Devs shouldn’t hold back with Freddy’s nerf hammer

Able to teleport instantly to survivor’s objective and use perks to stop or remove objective progress is way too much and oppressive. BBQ is way too strong on him as well as POP and Tinkerer and all the gen perks. Ability to spam snares to prevent looping with no cooldown is too much. It is too much that a perk tells him where to go and he can instantly teleport completely across the map.
The devs announced he is getting nerfed but I am concerned they won’t do enough. He needs a major overhaul, I wouldn’t mind something similar to old Freddy where he has to actually put people to sleep. The teleports needs to go because it is too much advantage with aura and slowgen perks. Having two powers is too much because most killers have only one power.
His killrates are astronomical. Devs gave official stats of where more than 3 out of 4 is sacrificed on average and this is with the hatch. This is red ranks where everyone knows how to play. It’s very rare for the gates to be opened with Freddy and that really needs to change.
Never thought I'd see the day where I'd somewhat agree with the infamous Sluzzy.
He needs a nerf, yes, but not a major overhaul.
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I recently bought Freddy and I've played two games on him so far.
Both were against entirely red and purple rank teams, and I got a 4K in both. The first game I just ran Blood Warden (which wasn't used), and the 2nd game I ran Blood Warden and Brutal Strength (again BW wasn't used).
So I have to agree he feels pretty damn powerful.
Although I admit 2 games isn't a wide sample, however I have played against him a lot and he feels oppressing to face.
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You are concered they will not do enough??? is this a joke?
The changed the perfect killer Hillbilly a "little" by butchering him completly. My fear is that instead of changing little by little they will nerf every thing about him eventhough removing e.g. the teleport would be propably enough to reduce his power to A tier
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I kind of wish they wouldn't show stats because now everyone thinks Freddy is the most overpowered killer in the game when he's probably not even top 3. He's not even difficult to beat and yet now survivors either give up, disconnect or go afk as soon as the trial loads.
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Could a mod delete this post, put the original comment in the wrong thread. Thank you
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nvm misread you
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How did they butcher billy? Though I think the heat mechanic was completely unneeded, it barely does anything at all. He feels more or less the same to me. I think one of his greater problems is that there are more killers that are better.
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That is not the case at all. Freddy has been oppressive for a while and easy as hell to play. I agree that it's extremely frustrating to play against a freddy nowadays especially with the build everyone uses.
On top of that he has no cd on his power. I can play the game well and still lose because he's everywhere on the map at once.
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I hope they go back to old freddy but not bullcrapingly weak i loved the interactive sleep old freddy had and felt there was ways he could have been fixed for a more balanced killer.
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4 solos playing against a good Freddy with tinkerer, pgtw can’t win 99% of matches.
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The main problem I have with Freddy is his snares. It's basically the same function as Clown's gas without the blinding effect and makes it so you need to drop pallets early, just like if you're going against a Clown.
Yet, Freddy also has one of the best mobility tools in the game, along with a mechanic that requires no effort on his part to activate, for the reward of free slowdown that can be hyped up with add-ons and pseudo-stealth against the survivors with the lullaby replacing the TR.
He's FAR too bloated and easy to play, if I had to weaken him in one way, take out the snares permanently and make it so they're replaced with the dream pallets. They're more fair, incentive survivors to actually wake up and reward being attentive to what pallets are gone or still active when outside the dream world.
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Lol what if they were to revert him back to old Freddy? Wouldn't mind that honestly and would play him alot more again.
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It's amazing that people keep saying things like these, that you can just pick him up and 4k at red ranks with no experience he's that easy. Because at one point people considered him strong but fair and nobody considered him insanely overpowered - that rhetoric only started after the stats were released.
Don't believe me?
Here's Otz...
Listen to what he says in the intro. (around 7:30) "I'm going to try to play a killer thats strong, thats fair". - After he declines to use nurse or spirit with the best add ons.
Now of course he wants freddy hard nerfed because thats what the viewers like to hear, despite freddy receiving no buffs between this video and the present day
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"This is red ranks where everyone knows how to play."
That's funny. I rarely see survivors who know how to actually play at red ranks, they're full of boosted players who hook suicide when they see something they don't like and somehow they still maintain red rank.
Besides that, yes freddy could use some nerfs but not large ones. He was terrible for years so nerfing him too hard too fast is unwaranted. Start slowly and if it's not enough, continue adding either more nerfs or difficulty.
Both works perfectly for decreasing the infamous extremly precise kill rates which are clearly the proper way to judge balancing. /s at the end
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Skip to 21:20
This is Freddy being played by a very experienced killer vs very experienced survivors.
Spoiler: 4 people escape and taunt him at the exit gates.
It plays out exactly as I have said many times on these forums, Freddy has a weak early game. The Nea plays it extremely safe while the rest slam gens. Freddy can't do a thing as he doesn't have a power for the first 60 seconds of the game. By the time survivors are asleep he's almost lost 3 gens. All you need to do against Freddy is hammer gens and play the early game safe to put him in a bad spot.
Do you know why his killrate is so high? because most survivors walk around picking their nose for the first two minutes of the game.
What you have is not a balance issue it's a matchmaking issue. With the old rank reset you had to grind from rank 10 to rank 1 every month but the first few weeks of red ranks solo queue was a piece of cake most games because all the survivors were good. It's why so many killers used to derank or try not to rank up too fast because they didn't want to face the top tier. The final week started to get a little watered down, not too much but then reset happened anyway.
Since then however they changed rank reset so that now anyone who plays a lot ends up in red ranks and once you're there you're pretty much stuck there unless you intentionally derank. Some might lose a few games and drop to rank 5 but it's not long before they pip back to red ranks.
You have survivors with 6000 hours in the same tier as people with 100 hours. Everyone is crammed up at the top. I'd wait and see what happens with MMR, if by some miracle it worked as intended solo survivor would become a lot easier even without any form of communication.
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Reject Snares, return to Old Freddy. I'd switch mains if he came back.
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I remember when they reworked doctor they said they removed treatment mode because it was passive. Why does Freddy have sleep cycles then?
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Well if you listen to 13:30 he explains Freddy is a good choice because his add-on works around OoO, and his TR works around BT. Then he says he'd probably play Spirit or Nurse, if he was better with them.
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I don't get people who think Freddy is broken. I actually get kind of happy to play against him because he's like one of the four killers in the game that survivors have to use their brain to win against.
My biggest problem with Freddy is just that he doesn't take much skill to do well with. If anything he should actually be buffed and make his power require more skill to use.
Alas, he's probably just gonna get the Billy treatment and never be seen again after he gets nerfed.
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There are many ways he can go, from chipping off of his expansive basekit to giving him an actual niche instead of jacking up everything on steroids. I guess what I'm trying to say is that either way, major overhaul or simple nerfs, both work.
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He doesn't have any skill to him, that's the problem. You cant say his power is OP NERF, because with that logic, we would nerf nurse. He needs to be changed so he has a skillful power
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Putting survivors to sleep almost always lead to him getting bullied.
put a cooldown on trap placement, remove teleport
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Honestly his slowdown add ons need to be removed personally, he's strong enough without them and they don't really do anything against good teams.
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Finding people and putting them to sleep was so much fun with old Freddy! I miss that part.
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He simply has way more tools than other killers do.
Teleporting. Snares. Dream State. Intermittent Invisibility.
Three entirely different powers that cover the four main aspects of the game from the killers perspective, Mobility, Anti-loop, Objective pressure, and Stealth. He's a Jack of all trades, master of none.
I think one simple change could make all the difference personally. You don't automatically enter the Dream State. He HAS to hit you once to trigger it. After that, every time you wake up, you then start to fall asleep again, but to start with, you get nothing. This way, a survivor who successfully evades him, doesn't even have to contend with his snares/pallets.
No other killer has a power like that, that doesn't require them to actually do anything. Even Plague has to manually infect objectives to infect survivors by proxy.