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Devs can you make more risky update please

Breque Member Posts: 427
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

from what i can see from the last updates, is that you guys are a little afraid of making something unbaleced, this would be good, if the game wasnt already unbaleced.

Some killers are to strong ( spirit ) some killers are to weak ( ghostface )

Like i dont care if all killers go to rank s , and be literally impossible to win 1 match ( obviosly if you keep updating and dont let all killers be rank s forever )

What i wanna say is that

For killers swf is unbaleced, and for solo survivals good tier killer is unbaleced

Just put the killer in pair with swf, ######### solo and then update again to try to put solo as pair with killers

Or just buff absurdely the weak killers and play some matches as survivals and make an little list of what is unbaleced or not

My sujestion of what you devs can do is probably really bad, but at least i think that everyone get my point

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    How is Spirit op exactly? And how is Ghostface too weak? I mean he has weaknesses sure but he’s nowhere near Trapper or Clown levels of weak.

    If Spirit gets nerfed then Nurse will be the only viable killer in the game against experienced swf. That would be the saddest thing, especially when survivors want to stop lobby dodging, Some people literally want to be unbeatable in this game.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 204

    If the exact same tactics that work on Trapper don't also work on Spirit (or any other killer), then that killer is OP.

    Basically, any killer that can't be dealt with with a "Hold W" strategy is considered OP.

    If a survivor has to use their brain, or if the standard stack of DS+Unbreakable+Dead Hard+Spine Chill isn't enough to let the survivors walk out of the exit gates, that killer is OP.

    Killers like Spirit are hard to loop indefinitely, so a single survivor can't use the standard strategies to waste the killer's time while the others do gens, so that killer is obviously OP.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    A general rule of thumb that seems to apply is “if a dropped pallet doesn’t guarantee me 100% safety then the killer is OP”

    This is what happens when players have been coddled by the developers for so long.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Every updated has been a risk.

    A risk that it won't function.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    the lack of info you are given in chases when facing Spirit makes her so strong, combine her with stridor she will almost always know where you are. You will never fully know where she will show up from after a phase walk. infront of you, right, left, behind. You have no clue and all you can do is guess and hope you made the right play. Facing Spirit just comes down to pure luck for you as Survivor.

    The issue with Spirit is not she is broken on strong, the issue with her is the RNG factors you have to deal with in chases, and like in casinos, your odds will often be against you especially if the Spirit got 3rd party audio software, good headphones, stridor, EQ anything just so she can hear you 10x times better.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 204
    edited March 2021

    Oh man, it must suck for such an important part of gameplay to be up to RNG!

    Imagine if something like, say, your perks were random like that. And what if the killer could somehow disable your perks. It would really suck if they were easy to find, or something...

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    why can't killer mains understand that hex perks are high risk high reward and are not designed to stay up the entire game. is it that hard for your tiny brain to fathom?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Spirit is OP when you compare her to other killers. Third place either goes to PH/Freddy/Blight or Oni but none come close to spirit.

    She needs a nerf so we can keep her at the level of other killers then we can balance solo and SWF

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 204

    Why can't survivor mains understand that totem spawns are ridiculous.

    Hex perks aren't high risk high reward -- they're extremely high risk virtually no reward.

    When the average hex turn doesn't make it past the first gen, that's not balanced properly. That's just throwing away a perk slot.

    So I guess I don't feel too bad for survivors when they say they don't like not having control over something...

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    How is she op? like you literally dont have any information about her ,all conterplays that everyone says are stupid and dosent work for example the dont move or dont make noises,

    And if she still got nerfed she will still be pretty strong, and it seems like that you are saying that everyone is an extreme swf

    It would be the saddest thing if they dosent nerf her, especially when killers want to surv stop killing him selfs in the 1 hook