthy game and I know I deserve the 4 k for once in my life.
Just like survivors claim they do enough to leave when hatch spawns.
It's silly that keys or Mori's, the killer gets the bad end of it all and displeases the Entity with a derank. It just makes the game short af.
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It's like I tell so many players in Soo many different games....just because you might be the best doesn't mean you should expose yourself as being the best. Though it may feel like it at times not everyone out there is a teenage boosted muppet with delusions of grandeur. So it's rare nowadays there still are players out there who are smart calculating and can make the necessary adjustments mid-game to turn the tide in their favor.
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While that basicly is right, i stopped doing that as a solo survivor. I used to do it, but - especially if i played with a 2 or 3 swf - if it came to the last gen, a lot of times they would just get out and leave me there. While i can understand that if you have an instadown killer who camps, they would also do it with non-camping killers. A lot of random teammates just dont care. Once you learned that, you stop caring for them.
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If u don't want to find and cleanse totems, don't complain about NOED
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There's extremely easy counters to NOED
·Actually cleanse the totems
·Work well together, dont be selfish
·Dodge the hits. It ain't that hard, with all the 360s, god loops and Lithe/Dead Hard
And remember kids, there cant be NOED if theres no totems left