Gen speeds are perfectly balanced
Marth & crew are back at it again, showing the pretty good job so far by the balance team.
Nerf Spirit and Freddy though right? they're op.
Fun fact you can have a gen done and a good chunk of work put into others before Freddy even has gains his power via survivors falling asleep.
Even marth and them are like "yeah i dont know what i would have done here in this guys shoes
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"Perfectly balanced... as all things should be".
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"Just pressure gens more" or "well you don't see survivors like this often so no big deal"
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Yep these are regular SWF bullshit.
Not even deathsquad or tournament level, just regular “play with your friends” squad.
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Well... those clips are disgusting
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Definitely a best case scenario SWF, but it does show that even one Prove Thyself is dangerous
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Survivors bring a commodius toolbox with a brand new part and charge addons. They also are running Built to Last and Prove thyself and Streetwise. But this is definitely shows how fast gens have the potential to go.
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swf with comms.
we're just gonna ignore the fact that solo q exists and slowing down gens would be a huge detriment to them?
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Not even the best. I’m sure if deathsquads play this it’ll be even faster.
They don’t heal or make mistake in chase, and they spread out gens.
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And survivors want fair 12 hook games lol it’s like telling the killer to lose basically. This game is not balanced enough to play fair. If survivors can do basic loops and sit on gens it’s almost impossible to 12 hook win.
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Dude, this is like playing iri head huntress and saying "SEE?!?! KILLER OP!!!!"
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Seems like a SWF issue more than gen speed honestly. SWF's on comms are just way more efficient so the gens fly.
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I have to say, I'm about done with this game because the game has become balanced toward SWF streamers that have comms and run the best add-ons, that solo has pretty much become impossible. I've been keeping track of my games for this patch and last patch and I'm not seeing the point because game after game after game, I die and 66% of my games, the killer is getting a 4k. There's another person that frequents these forums and he's getting the same stats as I am. About 5 to 10 of these games are as killer. Every killer game I've gotten a 4k. I shouldn't get 4ks with a Killer, which I'm weaker at playing and hardly ever survive as survivor. Last patch I did 26 games, this patch 27.
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i think i'll start doing this as well. i only play solo and it is truly is awful and can be very unfun. i believe it's what pushes people to play in constant swf because it's so mind numbing.
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Pretty sure gen speed is balanced around survivors having nothing to increase the speed on. Every time I have just a single prove thyself in one of my games the gens fly by like it's a death squad.
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Solo q has been handling gens pretty well lately.
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Obviously, but I would say most SWF's do not come with Prove Thyself, Streetwise ect ect.
They usually come with DS, DH and BT. I was remarking that adding a Prove Thyself to that mix is dangerous because then you have a lot of second chance perks PLUS a perk that speeds up gens.
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Gen speeds are honestly fine as they are, just not when brought with 4 bnp prove thyself and built to lasts. It's like saying that huntress is op because she has iri head and infantry belt. It's not the base strength, it's the amount it can be buffed.
I honestly believe bnp should be removed or at least consume the entire toolbox, so that 4 survivors can't do a gen in 5 seconds with bnp, or even worse: 4 survivors can do 4 gens in less than 40 seconds. That's 3 gens done consistently in the first minute of a match, even if all the survivors spawn far from generators.
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Yes, prove thyself if used coordinately can be very strong, especially in 3 gen situation.
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how often do you see 4 builds like these?. also if u see 4 toolboxes in looby wich is rare to see you should already be thinking about what is happening.
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4 survivors using perks solely dedicated to gens, yeah. It's fine.
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It's pretty bs.
Had a game as Legion on Yamaoka Estate where the first gen popped within 30 seconds, and I spawned too far to even get there in time.
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I just watched the first clip and gotta say that wasn't all that fast considering their builds and communication.
My gf recently had quicker gens in SOLO QUEUE with NO toolboxes and NO prove thyself. Map was Bloodlodge.
2 min 40 sec for 4.5 gens. The 4th gen popped after 2 min 40 sec and my gf was already sitting on the last gen and had 50% repaired.
I clipped it, too. Just in case someone doubts it.
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and survivors wonder why killers stack slow down perks.
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So we should just ignore the swf side that is growing every day?
You can't use trap killers
You can't use stralth killers
You can't hit and run because heals are so fast.
They break the game.
In the end they make money so nothing will be done and survivor q will get longer and longer
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The "good" or more hard core players are all playing in swf already. This leaves you with the casuals who play 1 or 2 games for fun and move on for the day.
I don't try survive as a solo, i only aim to complete the pip checklist.
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I mean yeah, BNP's are pretty disgusting. But that doesn't mean gen speeds are unbalanced. It means that BNP's are unbalanced. Both sides have some outrageous stuff they can do. I'd say BNP's should have a new effect instead of erasing 25% (20 seconds) on a generator. That's 80 seconds -- a full generator if the whole team brings them.
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Watch this clip and cry about BNPs as they are now.
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The only reason this isn't the norm is because of the emblem system. None of them got a pip from this.
The usual way games go is rush to 2 or 1 gen and then farm the killer for emblem points before completing them.
Ever notice how slow the game suddenly goes when there is only 1 or 2 gens left with 4 survivors still up?
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We're just going to ignore the fact that there are things you can do to balance the game that nerf SWF and buff solos? Like, giving solos more information for free, letting them do pings:
And then, you can slow down gens somehow.
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The point is that this "gameplay" isn't fun for anyone. Survivors are just holding m1 down on a gen, and killer can't actually play the game. This means the game is just not fun for any of the 5 people. The best part of the game is the chase, and mindgaming each other.
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Not really, its a basic math problem. You don't even need coms to do it. Takes 80 seconds to do a gen, if all 4 survivors hop on a gen immediately when match starts and the killer finds one within 10 seconds. The survivor can literally just hold w in the opposite direction of the killer. It'll take them 25-30 seconds to catch up. They get hit, hold w more (don't even bother looping) takes the killer 23 seconds to catch up. Picking them up and walking to a hook wastes 15 seconds. You just spend, 10 + 25 + 23 + 15 = 73 seconds. Welcome to 3 gens popping.
If survivors just work on gens, and don't even bother doing any mindgames and just throw pallets down early, forget about it.
If killer drops chase, just hop on a gen and rinse and repeat with every survivor.
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Sure tell that to my teammates when I'm playing solo.
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Someone could post a video of gens being done in two minutes and survivor mains would still downplay/try to talk around it. The fact is that it shouldn’t be possible for gens to go this fast, regardless of the build or circumstances.
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The killers should've pressured gens...
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Ahhh, the good ol' depip squad. Love those guys.
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Don't like how your team behaves? We have the solution for YOU! Join the official DbD discord and find a team within seconds. Matching up with strangers has never been easier!
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Still have to be careful about increasing generator completion times. Reason being is camping and tunnelling is much more effective if the survivors can't finish all the generators in time and escape then there is no reason for the killer to leave the hook.
This is why I suggest instead of increasing the time, put instant regression for kicking the generator in the game. This way an early game camp is still punished the same and the killer has real incentive to leave the hook and real incentive to kick generators with survivors around that generator.
As for three gens popping at the start I suggest properly learning spawn points for survivor. With the timing of generators popping according to above comments, knowing survivor spawns will help identifying generators they're likely on. Corrupt is also a great perk to stop terrible early game and allow the killer to commit on their first chase more.
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Too bad some people like me don’t want to. I’d rather have solo be a fun experience
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Meh, i also play solo all the time. But it baffles me how easy and fast you can complete a SWF team, just by going to the official discord.
The devs still refuse to balance around SWF and prefer to balance around new solo players. Which simply doesn´t work out for the vets.
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That’s true I’d rather them give solos some form of communication to balance them out with SWF. Something like a pinging system from apex could work
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Ingame voice chat. It works for R6 and other pvp games. It would be easy to implement, since we already have dedicated servers.
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That could work too but I’d rather not have to talk to people so having both would be nice
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Are we now pretending again that this is happening in every game?
Can we have some Clips of Killers who win in 3 minutes? And pretend that those are the norm? No? We cant? Even surprised..
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It´s funny how a few weeks ago, we also had a clip from a streamer who lost all gens in a couple of minutes and people said the exact same thing. That this is not the norm, that not everyone plays like this, etc.
Meanwhile survivor queues are getting longer and longer, while survivors claim that killer has never been easier.
So whats the reason for the long queues then?
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In over 5500 hours I never had a game like this. The only time where Gens got done really fast was when the Killer was afk.
I have never had a Killer game were Gens were done that fast.
And lets face it, most Killers in DBD are just bad. If even I can get to Rank 1 and 4K quite consistently, players who are complaining that Killer is hard must be worse.
But as I said, now we pretend that this is happening "every game". And players here lose "every game" "only because of SWF". Meanwhile, a strong Killer like Oni or Nurse slugs the whole team in 2 minutes "The Survivors were just bad".
If Killers lose, its the games fault, it Survivors lose, its the Survivors fault. That basically sums up this forum.
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No,the problem is with gen speed. I play solo red rank and i escape 7–10 games.If 2 people or more are on a gen,its over. If theres prove thyself or a toolbox its over,even quicker.The time you find someone 1-3 gens are finished,so basically if you arent a pro or a streamer or if you arent mastering a top tier killer you will lose most of your games against high caliber solos or swf. Thats dead by daylight.
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Exactly right. In other pvp game communities these attitudes would be cut down faster than gen speed is apparently.
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Lucky you, i´ve never seen a Oni or Nurse slug the whole team in 2 minutes. But almost every solo match i play on red ranks, results in 3 or 4 man escapes with 4 or 5 hooks during the whole match. The only matches where the killer gets more kills is, when someone suicides or disconnects.
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Remove bnp, only allow sabotage with toolboxes and remove prove thyself. Base gen speed is fine as is. If it increases, camping allows to sacrifice a survivor and still have a chance to win. The timing is all survivors have to be on gens to escape a camping killer immediately.