Killers, STOP Expecting a 4K!



  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Survivors don't expect to escape every single match 🤣

    It sounds like you barely if not ever play killer by the sound of it.

    If you did than you would know that the emblem system is broken for killer and a 4k can mean the difference between a pip or a blackpip.

    Hell I've even had a 4 with 32k bp and still blackpipped, tell me how is that balanced? 🤣

    Also it is to expected that your friend do very good as a new player on killer.

    Barely anybody in those ranks know what they are doing so there the killer is strong.

    There is nothing wrong with solo q if you can loop a little bit.

    That 10% you say is what I die and the others is what I escape.

    Learn to play and once you reach red ranks in a legit way then we'll see what you have to say

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    I love killers that use hexs perks

    Because I get more points for braking totems and almost always bring a map to find them.😊

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021

    I'm at the exact same rank for both sides (6) and I rarely see 4ks on either side tbh. It's fine to prefer playing one side but you have to admit that if the game is not enjoyable for the otherside than you won't have an asymmetrical multiplayer game anymore if one side is miserable and hardly anyone uses it (which honestly the main reason survivor queues take so long is that there are so few killers in comparison).

    Most killers don't expect a 4k every game but I imagine that most think 4ks should happen more often than they do, while now it only really happens if you slug the 3rd survivor and hunt for the 4th which isn't particularly fun for survivors either or if you happen to find hatch first. Right now survivors do have a ton of second chance options/mechanics or psuedo second chance (deliverance, dead hard, DS, borrowed time, hook sabos, body blocking, keys, flashloght saves, etc) available in the game where the killer doesn't have much available to him if he makes a mistake (you could argue noed or bloodwarden but that's about it that's very useful) but even those don't change much with trying to get a 4k.

    Here is an example that happened last week- i killed 2 survivors and downed 2. One I hooked and he 4% off hook, I downed him again, he used ds opened hatch and his friends laid on hatch and got out as well. The guy who got off hook didn't have any perks to get him off hook or offerings but it still happened. Survivors only finished 2 gens but still got out.

    In short, killers should be able to have more options for 4ks beyond 3rd survivor slugging on relying on finding hatch first but killers shouldn't expect 4ks super regularly either. Right now I see a 4k about 1 in every 15 games but I think it's realistic to think it should be 1 in every 8 or 9 games playing either side (unless you have total potatoes on either side).

    Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on
  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Killer has been buffed so much it is too easy for sure. The thing is 4K is actually the norm. Watch any killer main and they'll 4K like every game. Then complain about borrowed time or DS while getting a 4K.

    A 4K should be a rarity, not common.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021

    Tbh I see pyramid head as potentially the most balanced killer. Yes he is one of the stronger ones and I think others should be put on a similar level to him but there are also those that I think should be dropped down closer to him. I like him a lot but he does have some clear weaknesses.

  • Sm0othi3
    Sm0othi3 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2021

    Self care should be removed but not urban evasion. I use it all the time with gen perks (prove thyself, better together, technician etc.) And iron will for extra stealth and as long as I don't get spotted (I usually don't unless there's some form of aura reading from the killer) I can get gens done pretty fast. It's also really helpful to escape chases with too. You can sneak past killers so much easier with it and if the killer is patrolling someone they hooked (close to camping but further away) you can sneak past the killer and get the save. As long as you use urban evasion properly, it's REALLY good.

    Also this doesn't really matter but I use p3 nea with a dark brown flannel so I blend pretty well.

    Edit: also, I'm not the type to just urban evade all over the place even if the killer is nowhere nearby. I know how to properly use it.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Although this post is dumb as hell, it's definitely not survivor sided. At red ranks practically all killers have a win rate of about 60% or higher.

    There are actual statistics that one of the Devs released proving this. I'll post it if people want to see it.

    But I disagree with everything this guy has written on this post. Look at it like this:

    In any PvP game, you can lose, draw or win. The same applies to DBD.

    If you 0-1k, you've lost, because you failed to get more than half of the survivors.

    If you 2k, that's a draw. Because 2 survivors escape, and 2 survivors were killed. But who wants a match to end in a draw? You don't go into CSGO expecting to draw, you don't play any competitive game expecting to draw.

    If you get a 3-4k, that's a win. That's realistically how the you win in this game as killer. Survivors just need to escape. That's it.

    You could also look and Trues and Otz's different perspectives on what wins are, but I think we can all agree that this^ is how you win in any competitive game. (Also these two both literally have 50+ win streak challenges where the requirements are 4ks every game).

    Lastly, the sad thing is, dead by daylight is at heart a competitive game. When you get past brown ranks and actually start to care about your unlocks, what perks you have etc, this game stops being casual and instantly starts being comp. I would argue that Rank 15 is where this game turns competitive. And unfortunately, you can't play a comp game and expect to win every match, this goes for survivors as well.

  • usuarioreal
    usuarioreal Member Posts: 39

    I see it this way thinks who is on the cover of the game a murderer therefore the game prioritizes the experience of the kiler already from the first impression, I do not camp or tunnel I am satisfied

  • MigetMAN208
    MigetMAN208 Member Posts: 38

    As a Killer main, Doc's office hours pending, I never "Expect" a 4k. I do my damnedest to slaughter all four survivors but it doesn't happen as often as you think. I think the biggest thing I'm seeing in your post is that you don't quite get the fact that the game is 4v1.

    High skill survivors and/or a well organized team will run circles around a killer. It's about knowing how to play against each killer as while, the basics are the same, the little nuances are where people get hung up.

    Yeah killers try for nerfs but so do Survivor mains. Hell you technically do in the post. At the end of the day killers have all the statistical advantages they have because numbers on paper paint a picture of 1 killer with a stat block against 4 individual survivor stat blocks. In reality it's 1 killer stat block against 1 giant survivor stat block.

    So idk, just stuff to think about.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Well, you gotta have confidence. When you watch a sports game, you expect your team to win. When you play Call Of Duty or another FPS, you expect to do well.

    This is because of the fact that you want to have a degree of confidence, and you have bias and you want your side to win. I expect to escape as survivor, and that doesn't mean survivor is overpowered.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    you only have a 10% escape rate?

    dude... I gladly trade with someone else so they escape and I die on hook, and my escape rate is 12/26 or 46%. (I have been keeping track of my games lately, I also have this from a while ago

    where my survival rate was around 35%)

    and I'm terrible at chases, I can properly loop individual structures, but I suck at linking them together.

    point is... you need to get better at the game.

  • Yumyumtasty
    Yumyumtasty Member Posts: 172
    edited March 2021

    Even the best killers in the game will occasionally have a 0k unless they facecamp somebody or play ridiculously dirty, your post is biased as hell and you should feel bad.

    Sometimes MAPRNG will either give you a win or ######### you over with 20 pallets back to back.

    And your friend probably plays in brown/green ranks when he's new, even redranks has a ton of potatoes playing overly altruistic throwing themselves at the killer.

    And the fact that you think killers are OP makes me think you don't have much experience in the game. Only Freddy and Nurse can be considered OP in my Eyes and Freddy still gets wrecked by certain maps an good survivors.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I'd love to have Sluzzy-vision for a day. It must be very interesting seeing the world the way you do. However do you manage to survive?

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited March 2021

    I don't expect a 4k, but I expect when I'm playing perfectly and I can tell by how quickly survivors go down to me and how poorly they loop, that they shouldn't be winning against me. But evidently, they do, because holding M1 on gens and pre-dropping pallets makes it irrelevant how good or bad you are. I mean if bad survivors can do that, it's not hard to imagine what good survivors can do.

  • Da_tater
    Da_tater Member Posts: 15

    Wait a minute . No . I'M A 60/40 survivor main rank 12 killer when match making puts me in with 3 red rank and a purple and only get 1k I dont suck I am just out classed I accept that . If match making made sense maybe I could agree that you need to get better.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    I want this game to be balanced at all MMR/Ranks so that an average of 2k/2e every game. Right now, at my rating, if i play a team of survivors of equal skill to me, they will win every time unless i play nurse. Tournaments prove this game is survivors sided. Casual and solo play is terrible for survivors, both need to be fixed and brought together more so the game is more fair for everyone.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Hahaha yup that is what I meant, the idea about the emblem system is good.

    However they need to tweak it a little.

    Btw don't forget myers with his infinite tombstone.

    You spent a lot of time getting to tier 3, if you're lucky the game isn't over yet.

    You're slow af, and if you kill all 4 of them you get punished for it 🤷‍♂️🤣

  • BeardedScrub
    BeardedScrub Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2021

    Everyone: I agree I need to get better. When I referred to low percentages I was referring to everyone surviving.

    I appreciate the feedback. Again if you read the other posts I've made, I've made it clear:

    I'm not saying killers are majorly op (though some are). And I'm not saying we need to nerf killers.

    My point is that stats show that the game slightly leans to benefit the killer, if you are killing 2.5 to 3 people every match, that actually leans towards killer.

    My point is that, though we should balance out things and nerf things, we need to try to do it EVENLY..

    One person mentioned that the complainers are a minority. If that's the case, I feel a lot better. I just see a lot of killer complaints in my Google news feed, when in reality I see a high kill rate. My point isn't to say that killers are op.

    My point is just too avoid making games easier for killers. Let's balance things out evenly.

    I'm coming at this one-sided because I do lean towards survivor. But can we work together for balanced changes rather then wanting to completely nerf the other side?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    When the game is this heavily balanced for casual Survivors, you can throw out the idea of 2k balance. It's gonna be a killer snowball or uneventful until down to the last gens. Survivors mistakes have to be pretty consistent across the match for timing to meet that balance. If killer players aren't up to 4k level play they just get toyed with.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Honestly I'd attribute a large majority of these stats being weighed by A. Brown and Yellow ranks are two of the most populous groups and B. Killers consistently wreck new survivors because killer is easier to do early on while survivors you get players who are still learning or trolling or just not good teammates. Those less experienced players both being more numerous and killed more frequently heavily skews the data. If you take those out I would wager the average kills would go down a lot

    Seperately a 4k isn't a win by the games standards unfortunately. I've depiped plenty of times with 4ks. It's a flaw of the game that needs addressed but as it stands the number of kills doesn't mean a killer wins.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Pgtw wasn’t nerfed. In 45 secs you have time to hook 2 survs, see a movie, go to the other side of the map and hit the generator. To make a nerf to pgtw equal to ds it should be disabled if you hit a survivors

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    Survivors, STOP expecting a 4-man escape!

    Even if in one game only 2 escape that averages out to a 3-man escape!

    In what word is this balanced?

  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    ohh look another thread where theres bias from both sides.

    survivors go use DS/UB/BT every game, enjoy your hard matches.......

    also killers, use your corrupt,pop, ruin every game, enjoy your hard matches.......

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    I define success in a relative sense on both sides. When I play killer I consider a 3k a solid win, 2k as decent and 1k or less as a loss. Do I expect to 4k every time? Absolutely not. But I'm always going to *try* to 4k. As a Survivor, I don't necessarily see every match that I escape as a win. If there is only 1 gen done and I had to run for the hatch, I don't consider that a *win* per se, but at least I survived. Now if I manage to open a gate with the hatch already closed and escape, I'll call that a win. If I'm running a duo, I'll call a win as both of us escaping. As a team overall regardless of if I'm running solo or not, I call any match 3 of us make it out as a win for the team. With the asymmetric style it makes it difficult to define a clear winner in a lot of situations.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    You'll have to forgive me, as I believe in equality of opportunity and not equality of outcome.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497
    edited March 2021

    Soon as you stop thinking you are entitled to hatch. :)

  • Hex_Husband
    Hex_Husband Member Posts: 119

    Bait post. 2/10 effort.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Do you watch the survivors or the results because if this is what your seeing your looking at the results if you watched the survivors you can find mistakes they made

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    I honestly think 3k should be common I'm ok with one getting out and it makes sense too because you either need luck or good hiding to get out

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    so sir how do you account for me? What I mean is I load the up and I refuse to do a gen. Yea it hurts us as a team but idc I’m having fun doing bones healing and looking for chest. And once in a while I’ll be chased. Point is my games effect the kill numbers.and I’m sure I’m not the only 1.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    and everything i said applys to you as well. when people dc or hook suicide what do you think happens to the kill numbers? or if you end up with me in your match? the devs can balance all they want but you cant force me to do a gen if i dont want too. just like 90% of players are too lazy to do bones... i like to run dh and noed and im in red rank and let me say the salt is good for my popcorn

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    You're escaping in solo q? Most of the time my team doesn't do anything.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Calling for nerfs or buffs isn't always a sign of "I want to win every game". Sometimes, ya, it is. Not always, however.

    If a mechanic is faulty or seems over/under-tuned, it's completely worth pointing out. It just so happens that Survivors have a few perks that have been quite strong and open to abuse for some time. Most Killers don't want those perks nerfed into the ground, either. Most I see on this forum really just want them balanced so they can still be strong but with the abusable parts toned down. Many Killer mains also want to see some of the stronger aspects of Killer toned down as well (read: Stridor Spirit, Exhaustion addons, etc).

    If you see this as Killers wanting easier wins, well, it's not. A well made, well tailored game will often start out with gaps and oversights that cause some features and mechanics to over/under perform, and fix those over time based on good ol' know how and player feedback.

    Finally, and I don't think this was your intent, but reporting things that feels unbalanced is healthy for the game. Shaming people into not reporting those things is unhealthy.

    PS: What happens when Survivor mains call for the same nerfs Killer mains want? Are they double agents? Killer mains in disguise? Also, if Survivors demand Killer nerfs (read: Undying (WHICH WAS RIGHTFULLY NERFED but perhaps a bit too much)), are they just expecting to survive every match, and are angry they don't? I didn't read the whole thread, so I have no idea if this was answered.

  • dummer33344
    dummer33344 Member Posts: 131

    Maybe you should TRY the other side before talking #########

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    This is why the devs should play their own game at high ranks. So they can make their own decisions when it comes to balance. I hope to the entity they don't read this guys thread and assume he knows what he's talking about because clearly he doesn't.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    I'm totally gonna expect a 4k in my next game.

    Just got a good feeling, you know?

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I want a 5K

    I won't be satisfied until I not only kill every survivor, but have one come back as Tommy Jarvis so I can kill him again.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    I get what your trying to say but same for survivors

  • Amy095
    Amy095 Member Posts: 96

    I got bored after the first sentence

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    I don't expect 4ks. But real talk 5 games. No kills. Only 1 game where I got all 4 bbq stacks. Yet, I'm still rank 2 because of the terrible ranking system.

    Red ranks are the shits and I can tell you point blank until they implement rank rewards I'm going to start depipping.

    Games last 6 minutes or less. And before the git gud crowd comes in. Fine, I suck. Can I not be a red rank killer anymore then?

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Alright next game I expect a 4k.... as Ash.

    Where's my boomstick?!?

  • The_Nightmare69
    The_Nightmare69 Member Posts: 55

    I am a killer main and I 100% agree with you.

    An insight I want to give you though is the fact that perks meant to make an escape or a chase easier are being weaponized. Like the DS example you just gave. But BT is the same deal.

    then there is the toxicity that just makes it less fun to play against good/better teams. I mean if I loose a game I’m not happy but I’ll still give them the gg’s but then because they were spamming second chances and just hopping on gens right after a hook not giving a single [bad word] whether I grab them or not because they have DS and BT. And proceed to go like: “ez, loser. Haha noob.” But thank the gods that abuse of gameplay will be removed next update.

    so yes the game is, when not being abused, very balanced. But the fact that perks should help evade the killer not attack him aren’t used in the way the devs want them to be used makes us cry for better balancing sometimes.

    the last thing that pisses me of personally is getting matched against a SWF all rank 1 and 2 whilst being in high-green/low-purple and then getting my ass handed to me because they are just much better. I don’t have that many hours in the game yet and sometimes I make stupid mistakes, which they will punish you for as they should, but I just feel cheated when being matched against people far above my rank but that is just me maybe idk.

    so please try to understand our frustration a little bit because this is one of the few ways to share out salt without being toxic in game.

  • SkootSkoot
    SkootSkoot Member Posts: 11

    Listen, going into the game expecting a 4k is the ONLY way to get one. At least for me. It's a mindset thing. If I go in going "I'm going to lose/get a 1k" then I will lose/get a 1k. If I go in saying, "SWF? No biggy they are playing MY GAME" it is highly likely I will be satisfied with the outcome of the match, whether that's a 4k, 3k, or 2k (sometimes it's just that one survivor I need the satisfaction of killing [usually only the toxic survivor]).

    Expecting a 4k is positive thinking and drastically changes how I play. Telling Killers to "stop expecting a 4k" is telling them to go in with low expectations and does not improve confidence. Confidence is needed when it's 4v1.

    This is not me defending Killers who don't know how to take a loss and learn from it. This is not me defending sore losers (Killer OR Survivor). I'm just saying that expecting a 4k has drastically improved my personal performance in the game as killer (a Trapper main no less).

    Telling Killers to stop expecting a 4k is like telling survivors to stop expecting to survive a match. From the way you worded your post, I can tell you're just a frustrated survivor that finds it easier to blame Killers then learn from loss or move on.

    Sometimes ######### is out of your hands (face camping, sandbagging, hardcore tunnelling, etc.) and you need to learn to forget about it or deal with it. All you can focus on is what you can do. Stop stressing about what the Killers do.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Well, if you primarily play one side and rarely the other, then it's a lot harder for us to trust you with balance opinions. You don't know the plight of killer as much as a killer one trick doesn't know the plight of survivor.