Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,958
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hey wonderful people of the fog, I'm creating this thread so you can put the feedback for MMR (for the matches you've experienced), in one place - that makes it easier for us to access the information.

As a reminder the test is for 24hrs and ends 2pm EDT on the 19th March - so go play some games, try to play as normally as possible and then come back and give us your feedback.

Please remember this is just a test at this stage.

Also, keep your feedback as constructive as possible - please!

Stay safe in the fog peeps.


Post edited by Mandy on


  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Thank you for creating this thread. I'll confine myself to this one. I'm not going to give anymore feedback until I get a good 10-20 matches in today.

  • NoxVeno
    NoxVeno Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2021

    Been playing survivor all morning, about 20 games... Killer difficulty has actually been pretty good with varying ranks. But survivor has been strange. Still too many trying to do rift objectives, so strange time to do a trial. I do seem to be getting thrown in with more swf groups than usual (judging by game play)

  • Tinker
    Tinker Member Posts: 94

    No joke, the matches are better! But I can only speak for the survivor side, I didnt try killer yet

  • Siren
    Siren Member Posts: 71

    At first I thought it was super broken, but after playing a good chunk of games on both sides:

    Killer: I started off today around rank 13 getting paired with red ranks and was getting decimated. I'm awful at killer and generally only play for archive stuff. But I'm good enough to steamroll new survivors (sorry noobies) so I think that may be why my games started off the way they did. After a couple of losing games, I started getting paired against greens to browns, sometimes a purple thrown in, but all of the games felt very evenly skill matched and that I had a chance to either 4k or all of the survivors could escape if I messed up too many times.

    Survivor: I'm a red rank survivor and started off by getting paired against actual rank 20s when the rest of my teammates were all red rank... Not sure why, as I consistently play survivor and stay up around red ranks the whole time. But either way, after a handful of games the matches started balancing out and again the matches started feeling much more balanced skill wise.

    TLDR: I think this system might be working? But as someone else said, it's hard to give solid feedback if we don't know the hows or whys of the system.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Only one of my 6 or 7 games tonight felt extremely close.

    However, all the other games (except one of them) felt like they were just missing the mark, with them either being a bit too balanced in my favour or the survivors favour.

    I'd be up for more of this to see if its consistent or not.

  • Lyralistix
    Lyralistix Member Posts: 38

    Hi all,

    All the matches seems pretty fair. Most of time i escape but we all, the killer and the Survivor, have nearly the same Bloodpoints amount.

    i hope it will go live in the near future. i can only say i love it !!

    BR Lyralistix

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,024

    I already had a good experience with the system when it was last tested. I am looking forward to it being implemented fully.

  • Clubs
    Clubs Member Posts: 20

    I've played 7 matches since skill based matchmaking has been live. I'd say that I have above average skill as a killer player and usually remain as a rank 1 killer for the entirety of the month. I play all of the killers a decent amount, but some more than others. Out of these 7 matches, five of them were on the Hillybilly, who I only play on occasion but still often 4k with. The other two matches were with the nurse, who I consider one of my mains and 4k most of my matches.

    This is the end game screen after my fifth game as the Hillybilly. Similar to the other four matches I played as him, the survivors were clearly new and only completed one generator. That said, unlike the other matches, there was one survivor who seemed to know basic looping that I chased for a decent amount of time.

    This is the end game screen after my second match as the Nurse. The survivors in these two matches were substantially better, but still only completed one or two generators each.

    Overall thoughts on the system:

    • It seemed like the system did not know what to do with my Hillbilly. The survivors that I matched with (not trying to be conceited or rude) needed more experience to fare well against me.
    • While the survivors placed against my nurse were closer to the mark, they still came up short in the end. However, I think these survivors served as a much better "test" run of my skill than the survivors of the Hillbilly matches.
    • If the system is supposed to be updating your skill after every match, it's hard to tell if it was doing this. I realize I didn't play a ton of matches, but all of my Hillbilly matches were around five minutes. I would imagine that the system would say "okay, he needs to be placed with better survivors." However, I did not really notice the skill of the survivors increasing over the course of the matches. Even the fifth game featured an instance of the survivor running directly into me during chase.
    • Queue times were significantly longer for the Hillbilly. I sat in queue around 7 minutes on average, resulting in 5 games over 100 minutes or so. Before SBM, queues would only take around 2 minutes at longest. I feel my active playtime was substantially shorter than when I normally play. Nurse queue times were longer than average, but nothing too bad. Around 2-3 minutes each.
    • As someone who plays every killer, I'm worried about the effect that SBM will have on my matches. Hillbilly is probably around my 10th most played killer, yet I was still playing new survivors. I'm not feeling confident about what will happen when I play someone like doctor, whom I play infrequently. If I need to play one of my top 3 killers in order to match against decent survivors, then I'm missing out on the other 19.

    I realize that I didn't play that many matches. In terms of a lab experiment, seven tests is not a significant number to prove anything. Unfortunately I don't have more time to spend testing the system at the moment, so these are my initial thoughts. This is why I played 5 Hillbilly games, in order to test the improvement of the survivors over time. I have faith that the system will continue to improve, but I'm currently skeptical about the addition of SBM at this very moment.

  • Clubs
    Clubs Member Posts: 20
  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    For the sake of science I'm gonna throw like 30 matches in a row and see if the game will match 2000 hour killer vs baby dweets.

    Wish me luck.

  • zip_zoobidy_bop
    zip_zoobidy_bop Member Posts: 37

    I only played about 4 games all with my main killer blight who I consider myself to be rather good with. All my matches were the same, against 4 really really top tier survivors who I basically had no chance against. From what I am reading on this thread it seems to be either extreme. You are like me and get super super super good survivors or the MMR system doesnt know what to do and you still get kinda average survivors. My honest take is that this game doesnt need MMR at all and it just shouldnt be a thing.

    This game is far from balanced still and maybe some slight mmr to help the newbies out would be good, or an actual mmr system that lets people play killers they are learning but I just do not see them ever making a good enough system to make everyone happy. This system still needs some work and if they really want to go through with it please dont make the mmr super strict or too loose, it needs to be a happy middle ground in my opinion.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699
    edited March 2021

    To echo @thefallenloser , it is difficult to give constructive criticism of a system when we do not know how it operates.

    I have only played 4 games (duo queue), and it is hard to say if MMR paired me with a killer & survivors it otherwise would not have given me.

    OVERALL THOUGHTS (As Rank 1 Survivor):

    Queue Times -- Average/Below-Average for time of day (~1 - 2 min)

    Survivors -- Efficient on Gens, Average on Loops, Selfish and/or Low Game Sense

    Killer -- Unimpressive and/or Played "Safe" (3 Killers camped & tunneled, while 1 Killer couldn't even get a down until NOED proc'd).


    G1: 3 Escaped | G2: 2 Escaped | G3: 0 Escaped | G4: 3 Escaped

    G1: Rancid Abbatoir against Bubba. Bubba hooked one survivor after 1 minute. He then gave up on his second chase of game after 30s without a hit, then tunneled the Tapp out of the game. Tapp gave him an impressive set of loops (we finished 2 gens during his chase), then died on second hook while Bubba stared him down for a minute. We finished the 4th gen while Tapp was being face-camped, then finished the 5th gen while Nea was in chase.

    Nea went down as I 99'd an exit gate, then I traded my life for hers so she could crawl out the exit gate (I knew she had DS and the exit was 20m from her hook). I 4% unhooked myself in Bubba's face, then stunned him with DS and walked out the gate.

    He called me a "lucky bot," and was mad he couldn't 3-hook 2k.

    G2: Shelter Woods against Nurse. Nurse hooked one survivor after 1 minute. She then gave up on her second chase of the game and tunneled the David out of the game. David struggled to loop her for even 15 seconds, and immediately went back on hook without DS. Nurse proxy-camped the hook, then face-camped David when he had 5s left on hook. Nea traded her life for his as David had 1s left on hook. Nurse downed both David and Nea--picking David up immediately and then hooking Nea. By this time only 2 gens had been complete.

    Nurse then chased me for the rest of the game. She downed me shortly after the 5th gen was complete. Feng immediately opened the exit gate and left. Nea was injured without a way to heal herself. I was not able to unhook myself, and died on first hook while 2 escaped.

    G3: Gideon against Deathslinger. Found all four survivors within 20m of eachother early in the game. Managed to injured 3, before downing Claudette. Nea looped Deathslinger near Claudette, so no one was able to go for a safe unhook. Claudette went to second stage before being unhooked then downed shortly after.

    Killer snowballed the game the moment it started, and survivors were not able to apply enough gen pressure to escape.

    G4: Suffocation Pit against Doctor. Doctor downed one survivor mid-match. He downed no one else until all gens were complete. Feng opened gates and left immediately, before Nea was downed with NOED and died on first hook as Doctor face-camped her.


    I don't know how much MMR played into my experiences, but overrall I felt that I was playing with and against some lower ranked survivors/killers. The only impressive thing about the survivors was their willingness to complete generators in all but 1 game.

    Post edited by KayTwoAyy on
  • PhantomChimera
    PhantomChimera Member Posts: 668
    edited March 2021

    I just went against a level 1 when I am like at rank 16 myself as a survivor but this killer was not like a level one. He played more like I would expect a level 17.

    I have only played a couple of matches but it seems that the system is working so far. I am curious on how the player got to level 1 killer rank when the player doesn't seem to play like I would expect a level 1 to play skill level wise.

  • HMason212
    HMason212 Member Posts: 26

    The matches I’ve been playing have all looked like this. I keep getting survivors that unhook me while the killer is still around. Survivors that go down in less than 20s to the killer. It’s been 15 matches so far and every single one has been against a purple rank or higher killer when it’s clear I am NOT that good yet. This ain’t it at all.

    This match specifically I was unhooked in the basement while Freddy was right outside the killer shack. None of them had BT, so I was just getting farmed. Every other survivor also decided to spend their time self caring in corners of the map instead of doing anything else.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    I will lyk when it finds me a match. 50 minutes no killer match.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2021

    Before the rank reset I was rank 1 killer. Today I played killer so far, it was pretty good:

    • I started playing The Executioner for the first time ever, it was giving me rank 20 noobs, and the started a bit improving. Do MMR working good.
    • Then I switched to Leatherface that I play often. The first match was a bit easier, but the second was pretty intense. Just two of the survivors had red ranks, but they all played decent. MMr working good.
    Post edited by fogdonkey on
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    I played some rounds as killer, and they feel well-matched. I've 4k matches which still felt balanced and not a walkover. Likewise, I had one 0k match, which was as much because of mistakes I made as it was the competency of my opponents.

    The survivors I've faced have been well-organised and efficient, leading me to think I'm being put up against 2/3/4-swf teams, or very competent solo survivors. Eitherway, I'm quite flattered MMR deems me of that same skill level!

    Also, in a post on General Discussions, the new MMR also is starting to weed out those players who derank purposefully to bully newcomers. This is great, since people can no longer dominate those who are trying to learn the game. This may lead to those toxic types of players leaving, but bring in more players who feel the game is a nit more balanced and overall benefit the community.

    If that's a side effect to this, slap this MMR on right away! :D. My only gripe is that the test could have been for more than 24 hours. Maybe it'll work for you as you have all those match data to hand, but for me personally it would've been nice to see how it evolved over a longer period of time.

    In conclusion, it's looking good devs! It's looking good.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    This system is a joke. I’m either getting extremely amazing killers or baby killers. All my teammates I’m matched with a baby survivors while I’m rank 8. They hide at the slightest heartbeat and are too afraid to save or do gens.

  • Beefmur
    Beefmur Member Posts: 261

    i already posted this but here you go again

  • lunasteam
    lunasteam Member Posts: 5

    worst update so far. every survivor i get put with are the dumbest ######### ever. i might as well be solo with 4 killers

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Played a match as a Killer finally. They all just huddled together the entire match and gen rushed before I could really do anything. All high level players while I’m rank 14. What a joke. How about fixing gen speed while you’re breaking the matching system

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    I've said this before and I'll say it again MMR is a good idea but killer/survivor rank needs to factor into the mmr matchmaking early on. Eventually you can use 100% mmr ranking only but right now 50% of your mmr score should be based of your pre-existing rank. Rank doesn't matter is not to be taken literally it gives a vague idea of what the players is capable of and should be used as some metric to separate the rank 18 player from the rank 10 players. So far 4 games in and whilst the last one is starting to pair me close to the capable players I'm used to its still feels wrong to have those initial stomps. Rank does matter and its a good indicator for creating some early categorization for some distinction among player skill levels.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    MMR is not looking very promising

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I played several matches as survivor and a few as killer today. The new MMR is very underwhelming and is very bad honestly. I was playing with players at rank 8-13 many times, and more than usual.

  • RessurectAngel
    RessurectAngel Member Posts: 7

    Personally, I feel that this matchmaking process is much better and would like to see it implemented as soon as possible

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,819

    I wish there were more intel on what the expected behaviour of the MMR is, because I don't really know if it's working or not. The matches I got tonight were definitely different from usual. I'd say the overall skill level of the people I matched with (both killer and survivor) was lower, though there seemed to be some variation. FWIW, I am not good at this game, so it's actually a positive for me if the system is matching me with people who are also not good at the game.

    The one thing that confused me is that, in my last survivor game, I got matched with three other survivors who seemed about the same as me (somewhere in the midrange/intermediate level) and a rank 20 killer with one perk who clearly didn't know where the hitbox was and seemed brand new. I felt like that person ideally would have matched with other new people, but I don't know if maybe we were just the worst players online so the system had to pick us.

  • RyRapsYT
    RyRapsYT Member Posts: 299

    It is good

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    MMR Feedback: Rank 12 killer

    Game 1: Bought the Blight as a fresh new killer and after a long wait, I was matched up against fairly low skill rank 16-20 survivors. Went 3-1 with 2 gens done and a hatch escape. This was ideal, as I had no idea how to use his power and I only managed to make one successful lethal rush.

    Game 2: Used Ghostface (only played him 4-6 times before and never well) and was matched up against a Med Kit squad of matching Year of the rooster survivors (rank 12-20). Went 3-1. This squad was similarly low skill, but far better at staying on gens, having finished all 5 and one getting out through the exit gate.

    Game 3: Used The Pig (only played her 6-8 times, with mixed success) and was matched up against far more capable survivors across the spectrum (8-16). The 16 died to the helmet while the others knew to boop the snoot, implying a degree of proficiency. Went 2-2, with 5 gens complete and both getting out the exit.

    Game 4: Used Pyramid Head (played 20+ times, with a sizably large losing record) and was matched with a rainbow (4, 4, 8, 13). Despite the two red ranks, I went 3-1 with 4 gens done and the last survivor making the hatch. These survivors were considerably better at looping, but not great as they ran away from the strongest tiles pretty regularly.

    Game 5: Used Doctor (30+ times with a sizable winning record) and was matched with the strongest group yet (3, 4, 6, 13). Went 2-2 with 5 gens done and exit gates opened. This was also the first instance of Decisive Strike (all 4 survivors had it) and also the first instance of rapid teabagging (by the red ranks, of course).

    Game 6: Used Freddy (20+ times with a moderate winning record) and went against a middling squad (9-19). This was the first instance of Rage Quits, as the rank 9 quit on his first down (before he was even hooked) and another survivor DC'd on hook immediately thereafter. It was a 4-0 with 2 gens finished.

    In summary, I felt like the match-making was pretty accurate (except for the final Freddy Game). Killers that I either have very little experience with or am terrible with went against significantly less capable groups, while ones that I am better with ran into way better survivor squads. This is good news, because I had been holding off on picking up any new killers due to trying to learn their powers while red ranks clown me down and the experience soured me pretty fast on the whole thing. With a more linear progression of difficulty, I think it will be easier to grow into new killers and not get stomped unceasingly along the way.

    Finally, I would like to note that while Freddy's game was the least well-matched, the fact that two people gave up 90 seconds into the match played an overwhelming role in the 4k. This is by no means unusual for my Freddy games before the new MMR either. I'm not sure if the Devs are discounting game data involving DC's, but I really do believe this is why Freddy's kill numbers are (apparently) so high: some survivors just straight up quit (which only goes to reinforce the impression that he's OP for the ones who don't quit but now find themselves playing a 2-survivor game).

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699
    edited March 2021

    Played only 3 games of Killer. Queue times were 10 minutes a piece--which is about 9.5min more than I'm used to at this hour.

    Here are the results of my game, in order that I played.

    As you can see, survivors were lower rank, and played worse, with each game.

    Game 1: Gideon's | Game 2: Haddonfield | Game 3: Ormond

    Edit: Reuploaded images without player names

  • JudyIscariot
    JudyIscariot Member Posts: 71

    My games as survivor have been pretty abysmal today. I am not amazing, but slowly ranking up, currently rank 9. Every game (save for 1) was against a red rank or higher killer while I was usually the highest ranked survivor in the lobby. The games weren't even close, just one slaughter after another.

    Also, encountered a decent number of red rank folks playing on characters they clearly hadn't touched. It kinda feels like gaming the system to farm rank in a way. It really needs to take into account all of the 'soft skills' you get for playing a lot of killer. Just because you main Billy it doesn't mean that none of that knowledge transfers to Hag.

  • ble3kaudio
    ble3kaudio Member Posts: 100

    Played all night tonight. Survivor Main.

    Consistently Red Ranked every rank reset.

    Devotion 8.

    Lvl. 74

    Everyone of my matches tonight was bad, in the sense that, I get grouped with low ranked survivors and almost always low ranked killers (no killer higher than rank 8, but mostly brown). Most of my survivor teammates, also brown - regularly lvl 20. It's very frustrating and a huge turn-off for me.

    Why, why, do I get matched with such low ranked players??? Makes no sense. I guess for the other 4 people the matching seems balanced, but for me it seems like you guys don't know ######### is going on. It's absolutely terrible. I can't stress enough how much this affects my experience and overall outlook on the game.

    As a side note, and I offer this as pure data and in the most respectful way, as I do believe this game is unique, but I have stopped spending money on you guys. I would love to, but can't justify it anymore. A balanced, working matchmaking system at this point just a must. You guys are 5 years old.

  • ShansImmortal
    ShansImmortal Member Posts: 23

    Played about 5 straight hours as red rank survivor. Here's what I experienced.

    Matches started with me getting a rank 20 killer with 2 perks. Easily won that match, then we went against a rank 9, rank 11. All this seemed kind of okay.

    After that, it would go from one extreme to the next depending on the outcome of the prior game. So if we win a game, our next match is very good rank 1 killer. Then we'd lose that game and get a brand new rank 20 killer with no perks. Win that one, spend a few more matches in the teens (unckilled killers), and then back to a rank 1. It seems extremely inconsistent. It never evened out to a good pace, just bounced from super skilled to brand new players depending on the prior games outcomes. I don't think that is the intended outcome.

    There was also times we would lose 3 games in a row and the killer would go from rank 8 to 5 to 1 each loss (and clearly, skill was a factor there) which I am also unsure was the intention.

    Overall, seemed very inconsistent as survivor and kind of all over the place. We should not be getting a brand new rank 20 killer with no perks after losing a single game to a skilled rank 1.

  • FluffyCrit
    FluffyCrit Member Posts: 31

    So before this update I could have games too easy, too hard, balanced. It was a lottery. Since the update it's nearly unplayable for me.

    I'm a casual player, often doing some meme builds and often like green rank in both roles. In survivor games it's difficult to say with the other survivors being here and adding their own value to the equation. But as a killer? So far I have an average of at least 3 red ranks per game and the last one is either purple or green. I had 2 kills in one game but in most cases I can consider myself lucky if I have even one kill.

    I just can't enjoy the game anymore if I'm always against top SWF players in EVERY SINGLE MATCH. I think the MMR calucations can be sometimes completely off the mark as some people have good results and others are in a case similar to mine.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited March 2021

    What I expect is happening in cases like this, is you're playing a killer you have less experience with relative to your other killers, but your skill as a killer is mostly transferable, and the MMR isn't recognising this.

    It's like how I'm in purple ranks via Spirit, Freddy and Hag, but when I tried out Bubba, I got all brown ranks, and despite me not being able to use his chainsaw at all, I still slaughtered everyone.

    I think what needs to happen is that your killer MMR has to have a lower limit, based on your highest MMR killer. Say your lowest killer MMR can't be any less than one third of your highest, or whatever value fits into their system since we have no info on the figures and values being used.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    In both cases for me (killer and survivor) I've faced opponents who were below the typical skill level I would usually face.

    For killer, this makes sense. I'm not a great killer, but I am decent with the few I play regularly, to the point where I reached rank 6 as a killer, which made it impossible for me to try out other killers without facing sweaty flashlight mobs.

    I played a few matches as the Spirit, and got a mix of purple, green and yellow survivors, who were clearly not potatoes, but I did find it relatively easy to down them all, probably because I'm used to sweating against rank 1s. Then I tried out Bubba, a killer I have barely any experience with, and got mainly brown ranks. That was fine, because I can't work his chainsaw for [BAD WORD] so I'm basically a M1 killer.

    Killers also seemed middle of the range. I pretty much always play as a SWF with the same three friends, who are a mix of red, purple and green ranks with me in the green. We usually get rank 1s who wipe the floor with us (I blame the red rank for it every time), but today it was more... balanced? Some green ranks, some yellows, and one brown.

    What I take away from this, is that the metrics used for the new SBM, have deemed me and my friends to be of a lower 'skill level' than our ranks suggest. Is this accurate? ...probably not entirely. While the matchmaking was 'better' for me/us, the matches were probably not so fair on the other side. While we didn't all escape all of the killer matches, I did pretty much wipe the floor with everyone as a killer.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    - 1st match, 1k with noed. Playing in rank 8. 

     - paired with similar ranks 6-7-10. easy game against a baby rank 19 killer because he couldn't catch anyone. Queue time was good. 

    - 2nd match, 1k. shape spent all game trying to t3 to use the tombstone. only got one hook because everyone left already. 

     - paired with green ranks mostly. killer rank 16.

    - 3rd match. 2k with 6 hooks. pyramid head played pretty normally. 

     - ranks 5-11. 

    - 4th match, someone rage quits. bubba rank 5 decided to set up a tent and tunneled us and i assumed everyone died after that.  

     - paired with red ranks 2-2-3. 

    - 5th match 1k, rank 20 spirit. 

     - rainbow rank survivor, 4-11-13. 3 hooks.

    - 6th match, 0k 4 hooks. r16 demogorgon. 

     - survivor ranks 4-4-9 i'm 7 now. 

    - 7th match, demo R1 tunneled me off of first hook. i'll just assume they 4k, because zero gens were getting done an ruin really messed with the survivors. i had a few thousand points over the other survivors even tho i died first. 

     - s.ranks. 3,4,6

    - 8th match, R2 Iridescent Huntress. ######### this, we had people bring streamers and cakes. =-= 

     - mm started to slow down, took 4-5 minutes to find a match.

     - 3,4,5

    - 9th match, R11 trapper 7 hooks. had to do 4 out of the 5 gens. =-= 

     - 2,4,4

    - 10th, R9 Spirit with super recharging addons. died at 3 gens, but it looked like they could finish them if they play their cards right. can't be bothered to watch how it plays out.

     - 2,4,5

    from the survivor pool it doesn't look too terrible, the teammates don't seem as bad as pre mmr, only 2-3 of them did i saw other survivors playing poorly or bad at commiting. killer's i face seem to be a mix bag, a lot of them seem to be very experienced and like to do low rank stuff that's bad for their games. 

    will update more as i play and when i play killer.

  • Ciel_AleD
    Ciel_AleD Member Posts: 2

    I played some games and overall i'm rank 4 as a survivor and killer and i often play against low rank killer or survivor. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's just a one way win where the survivors/killer don't have a chance to play the game because they get destroyed :/, i think you should more try to match people of the same rank in the same game because looping a pour rank 18 Nurse filled me with sadness ;-;

  • teamashen
    teamashen Member Posts: 1

    Played 5 games as killer. First two were very sweaty red rank swfs, followed by 3 yellow and brown rank teams that didn't finish a single gen.

    After that, we played 8 Survivor matches with wild swings. Our first game was against a 12 and never had anything come close to that since. We would lose a game to a rank 1 and then a fresh rank 20, and then back to a red rank, and back to a yellow rank. There seemed to be no middle ground and swung wildly between these two numbers. Our players were two rank 4s and a rank 8 and the MMR seemed to want to throw a rank 16 in that last slot nearly every time, which is just frustrating to no end when you're used to a certain style of gameplay that isn't crouched in a corner doing nothing or hiding in a basement locker till hatch spawns.

    The MMR seems all over the place and never really settled onto a group that worked at all. Hopefully enough data is given tonight that we can get something that actually works because right now, this is NOT working and I'd rather have the original broken system.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708
    edited March 2021

    You are basing your experience as if old ranks matter.

    The job for MMR is to pair you up with and against players of similar skill level. The MMR rating is hidden from us.

    Just because someone is r1 doesn't mean they are godlike, nor if someone is r18, doesn't mean they are utter crap that can't even move forward. They may be new but play really good from the start or be a smurf.

    You should have described your experience in terms of how well teammates and opponents played instead of throwing "rainbow ranks" as an excuse, since people been saying since late 2016 /early 2017 they mean nothing but a play time.

  • herrik666
    herrik666 Member Posts: 191

    As killer: For the killers I acquired recently and that I haven't played before the queues are really long, but for the ones I play regularly they are fine. I've also had really strange lobbys, with some survivors who are way better than me and some who don't know what they are doing in the same team. 

    As survivor: The queues are a bit longer than usual but the average game feels quite balanced

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited March 2021

    I've finished a pretty good number of games both as my control Killer, i.e. my main Myers, and tons of the others that I never have (or rarely) play. The results are not promising. You know I'm not down on the game so hopefully they will take this feedback to heart as not simply an angry over reaction. I tested and carefully thought this out:

    1. My main (control group for the experiment) had no difference in the matches I pulled whatsoever, EXCEPT that my Que times tripled. I still would either pull all Red Rank or (inconsistently) all the colors of the rainbow. Whenever I would get a rainbow I would have a slaughter so fast and unfair I was embarrassed to be a part of it. So in so far as my control group this test was a failure. I had the same inconsistent matching only with HORRIBLE que times.
    2. With regard to my other Killers, all of whom were Level-1 when I started playing to test, the results were just as insanely inconsistent. With Spirit I pulled nothing but Potatoes. With Oni I got mid-tier, I'd say if Rank still mattered around Greens (even though it LOOKED like a taste the rainbow situation). I slaughtered them all, but I could tell who was a Potato and who wasn't. It made no sense to me that Spirit would only get Potatoes while Oni would get somewhat experienced players. I was Level-1 with BOTH Killers. Do you see the problem. Whatever formula they are using does not work, or it doesn't work consistently if it is Killer based. And if you guys did do something Killer based, why would you put a more powerful Killer (Spirit) up against the weaker Survivors?
    3. One day is not enough to test anything but here are my thoughts. This MMR supposedly has had almost a year running in the background to gather data. It still doesn't appear to have enough data. It doesn't work in a consistent way. You might as well make the system entirely RANDOM and just slot the first in first out to have maximum speed in the ques. The consistency of matchmaking wouldn't be any worse or better. If the matchmaking is still going to be this rough, we might as well get speed.

    I'm going to say, again, that this game has too many variables to ever have good matchmaking. Every time you guys attempt something this point gets reinforced. The only FAIR way to do it is to match OPPORTUNITY to be better, rather than actual Skill. In other words do it by Devotion levels or by Hours. Create windows that only let certain people through. Not all people with 2K hours are of equal Skill; that is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that even the WORST player with 2K hours is going to so far beyond a Potato as to make a difference.

    Post edited by Moundshroud on
  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    My experience with SBM has been... reasonably good with a few misses.

    My first game as Legion seemed like I was against largely competent Survivors. I think I had a Yui who was trying a bit too hard to get the Any Means Necessary tome challenge. It was fairly even until I took a way too long chase that let them finish the last 2 gens and committed to hooking someone after Gens were done who I forgot was on Death Hook. 1k mostly due to my mistakes.

    Did 3 Myers games who is my current main. First one, I got 2 not great Survivors, but in spite of that they did get 4 gens done. 4k for me. Next one, I got 1 dead as doors got powered. They grouped up on a single gate and Tier 3 got me 2 more downs. Last one noped out the other gate. Last one was Ormond which isn't great for Myers. They did a decent job of looping and I stayed in Tier 1 too long for the map. Didn't have anybody dead when doors were powered, but had 1 hooked in basement. They got overly altruistic and I scraped together a few more hooks and another kill during end game.

    I was curious to see what it would do for my Blight who I'm much worse as and who got bodied the last few games I tried as him. Match took longer to get and I got a crop of significantly worse Survivors. Honestly it undershot a bit. None of them where particularly good at looping and you need to loop vs Blight. Though if I'm being honest, it maybe wouldn't have been so bad if the team hadn't been going way too hard on Sabo and Flashlight attempts. Either way, they only got 1 gen done (though 3 more were close) despite no real tunneling or camping. 1 guy got out cause Unbreakable + Hatch.

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