Gave Up After Gen Rush



  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    What does this new perk do? And I’m honestly if they make gens go even faster I think that’s it for me killer wise. I’m already sweating just getting people on hook once

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    Sometimes there are so many things against you it's just impossible to turn the tide. I had a match on ormond as pig yesterday where I spawned across the map and I knew everyone probably spawned at the shack. I went straight to shack and they almost finished 2 gens before I got over there.

    Downed someone quite quickly which cost me the 2 gens since they were nearly finished anyway. I think I got three or four hooks before they did all gens and it turned out to be 2 prove thyselfs with spicy toolboxes. They also got rid of my RBT at first or second try. I didn't bother chasing after that and went to break all the walls instead; hope they enjoyed the m1 simulator they invested a load of bloodpoints in given the expensive items they brought. Noone got over 15k bp btw (instead of me thx bbq). I only had brown add ons and a mediocre build since I have almost nothing on pig right now; I was outperked and they invested more bp. A bummer but nothing I can do; I move on to the next match.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I think part of it is my mindset too. If I get down to one or two gens and no one is dead I feel it as a loss. It just instantly demotivates me no matter how hard I try to pump myself up and shoulder on. That thought just burrows into my mind and just makes me what to let them finish and move on.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530

    I've been playing a lot of killers that are known to be mid tier and I kid you not by the time I get to one side of the map 2 gens are already done.

    Get into a 20 second chase and another gen gets popped. Finds another survivor and another gen gets popped.

    This is why I kinda miss old ruin, yes it had to go and I do agree with that statement but at least it gave killers who don't have much map pressure a chance to get things done. I shouldn't have to play Billy or nurse 24/7 just so I don't get stomped on

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I mean... yes but who cares.

    If you are asking for a way to win pvp matches without the other side getting salty you would be out of luck.

    People get salty when they lose no matter how they lost. That's not a dbd specific thing.

    If you're on pc you can turn the postgame chat off. Don't know for console but you can probably stop private messages there too

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    A combination of it would be perfect for lower rank SWF. That struggle with 3 gens.

    But what really blows my mind is, that the devs see the current gen speed and think, that we need something when the killer plays better than the survivors.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah it’s a weird activation method. I’d rather it be forunhooking the survivor yourself so you can be altruistic and then have a reward for doing so

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    This is why I always take at least one early game perk on my killers. Corrupt, Whispers, or Discordance are all fantastic. Otherwise if you pick the wrong places to check first you will lose many gens and very quickly.

    Id advocate whispers or discordance on ghostface either way since it will let you know when to be sneaky instead of walking into the survivors and having to M1 instead of stalk.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I never really understood whispers but that could work possibly with ghostface

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    I think sanctum of wrath is one of the worst map for killers. I don't know the stats but I can not remember the last time I won on this map, feels like I lose the vast majority of games when this comes up. It doesn't help how you need to camp one side and if you lose 1 gen on that side you're basically screwed.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    3 cheers for the trappers that do well on red forest. Hip Hip

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    I would use discordance then. Whispers requires a fair amount of map knowledge to triangulate positions.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    It’s a great map for survivors. Awful for killers. The area is so huge that realistically even two killers would have trouble patrolling that map at one time

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Well there is a reason corrupt intervention is meta on all low mobility killers. It only got pushed to the side for ruin undying. But that’s gone now.

    It’s still very relevant. 2 minutes to down your first survivor and begin the snowball. I have played as a rank 1 killer for years and consider getting my first hook for corrupt a fair trade. If I get it sooner great, maybe I can switch target a little bit.

    It’s impossible to 12 hook on the majority of killers. Don’t even try it unless the survivors are completely potato.

    If the group looks competent, tunnel someone out immediately. Eat the DS unless you are pyramid head. Stealth killers can assassinate someone coming off the hook without/who have already used DS the second they come off, ignoring BT.

    Then you can snowball in the 3v1 or use pop to halt the game. Pop does almost nothing in a 4v1, but is amazing in a 3v1.

    It’s not glorious, but it’s the best way to win. Especially against SWF

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    3 gens popping quickly is fine tbh. That just means they didn't touch the other gens. 4 gens are easier to patrol than 7.

    Ive had people goof up on the last gen. I was Scratched Myers on Lerys and 3 gens popped quickly. I got 1st kill with 2 gens left. I killed the 2nd survivor as last 2 gens popped. But I downed the 3rd trying to go for exit gate. So at this point I'm looking at an almost guaranteed 3k. I slugged her since I was far from a hook. I didn't want her to bleed out, but I didn't want to lose the 3k lol but then the 4th comes and tries to rescue her and then down he goes. I hook him, but she is by the gates still. Unfortunately I let her bleed out and still got the 4k.

    I would say never give up. Even if you have BBQ and get the 4 hooks you'll double your BP. So a modest 16k turns into a clean 32k.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    An issue I’m getting though is I’m rank 11-12ish and keep getting purple and red rank survivors. A lot of them SWF. Unless I play during the morning I’m not going to get matches somewhat matched to my skill.

  • BeardedScrub
    BeardedScrub Member Posts: 28

    This situation rarely happens. With 4 survivors and very little gens left it would have been extremely easy to find survivors at this point. Again a GOOD MATCH with a killer should only get you 3 kills. A bad match 1 kill. An AVERAGE MATCH should be 2 kills.

    Again if 3 or 4 kills were the average, that would be extremely killer sided.

    My point is that you had a pretty easy chance to get 1 to 3 kills in this game. The point as a killer isn't that you always have to get a 4k. The point is to kill as many as you can. If you quit every match you can't get a 4k in, your going to quit a lot of matches. Expecting a 4k all the time and getting mad when you don't is silly.

    Enjoy the game. When things don't go your way (these situations are rare) try to get as many kills as you can. Some of the most fun times in this game involve those days you feel down and out and still get a 4k..

    But considering the fact that an average game should have 2k for an average player, and that was very possible, it seems absurd to waste all that time and lose all those bloodpoints when they only had a few gens to choose from, and they could have easily been solo q survivors

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I’m never expecting a 4K in matches. I’m not that good. But if I havent even hooked or downed anyone yet and three gens are done I feel like unless I camp I’m not even going to get 1k

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    As a survivor I personally hate genrushing, simply bc you can't earn that many points or pips with it. I rather have a normal gameplay where gens are slowly being repaired with chases etc between, than instant gen repairing or camping killers. I play for fun but lately its all about finishing the game as soon as possible or being as toxic as possible as survivor and killer....

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited March 2021

    It's kind of the current situation.

    Second chance perks + Slam gens above all else + Mediocre looping / Instra drop pallets + Shift W on massive maps

    All of it amounts to bad survivor being capable of escaping a good killer, and if you think that it's bad now you can imagine what MMR will be like. It seems like the community is just as ignorant as the developers on the topic, though, and we pretend that it's fine because we so often run into such garbage survivors that shouldn't be at the rank they are at, that they skew statistics.

    There's a lot of minor things we often overlook as well, like several nerfs to slugging make it really hard to do it for pressure like was possible. It's understandable since it isn't fun, but it took away a chunk of a killers power when they're losing, which in turn creates opposing pressure to tunnel/camp, which is also incredibly difficult because of second chance perks. We can take that a step further and say that it's a bit silly a perk like Unbreakable, when used, still gives you the benefit of faster recovery. That's just one perk but the point is there are a lot of little things in this game that make the big picture worse.

  • TinyRick7128
    TinyRick7128 Member Posts: 13

    Dont get discouraged bubba. They don't all swing your way. I've lost 3 back to back as a surv, literally the only kill because of camping and I know it's infuriating but just play through it just cussin under ur breath the entire time I was level 9 goin against level 1 killers and I'm over here like uhh excuse me? I have a social life why am I going against TTV losers and kids with no job🤣

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    It's still possible to have a chase and not even have more than one pop though-- I pack oppression and pop and sometimes if a chase takes too long or I see they are getting too much distance I go and look for gens being repaired so I can at least give them a skillcheck or regress their work! Have faith in yourself and understand that this game is a learning process :)! I suck at looping yet have made it to rank 3 I think two times now? And it's because I have adapted my own play style as a survivor and noticed common tactics and strategies in killers. I hope you find your 'flavor' of play style-- Mine is probably mint chocolate chip because a lot of people doubt its deliciousness until they try it lol <3! Good luck in your next matches and I hope you have fun! Treat it like a big ol ice cream store!!!

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited March 2021

    Lmao, 3% per hooked survivor sure is a ton. Watch out for those evil genrushers.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    It stacks. If you save your great skill checks, then you get a 19% bonus for one great skill check. Now add that 3 or 4 survivors take this and you have a counter to 3 gens.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    It’s just I haven’t learned or gotten the perks that let you regress gens, etc. the most I have is ruin which is usually taken out quick in my matches. I find it difficult to map pressure because of that and if I’m in a chase I can’t just hit them once and leave. They will more than likely just heal back up. So I got to continue the chase till they are down. Which wastes a lot of time.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Honestly for awhile I thought my play style was Ghostface. I was doing really good as him and was getting kills even with my rank being 12. I was doing good with the stealth element. However then I ran into multiple SWF teams or dozens of survivors with Spine Chill etc and slowly what I thought was me getting better drained away. It got to the point where I had a least ten matches in a row where I couldn’t even use my power and had to just wing it and run after them. Constantly lost. Went to Deathslinger and was doing ok. Not as great as when I was Ghostface. Then I kept getting indoor maps and the like and it turned sour quick. (Hawkins, Lery, etc). I still like playing as Ghostface and Deathslinger but I’m not expecting to get any kills anymore with them.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I main Ghostie, Twins, and Plague, so I have felt your pain of being revealed by SWFs every second and also indoor maps with Plague which I can't aim with all the walls lol! I'm sure you're a good GF, I realized people would reveal me whenever they could and so I turned my cloaking into a directional for me; If they revealed me, they were also revealed and started a chase. Before I had any good gen perks, I honed in on chase perks instead. I remember using whispers, im all ears, and I think bamboozle for shack too if I remember correctly. This game isn't easy, and I hope you find your ghostie passion again because he's fun and his reveal mechanic is a two way street. Again, good luck with everything and I really hope you are able to perfect the craft in your own unique way :)!

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Thanks. I’ll keep trying at the very least. But I won’t expect much lol

  • diverse394
    diverse394 Member Posts: 10

    This, we need more people like this guy, giving actual feedback and advice to improve rather than telling him to just stop complaining and get good.

  • Da_tater
    Da_tater Member Posts: 15

    Don't know how many times I have lost 2 to 3 gens on 1st chase then came back to at least a 3K . Never give up , get the BP that you can and move on to the next match .

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited March 2021

    Ok, a few things I've noticed from your posts that I can maybe help with.

    Firstly, I think I saw a post where you said you were patrolling half the gens on the map then lost 3 gens on the other half. It doesn't take 80 seconds to patrol half the map, so you must be repatrolling gens you've already checked. Why? Generally speaking Survivors won't get off a generator unless you do something to get them off, so you don't need to recheck a gen you've already checked unless at least 1 gen has popped.

    Secondly, your early game is having trouble. For this one I strongly recommend getting and using tier 3 Whispers. It should help immensely with not wandering around aimlessly for 80 seconds trying to find someone. If its off, you know there's nobody within 32 meters of you, so you need to be somewhere else. This is immensely helpful in general, but especially for newer killers who don't have a good sense of where and what the Survivors will be up to. In addition to that, it is part of the base Killer set of perks, so you don't need to spend shards or money to get it... and your GF likely already has it. Don't bother with tier 1 and 2 Whispers though... the range on those is too large to be useful.

    Thirdly, you don't have many good perks. I feel this one. I was in the same boat for a while as Killer. However, let me try sharing some numbers with you that might help you realize you have better options for slowing the game than you think. A Survivor healing another takes 16 seconds, but it occupies 2 Survivor's time so it actually eats a total of 32 seconds. If you interrupt a heal and down the injured guy 10 seconds through, you just bought yourself the same amount of time as if you had Pop Goes The Weasel. Now, lets say that you're running Sloppy Butcher, which pushes the total heal time to 19.2 seconds. If you interrupt a 19 second heal or 99 stalk and down the guy who just got healed, you just bought yourself 38 seconds! That's nearly 2 uses of Pop and they have to deal with one of their teammates on the ground or hooked. Where am I going with this? A Nurses Calling. That's where I'm going. Its a Nurse Teachable perk (meaning no Shards/money required) that lets you see Survivors healing within 28 meters of you. If you successfully interrupt heals with it, it can buy you so much time. As GF or Slinger, you should be able to use it well since GF has night shroud and Slinger has 24 meter Terror Radius which is less than Nurses range.

    Fourthly, I have a suspicion that you are over committing to chases and getting hooks. Do not underestimate the amount of time you can buy yourself just off of getting injuries, especially if you're using Sloppy Butcher which is probably your best game slowdown available to you right now. In fact, I have a whole Slinger build based off of the fact that fully healing off 1 reel and stab with Sloppy will take the survivors 50 seconds (over half a solo gen) and it works. Now, there will be the occasional team you run into that'll just slam Gens while being injured. For those guys, you need to do things that heavily encourage them to heal. Ghost Face kind of does this on his own since Survivors don't generally like having an undetectable Killer step around the corner and easily down them. On Deathslinger, I'd recommend bringing Tinkerer. Works wonders vs healthy Survivors too because you can round the corner, M1 them, then shoot and down them before they get anywhere. You can throw on Thanatophobia (another Nurse teachable) for additional incentive for the Survivors to heal too.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Thanks man. That’s actually good advice. I’ll try it out and see if it works. I patrolled the 3 gens on one side cause someone advised me that way work. Just had another match where I hit and downed an ash at the start barely spent any time in the chase and three gens popped. I’m starting to think gen speed is way too fast. And I keep getting SWF teams. I wish there was a way to disable getting teams.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited March 2021

    Playing that way can work... but I'd say doing that is much better as a defensive killer like Trapper, Hag, and maybe Demogorgon. Also if you are playing that way, you are basically purposefully giving up the other 4 gens. If you get discouraged at losing 3 gens really early, I'd recommend not playing that way. Also I've found that playing that way has a tendency to either work great or fail miserably with zero in between depending on whether the Survivors break your 3 gen because you put all your eggs in 1 basket.

    Another thing to think about is maybe trying to get Legion. Legion's kit is basically purposefully built around keeping multiple Survivors busy and off Generators and he's got built in slow down to boot. Another upside for Legion is that Thanatophobia is borderline better for him than something like Pop or Corrupt which I'm guessing you don't have and can't get easily.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Killer picked, killers perks, survivors perks, map, map rng (pallets, vaults, walls, etc) are all variables in a match that can determine the way things go. In matches like these its still best to go hard cuz you can 4k in end game you never know.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Define a couple of seconds? Normally that would mean two seconds, but clearly that isn't possible short of hacking. So what you really mean is two Generators came up probably between (45) seconds to a minute or so? And then you go on to indicate they got the third one before you even found someone, so you gave up.

    I'm sure (although I have not read all the responses to you yet) that someone has pointed out that the game is never over until it is over. I can't tell you how many games I've lost the first four Generators early and then fought for the last one for 5-10 minutes (and won). So....

    Besides, even if you do lose you will learn more from losses than you ever do from win. That is my experience.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    They were all on the other side of the map except one person. Two gens popped and when I finally spotted someone before I could even chase them a third popped. I just washed my hands of the whole match after that cause even if I chased and hooked her another gen would have popped, they would have came to unhook her, and I would be down to one gen.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516
    edited March 2021

    Honestly I try not to give up but I’m still encountering matches where I don’t even manage to hook anyone and I get down to two gens. I just give up after that. If I haven’t even downed or hooked anyone by the time they get down to two gens I don’t really see a point in continuing the match. Just move on to the next one. I just don’t really have it in me to continue.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    To repeat what others have said, don't give up. Even when it looks hopeless, you CAN make a comeback, if you play well enough, if you catch a lucky break, or if the survivors make a mistake.

    I just reached Rank 1 for the first time, and I still have a lot to improve at and get better with. I play mostly Piggie, with occasional lower-tier killers (Wraith, Trapper) mixed in with mid-tier killers (GF, Doctor) and occasional top-end ones (Freddy, Spirit). When I play Pig, I have a LOT of matches that I start very slowly, and seeing multiple gens pop early happens more than I like it to.

    Some of those matches, I'm a victim of map, or a well-coordinated team, or terrible play on my part (or sometimes, all of the above). Some of those matches I get completely wrecked, and I'm lucky to get my four stacks of BBQ. But many others I'm able to pull out a 3K or 4K because, as cliched as it sounds, it's never over until it's over.

    A lot of people have given you good advice as to how to improve your overall strategy or gameplay or builds, and there's a lot of sound words in here. All I can add is that is does eventually get better the more hours you put into it. Every loss can be an opportunity to improve on something that helps you to make the next match a win. But remember to try and enjoy yourself first and foremost and remember that it's just a game -- focus on what you are doing well and try to stay positive (as hard as it probably feels to do, I know).

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    Saying survivors gen rush is just like saying killer killing rush.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited March 2021

    Never ever just camp 3 gens from the start, even as low mobility or trap based killer. It doesn't work like that.

    Make yourself an overview over the map at the start. Try to figure out which gens are worthy to protect and which not. If there are some outliers at the edge or in pockets, you can ignore them as low mobility killer. Try to protect the middle gens (they're usually part of a good 3 gen at the end) and, if you're on a map like Azarovs, Suffocation Pit or Sanctum, try to protect one side of the map (on those maps, gens are usually split up like 3 and 4 on each side or 3-1-3 with one in the middle that you should also protect).

    If you just camp 3 gens from the start you will have 4 healthy, non-hooked survivors that come to you at the end and just rush that one gen left while you chase a survivor. It's unlikely to win this, except they really ######### up. You need to pressure them early on, that doesn't mean you should give up patroulling important gens or chase mindlessly and waste time at strong loops. It's kinda hard to explain because there is no save rule for how to play this. You need to decide things on the fly in dbd as killer and this is only possible with experience.

    Try to lure them to your side or chase them into your side, try to injure them or get a pallet out of the way and then leave if you think they work on a gen on "your" side. Which perks do you play? Because your perks play also an important part.

    Losing 3 gens without even chasing someone is nearly impossible if you go from gen to gen. That doesn't mean it's impossible to lose 3 gens without hooking someone. Been there, done that. It happens against good teams who split up, or if you chase for too long at the start. Sometimes it's also just some good toolboxes or Prove thyself. If they did those 3 gens on one side or like next to each other, that can be actually good for you. Never give up, i won games where i was completely sure i already lost. And as others already said, try not to focus on how many survivors you killed at the end. Dbd is a very random game with a lot of different "random" factors leading to the outcome of a match.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    It really makes me mad when they added that perk. Sure the benefits don't seem crazy but wait until you realise why you get benefits, it's just stupid. The survivors get rewarded for the killer playing fair, very balanced devs, very balanced.

  • MementoMori_Massacre
    MementoMori_Massacre Member Posts: 35

    The gen rush/generator progression speed I find as well has ruined the game for me. One of many things actually.

    Playing matches where the generators power on so quickly, with barely enough time to catch anyone.

    It’s gotten to the point where I’d rather just disconnect from a match and take the ban rather than try to compete in matches that are a lost cause.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Thanks everyone for the advice and words of encouragement. I won’t just quit being Killer and try to motivate myself to continue. I do want to get better.

  • edgardot02
    edgardot02 Member Posts: 149
    edited March 2021

    expect two kills only, more than that is a bonus

    try to focus only on two survivors and don't care about survivors rule book