Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

The more people in a team, the less perks they can use

SWFs are a key point in annoyance because the informational advantage they gain means they effectively have multiple info perks on top of from the actual perks they have.

To compensate the informational advantage, the amount of perks you can use is reduced by one for each additional survivor you are in a team with:

1 survivor gets 4 each

2 survivors get 3 each

3 survivors get 2 each

4 survivors get 1 each

On top of perfect info from up to 3 other locations on the map without any perk use. Still unfair towards the killer but less so.


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209

    That's ridiculous.

    I would be game for limiting a SWF to one copy of each perk though. So that's only one DS between up to 4 people...

  • Mastermind
    Mastermind Member Posts: 111

    Spreading on gens is the best thing you can do as a survivor group. While you don't have a team, you're in the dark on many of the actions that happen. However if you have a friend who will notify you over VoIP that they're getting chased and that they're far from your location, you can sit on a gen care-free and the more people you have, the more of the map do the survivors cover without any info perks necessary. Also you can be notified about traps being set or killers being somewhat near a hook and if it's actually safe or not. And lastly call out totems even if you are in a chase so your team knows exactly where to go despite not ever seeing the totem themselves.

    The informational advantage one can gain from a group on VoIP is absurd and that's why it should be heavily penalized in-game to balance it out.

  • Somna
    Somna Member Posts: 130

    I sort of like this thought, but think it should be more like this:

    If you are grouped, one perk is automatically locked to Kindred.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    What you are writing is true. SWF gains a huge advantage however the problem is not all SWF uses comms and there is not a system that will be understand the difference. Eventhough if they use comms they should not be punished that much. SWF can be beatable but it is harder than normal due to comms. Some SWF groups dont abuse comms and keep the information to themself while other SWF uses comms for all information.

    The real problem is nerfing the SWF would be a bad strategy for overall game. Imagine you are playing with your friends and the game told you that you will be punished because you are a group. That would damage the game no matter what. There is no online game that can stop the comms outside of the game. I saw some ideas like adding comms to game but trust me that the other SWF will still use their own comms so that killer cant hear. Overall my point is SWF have a huge advantage and that's it. There is nothing we can do for that. We must accept it and play like it. If you suspect that you are gonna face with SWF then dodge the lobby is the best option. It is about how much information does SWF transfer.

    I also wanted to point out that I am playing both sides but I am more killer main. I know your pain and there is a huge difference between SWF and solo. Even there is a huge difference between SWF with comms and without comms and I can see that from my matches. The real thing is no matter what game will do there will be information flow and none of the online game will nerf people for playing with their friends.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    "you wanna play with your friends? ######### you!"

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140
    edited April 2021

    Devs aren't going to nerf SWF. They've specifically said they're not going to do anything that could be considered punishing people for playing with friends.

    This wouldn't necessarily help, anyway, because at least on PS4 I know I get requests to join other survivors on comms in the lobby. You don't have to be SWF to be on comms, and you can play with friends without being on comms. And there is no way for the game to reliably know who is on comms and who isn't.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
    edited April 2021

    Uh, yeah, no thanks.

    Some people enjoy playing SWF without playing sweaty, this wouldn't solve anything.

    What I would do? Make solo queue as powerful as SWF (ex: base-kit Kindred OR a way to communicate to your teammates, Scott Jund did a great video on this), but buff killers' base-kits (ex: increased default movement speed, enhanced kits, etc.) to make it more fair.

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154

    It doesn't need to be that extreme, they could simply add debuff on gen speed or healing efficiency for people in SWF.

    So the way you play is exactly the same, just the efficiency gets nerfed.

    This isn't a punishment, just a compensation for advantages SWFs get.

    If this is not the way then, they have to add in-game voice comms, so solo ques can also utilize them with randoms.