Gave Up After Gen Rush

Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

Just got into the Shrine map. So huge map. Literally in the first couple of seconds into the match before I even found someone or really move three gens popped. I was instantly done after that. Just went AFK and let them leave. No way to even get a 1k after that unless I camped and tunneled. That 3 gen rush instantly killed my mood for playing the match. I couldn’t even gen patrol cause the map was so huge. Not only that but I’m rank 10 and can’t depip at all. I didn’t kill anyone in my other matches just hooked. I should be down to at least 12 by now but I can’t depip. I don’t want to face off against these level of survivors. They are out of my league.



  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I’ve only been playing a couple of months. Just finally bought some of the dlc but haven’t unlocked corrupt intervention. Whose perk is that? Cause I only bought Myers, Ghostface, and Deathslinger DLC

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Plague she also has infectious fright which is another really good perk and darrk devotion whuch while not as strong is tons of fun

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    honestly the only killer that could counter that is nurse,if you master her. Before his nerf it was also billy but they neutered him with the overheat etc

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    Had a match yesterday where we had 4 gens before the first hook occurred, but after that, we were massively struggling to finish the fifth generator and the match still ended in a 4K. In part because one party member made a biiiiig goof at the exit gate which got me killed, while she didn't use the opportunity to put some distance between her and the killer and find the hatch or the other door.

    3 gens don't matter. 4 gens don't matter. It's the 5th that runs the game.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I was playing Ghostface and Didnt even hook someone before the three gen. I don’t want to camp and tunnel so it was a wash to me.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I meant gen rush in the sense that all three gens were done before I could even move.

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    You don't necessarily need to camp and tunnel to secure kills. After those initial gens have went, there is only a limited number of available gens left. This means that it's that much easier to find and pressure the survivors, because they will always be near you.

    Being a 1 shot killer, all you need to do is 99 stalk a couple of those survivor and they are potentially in big trouble.

    As the earlier poster said, it's not about the gens that go, it the 5th gen that is most important.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Its the best option honestly. If you're going against one of those teams that just want to rush the gens and get out just let them. Go wait by the gate switch and watch YouTube until the gens are done then open up the gate. I'd rather chill and move onto the next match instead of getting myself stressed out fighting a losing battle just to not want to play anymore after.

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    But how do you know it's a losing battle? 3 gens going does not mean the game is lost. There are tons of ways to pressure the survivors, especially after a few gens have popped. Get a couple of survivors down and snowball from there.

    Why bother playing at all if you are just going to give up when games don't immediately go in your favour?

    As a killer, it happens fairly often.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598
    edited March 2021

    Can you start recording your gameplay and post here? I bet when you spawned I would be able to tell you where the survivors spawn points are and therefore which gens to patrol first. This is something you really should invest your time in learning. Slap on corrupt intervention is a bandaid to your issue too. I see you've said rank 12 are out of your league and I'll like to remind you that you've argued with me about game balance and killer being too weak. I do agree it's too easy to rank up though, bad killers and survivors always seem to be skewed too high for their actual skill (more so survivor). 0

    This too.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    The only reason I keep playing this game is because of the amount of money I've spent on it. Besides in matches where 60% of the survivors objective is done before you get a chance to do 8% of yours means your more than likely to be fighting a losing battle and I just don't care enough anymore to bother when I can just go onto another match instead.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I got banned for doing that cause I didn’t black out the names of the survivors. I’m on console so I don’t have editing tools.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    if I’m being honest I played heavily these past two months and I guess something just snapped and i don’t enjoy it as much as I use to. Survivor a fun and all but I would like to play killer but it’s just demoralizing when you try your best and gens pop before you even get into your first chase. Then if you down someone according to the unwritten rules you have to leave them to be saved cause don’t want to be a camper. Two seconds later unhook and the whole chase felt wasted

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    You don't have a computer to edit? You can even crop a couple hundred pixels off the vertical axis to remove names. Anyway can you say you know survivor spawn points? Learn them with respect to where generators have spawned on your map. There's a reason why great killer players don't lose three gens before finding people.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182
    edited March 2021

    Thing is, Corrupt intervention viability depends on what killer you play. Sure it always good to have it if you have nothing better. But it loses lots of its usefulness if you play killer that can travel around with ease, it good for M1 killer and the best slowdown for the setup killer.

    I just think the gens speed problem is with addons and perk. Normal gen speed is fine and only get strong if all survivor works on a single generator, but with the drawback that the killer will snowball if he finds them. With toolbox, addons, and perk it another story. They balanced them so they work as a short burst that won't last the whole match. The problem is you will use that burst when the match start, Aka when the killer cant put pressure yet. Survivors are extremely strong early game so having any kind of bonus that makes them stronger during the early game is just stupid in my opinion. It's something the killer can't really counter, while slowdown perk all have a glaring weakness

    Corrupt become a useless perk 2 min in the match.

    Pop force you to kick a generator while it is active, it may not sound bad, but that means you need to kick gen that is worked on or one that was left off and nearly completed. In both cases, it cost lots of time you could spend on a chase.

    Thrilling Tremors is so bad at slowdown that it best used as an alternative to BBQ

    Dying Light makes gen go slower when you don't need slowdown anymore.

    Huntress Lullaby Has the weakness of being a hex perk and we need to assume people still miss skill check

    Surge Is so RNG dependant it a joke at this point.

    Meanwhile, any toolbox is some free second you can take off the 400 it takes to repair all five gens. Combine that with the fact you will have 3 survivors working on different gens till you down the first guys and add in the fact that gen regression is four-time slower than working on gen + it can be interrupted.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    lets be honest, everyone is going to use meta perks instead of that.

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    If you constantly see 3 gens pop before you hook a survivor, then you straight up need to improve your early game as killer. As the previous poster said, if you spend a bit of time learning survivor spawn points, then you don't have to play a guessing game on large maps. If finding the survivors isn't the issue, then you need to invest time in learning how to manoeuvre and mind-game around loops.

    If you don't care enough to improve your gameplay, then I question why you would want to bother bringing it up on this forum.

    This isn't just directed at your post btw.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Maybe yes, maybe not. It is a clear counter to 3 gen. Since 1 great skill check can give up to 20% progress. Funny how people think, this is weak, and see Pop and think this is strong.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Although I understand hearing gens pop as killer isn’t fun. I think you should also understand that without perks you might have a bit of a problem.

    I still cannot see how you found no one and how 3 gens popped without you even being able to patrol. Something just doesn’t add up. Not that I don’t believe you, but that has literally never happened to me, even perkless. I will find someone in the time it takes to complete a gen.

    What killer were you playing?

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    you have to go for great skill checks and the only time youll have all tokens is when the game is about to end. sounds strong, but i have tried it in the ptb and it is pathetic

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I was playing Ghostface and patrolled the side of the map I was on. All three gens on the opposite side pop while I patrolled those three gens.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I try to do the mind game but I’m in green ranks and I’m constantly put up against purple and red ranks. They don’t fall for it most of the time and I’m usually just wasting time. I have watched streamers like spooks and truetalent and whatnot but honestly it seems like everyone does so that’s a problem

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I honestly don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Patrolling gens, I find a survivor, don’t even chase them for an insane amount of time, gens start popping. And before I know it all the gens are done. Just had a match where the gens got all done in like not even four minutes. I can’t chase a survivor for more than a few seconds and gens stop going off. I didn’t even get a chance to down one. I know I’m coming across as whiney but it’s just really confusing and disheartening

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I've been playing this game for years and have 1000 of hours in the game so I'm good thanks. There are people who have even more hours than me and play this game for a job yet have matches where they don't stand a chance because of how fast the gens fly. Your ability as killer isn't the problem, having time to execute it is.

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    Hours don't necessarily correlate to skill in the game. Particularly if you don't use those hours to learn and improve.

    There will always be matches that you won't win. That is the nature of competitive games. The point I'm making is that if you constantly find that gens fly and you end up with 0k games, then the issue is most likely to be with your gameplay, not the game.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084

    This sounds like a you-problem. Once you start getting Survivors and forcing them into altruistic actions, the Gens will slown down a lot. Also, from what I noticed, people seem to over- and underestimate the time in chases. Survivors tend to think they looped the Killer for a few minutes while Killers think they have 10 second-Chases and most of the time, both is not true. I am no exception from that, my Survivor-chases feel longer, especially when no Gen gets done during them and my Killer chases feel shorter than they actually are.

    However, simply giving up is wrong, because then you wont improve. What is important is to understand and accept that you will most likely not end the Gens with 5 Gens up. If this would happen on a regular basis, the game would have been way too imbalanced towards Killers.

    Basically, depending on the Killer you are playing, you can expect to lose 2 or even 3 Gens at the start. But this does not mean that the game is lost, because you cannot really make the Gens count equally to the Survivor Objective. The first Gens are the easiest ones, while the last Gens will be harder to do. And the last Gens are also those that matter, because the Survivor Team wins nothing when they do 4 Gens.

    The more the game progresses, the less ressources the Survivors have (aka Pallets), which means that the game shifts from favoring Survivors at the start (all alive, all ressources, no pressure from the Killer) to favor the Killer (less ressources, Survivors on Death Hook or maybe even dead, pressure from the Killer due to Hooks).

    So, you should not give up when a few Gens pop. At least you can try to improve your chases for the rest of the game, and from my experience, a game which started with 3 Gens done before the first Hook can end with at least 1 Gen left, because the Killer finally manages to apply map pressure (also, quite often Survivors who do Gens very fast mess those up and end in a really bad 3-gen).

    As others have mentioned, Corrupt Intervention is an awesome Perk for the early game. It basically means that you will not lose the Gens far from you because you have to get there and most of the time it makes the Survivors move at the start, because they cant work on Gens. Getting Plague for Corrupt intervention is one of the most important things to get IMO, basically right after getting Leatherface for BBQ, the next purchase should be Plague.

    And, IMO you only need Corrupt Intervention for Slowdown. This is just my personal opinion, but having Tracking and Chase Perks to find and down Survivors quickly is more efficient than stacking Slowdown-Perks. Most of the time when I see Killers stacking a lot of Slowdown-Perks, they are not really good and dont get use out of their Perks (like, PGTW only works when you can actually hook players, Ruin only works when you can apply pressure).

    The best tool for Slowdown is and will always be Map Pressure. I guess you should watch some Youtube-Videos, e.g. OhTofu makes gameplay-reviews, maybe he has some of Killers you are playing. People usually submit their bad games to him and he goes over them and tells them what they could have done better.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    It happened again. I can’t spend more than a few seconds on a chase or else I lose a gen. I do not understand. I managed to hook two this time once. But that hardly did anything. I still had 0k. I’ve never seen gens pop this fast. Maybe I’m just getting survivors who just want to do gens and get out but it’s so weird.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I never said that I consistently find gens flying I just said that on the matches where they do then I'd rather not bother. Gen speeds paired with an efficient team is a known problem throughout the community and which is why the killer population continues to go down. I've got far to much time and experience in this game for anyone to be critiquing my gameplay I know how to play well and I could sweat it out to win if I wanted to but the thing is I just can't be bothered to do it anymore, so unlike quitting killer altogether like many have done I'd rather save myself from participating in unenjoyable matches so I don't just stop playing killer and only play survivor.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    While it is certainly disheartening you really shouldn't give up. There's a big difference between the first generator being done and the last one being done.

    You can lose 3 gens in the first 2 minutes of the match and then never lose a gen again because the survivors made your patroll route so small.

    I've had countless of matches where 3 gens were done in the first couple of minutes and then hold on and got 9+ hooks with a 3/4k.

    The first couple of gens really don't matter that much

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    But if you can’t even hook Someone before two gens pop you’re in a bad spot as killer. That’s what I’m running into

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    If you actually listen to myself and a some of the other posters in this thread, you would know that you actually aren't. Read some of the earlier posts regarding pressure, 3-genning etc....

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    Even though I was responding to you, I wasn't directly critiquing your personal gameplay, rather anyone who finds themselves regularly in that position.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Yeah it certainly not the best.

    The big problem of the game right now imo is that at the start of the game the survivors hold all the power.

    All palets are up, killer has zero pressure. Large selection of gens. When they split up properally you can't defend all gens. It's impossible.

    Over time the scales start going to the killers side. Pallets get destroyed, less gens to defend, people get injured and hooked. And once the scales tip towards the killer it becomes very hard to turn it back. Once a survivor is dead and the killer can keep the pressure survivors generally have very little hope to win. That's why so many killers try tunneling someone out

    If you can't defend all generators against all survivors you shouldn't even try. At the start of the game look for 3/4 gens close together and focus on defending them. Corrupt helps a lot cause the generators blocked are ussually close and you can guaranty they don't get progress untill you get some pressure

    Also try to focus on 2-3 survivors untill someone is down. Best case would be to hook survivor A then B then A then C and then the final blow to A. That should allow you to dodge ds while pressuring other survivors and still getting someone out of the game asap.

    Also learn when to slug. It is vital to the pressure killers have. It takes between 4-20 seconds or something to hook someone. That's an insane amount of time to not be pressuring anything. If you didn't have to slug to win a match the survivors were out of your league. It is absolutly vital to be able to pressure

    Now these aren't perfect solutions. You'll still get matches where the game ends before you can get the advantage. But it does help a little and the mindset of focusing on 4 gens to defend instead of 7 will help against the demoralising feeling of losing 3 gens before you were able to do anything at all.

    Again not a perfect solution but it's what works best for me so far

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    Hey, if it makes you feel better. I usually check out on the killer.

    Look, sometimes, I am doing a gen and I get caught and no other gens are done and sometimes 3 pop at the same time. If that last case happens, I go running around trying to find the killer and make sure they are okay.

    I'm still very bad in chases so they down me pretty quick but they get the first hook and starts balancing the game out a bit.

    I found a trapper that looked like he was moving but the TR was kind of in the same place, 2 gens pop and I see he has a lag issue so I waited around, called another surv and then the lag gets fixed and we get hit like: #########, he's back back! And got a couple of kills.

    I hope he didn't think we were being toxic. I was just trying to check they were okay and balance things out a little.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Well I’m consistently losing. I haven’t killed a single survivor. I’ve hooked all of them multiple times but at the end of the day it’s the kills that matter and I’m not getting them. Survivors hold all the cards and I’m playing with a deck of blanks. I gen patrol, etc. maybe I’m just not cut out for killer. It’s way easier being survivor to me. I barely have to try and I usually get away

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    My problem is by the time is gets down to em the final two gens I’ve hooked everyone once. But with how fast gens go realistically you should have at least one or two already on death hook. I’m finding it very impossible.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Its kinda weak in comparison to second chance perks and prove thyself imo but we’ll see how it plays out

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Whatever I’m getting a lot of hooks but no kills. Yay me. I’m winning guys.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    See that's a mistake. Hooking everyone once is good if you want to bloodpoint farm with bbq but if you actually want to get kills someone really should be dead by hook 4-5.

    You really need to actively ignore 1 to 2 survivors untill someone is dead. I think someone on this forum called it reverse tunneling and it does make sense. Needing 9 hooks untill someone is dead compared to 4 or 5 is a world of difference.

    You don't need to go hardcore tunnel into camp ofcourse but you do need to show a little teeth to stand a chance. You want to get the 3v1 asap and you want to defend hooks if you can.

    Now it isn't easy. Like i said survivors hold all the power at the start and the smallest mistake can lead to a loss.

    But keep the defend 4 gens and ignore 1-2 survivors in mind and it should increase your killrate quite a bit.

    I hope it helps. It is a very frustrating road to become better at killer and i think everybody had that match where they scratch their head thinking what on earth they did wrong

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    Look I've had plenty of matches like that to where gens were flying left and right. But I just try to suck it up and get as many BP's as I can. I do worry that gens are go faster with this new perk coming in the next update.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516
    edited March 2021

    If I do that I’m sure to be called a trash killer and camper