Key mechanics don't make sense. . . this would make them more fair

Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Not sure if this has idea has been brought up before but I know keys are one of the most controversial items in this game. They won't be removed because of achievements which I get. We are stuck with them but they need to go the way of the MORI and get a fair nerf.

IMO the way they instantaneously unlock the hatch makes no sense in the context of every other standard survivor action. It takes time to unhook someone, to heal someone, to cleanse a totem, to open a chest, to repair a gen, to remove a reverse bear trap, to disarm a regular bear trap, to seal the Demogorgon's portal, to kick victor, the list goes on and on.

It seems to me the most logical way to adjust keys is to add an action time to unlocking the hatch. I don't think it should take as long as searching a chest, but I don't think it should be any shorter than unhooking a survivor. Some key add-ons could be adjusted to affect the unlock time with maybe an iridescent add-on that could make them open instantaneously for old time's sake.

I think this would be fair all around. Keys can still be used but survivors would have to be more stealthy about it and it would give killers additional counterplay.


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,545

    while adding this is a good idea. it won't change what is busted about keys.

    you can make it take 20 seconds to open, survivors are still gonna escape no issue.

    what I think would really change this, is making it so the key only works for the one using it. and after they jump, the hatch de-spawns and appears somewhere else.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    I'm just trying to come up with a different reasonable nerf. Everyone has been saying only one person should escape per key forever and the devs obviously aren't going to implement that change.

    Maybe have it where the keys work the same but escaping through an open hatch could trigger a very hard skill check like decisive strike or overcharge? If a key is used it gets consumed like normal but the skill check triggers for any person who then tries to go through the hatch. If anyone misses it the hatch slams shut.

  • CanWeGetANewMap
    CanWeGetANewMap Member Posts: 74

    Clearly the dev's wont add this change in. They have stated that what they are doing to keys is complex and that's why its taking time. Adding an unlock wouldn't take much time so I can tell you this is not getting added. Also, I don't think this will stop the issue with keys.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,925

    This change seems fair to me, I've considered it before.

    Keys will still let survivors escape if they find the hatch early enough, but there's nothing more infuriating in chasing a survivor and watching them vanish right in front of you.

    You can't open an exit that quickly, you shouldn't be able to open a hatch that quickly either. Maybe not as long as an exit takes but still.

    It should probably scale with remaining survivors too. If there's still all four survivors in the match, THEN it could take as long as an exit gate does, but for a sole remaining survivor, providing the killer's already closed it, it could be quicker then, maybe about 3 seconds.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    This is my in-depth rework for it, it needs more than just time to open hatch it needs a fair way to alert the killer.