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Game Timeout For Disconnecting

It doesnt need to be extreme.....but.....
People that disconnect, be it killer or survivor, should absolutely suffer a timeout.
I've seen games over the years implement this and it has an overall positive effect.
Again, it doesn't need to be an extreme timeout, maybe progressive though (disconnect once...5min timeout, twice...10min etc...).


  • Bellysmacker
    Bellysmacker Member Posts: 58

    If a killer would be punished for dcing while being bullied by swf then u would end up with killers standing in corner until game done because dcing would punish them. It would allow toxic swf to be even more toxic.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @Bellysmacker said:
    If a killer would be punished for dcing while being bullied by swf then u would end up with killers standing in corner until game done because dcing would punish them. It would allow toxic swf to be even more toxic.

    dcing is not meant to be something you do just because you arent good enough to kill a group of friends. no one should be entitled to dc with no punishments.

  • Bellysmacker
    Bellysmacker Member Posts: 58

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @Bellysmacker said:
    If a killer would be punished for dcing while being bullied by swf then u would end up with killers standing in corner until game done because dcing would punish them. It would allow toxic swf to be even more toxic.

    dcing is not meant to be something you do just because you arent good enough to kill a group of friends. no one should be entitled to dc with no punishments.

    Well I am not sure what side you play more but I play both about equally. When you say the killer isn't good enough to kill a group of friends is ignorant. If the SWF group is actually good then the killer stands a very slim chance to kill people no matter how good they are. Most killers have a cap they reach with skill and no matter how good you are the killer can only do so much. SWF control this game. If they aren't organized then they won't do well but if organized they will stomp the killer. Look at how many perks are useless all because survive with friends can communicate. If you feel a dc punishment would work that's your opinion but I feel all that would do is decrease the amount of killer players and increase wait time for survivors. It may also just increase the amount of killers that go stand in a corner until the game is over because by the time they got their first hook there were 3 gens done already and if dc they are punished. You can say git gud like a lot of others do but all that is doing is causing the killer pool to get smaller and smaller.