It's time to disable the Haddonfield map

I don't have to explain how broken this map is. We have more than enough maps to cycle through without ever having to touch this map. The devs have the power to disable maps and Haddonfield should be disabled until it is revamped.
Not disable, but go into the game files and delete, while pretending like it never existed.
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Devs say it fine so it will never get changed. Its actually the fifteenth survivor friendly map. So stop complaining /s
I love a certain Dev who thinks lots of things are fine when...they aren't.
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Don't want to point fingers but I can say it starts with A KEKW
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DBD leaks posted a while ago that DBD renewed Haloween license, so maybe we can hope for a Haddonfield rework. Like a good rework. Like, nuke all buildings to the ground and burn all the great fences of haddonfield.
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It's my joint fav map. I really enjoy it
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Hate this map as a killer +1
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With the graphical rework instead of actually fixing the loops they are going to add 50 breakable walls instead. :)
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Can you explain why?
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Unless there's a game breaking bug on the map, BHVR isn't going to disable it.
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Probably because they play a lot of survivor, or play killer at lower ranks. I mean Haddonfield against inexperienced survivors is pretty funny they don't know what they are doing and get stomped because it's a small map.
Anyone who knows how to run even half the loops on that map though and it's game set and match you have no chance in hell.
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Yeah, gotta love that balance logic.....
Well inexperienced survivors are getting destroyed because the map is small.
Even half decent survivors are like never losing ever because the loops are disgusting.
Hmnn....sounds perfectly balanced at all levels of play to me!
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then what will i ever play
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The Game map and Midwich still exists :D
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Let's be real, if it isn't Haddonfield, it's probably gonna be Midwich.
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Maybe, I still think that's a valid reason though. I'd just like to hear the logic behind it.
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The game has some charm for both sides, even if it isn't interactive traditionally.
Midwich is like Hardonfield but NOBODY is having fun, not the survivors nor killer. It says something about you if you think that is better or worse, though I don't know what.
And yeah, BHVR really should do emergency disables and hotfixes. They won't though, because disabling content puts you on a fairly strict clock to fix it. That is part of why they SHOULD do it, and do that to content more often (ex: Emergency disabling of OoO while they were fixing it, emergency disabling keys while they don't have a fix to go along with moris), because it would encourage good development habits to have a real 'cost' to being slow on fixes instead of doing more 'interesting' content, but they won't.
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As survivor: The vertical gameplay is fun, the buildings with ledges are fun, the gardens are maze like and its easy to make wrong turns. I like the street aesthetic and the games are ALWAYS entertaining clashes I find as 2 survivors do tend to make it out each time.
As Killer: I play trapper and he has some really good trap opportunities with the narrow walk ways and long grass. As GF I do struggle a bit tbf.
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15th now but at one point was 3rd. Nobody has explained why it dropped 12 places, as nothing significant happened other than the BL nerf.
But personally if one map had to be disabled I'd rather it be meat plant.
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Speaking of the man who must not be named I haven't heard from him in a while.
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What Rank do you play at?
The map is great as Survivor. Pretty much every loop is safe, and the House of Pain is around, plus all the other houses.
As Killer, anyone except Trapper and Hag has a miserable time. Too much verticality, too many buildings, way too many safe pallets, long walls everywhere ect ect
It definitely needs a rework imo
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the fences are a pain in the butt.
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Yes. The extremely strong house windows, coupled with safe pallets, extremely long fences and the House of Pain make Haddonfield a nightmare.
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They worked on the Badham maps twice and all the same problematic buildings exist. I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.
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Never be afraid to ask questions!
A lot of people here will be happy to help!
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Not DBDLeaks, LeaksbyDaylight. Aka the bad Leaks-Site. I would not give much on what they are writing, they often are wrong (e.g. their Chapter 19 "Leaks").
Could just mean new Cosmetics or Character Model Rework.
The Map is not bugged, so no reason to disable it.
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"Midwich is like Hardonfield but NOBODY is having fun, not the survivors nor killer. It says something about you if you think that is better or worse, though I don't know what."
That awkward moment when Midwich is your favourite map...
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I S2 Midwich.
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Poor Michael. Arguably the best slasher horror icon but one of the worst killers with one of the worst maps in the game
At least the map looks nice
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Because it is the most survivor sided map in the game. (Second if you consider The Game as the best)
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Everyone should start DCing whenever you get Haddonfield and call it a bug so they disable it.
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Honestly, I don't mind the map personally playing either side
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Can we just delete all the licensed chapter maps?
Haddonfield sucks
Badham has the same issues haddonfield but in a smaller amount, but it makes up for it with lots of safe areas
The Game is just all safe pallets every 5 ft
Hawkins is literally just, no killer power zone for most of the killers
Midwich is just... every problem with every map all in one.
Delete them all plz.
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Imagine if they rework Haddonfield and then the same thing happens as with The Game? ._.
All fences and bushes gone, instead one god palette after another....
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I would be fine as long as terrible maps like Shelter woods and Azarovs are disabled too.
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The game is supposed to be fun not every map is going to be balanced. Quit being a buzzkill if you don't like it play a different game.
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This map is great though!......for survivor....
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I like the quote "Midwich is Haddonfield, but NO ONE is having fun."