DH adjustments

DH is the strongest Exhaustion Perk in the game. Many times it is really annoying when survivors just press E to gain a huge distance that allows them to safely vault the window or drop the pallet. I have an idea, how to make DH still strong, but feel same strong as the rest of the Exhaustion Perks.

First of all, when you take DH, you start with 2 tokens on all perk levels. While injured, pressing E allows you to dash as now, but consumes 1 token. Dash has a cooldown of 10 / 7 / 4 seconds and increases the duration of Exhaustion status effect by 40 / 35 / 30 seconds.

If Duration of the Exhaustion status effect equeals 20 / 25 / 30 seconds or lower, you can use DH again if you have enough tokens and it's not on cooldown.

To make DH runners feel a little bit better [ because you can use this only twice per game ] after using this ability, you gain a Haste status effect, that increases your movement speed by 2 / 3 / 4 % for 1 second.

What do you think about it ? Is it better, more interesting ? Tell me in the comment section!


  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Playing survivor I rarely run any exhaustion perk. Playing as killer I've never had a real issue with DH. I'm already faster than you I'm gonna get you regardless. However if you're in a good position I'm breaking off and taking my pressure elsewhere. People just need to be smarter about positioning. Majority of dead hards I see are pretty useless. Sure there are people that are good with it and that's fine I don't believe things should get nerfed because there are good players who know how to use certain things.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    So while it technically fixes one problem it could create another - chaining from exhaustion into exhaustion.

    Don't get me wrong, alone this is a huge nerf. Would probably kill the perk if you did use it alone. But if you used it with another exhaustion perk? In right hands it could be devastating tbh.