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Decisive Strike unfairly nerfed with no counter buffs



  • Member Posts: 256

    New DS will be healthier for the game. 60 seconds is still a long as time and the old DS (or current) is used way to offensively and this was never intended.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    That is true. It is not an anti-tunnel perk at all. It needs a lot of buffs to be an anti-tunnel perk. Timer is too short, killers can still watch you on the ground and then pick you up and kill you. Decisive strike shouldn't deactivate so easily.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    If you lose the perk, its because you weren't being tunneled. End of story. If the killer drops chase and finds you again, that's not tunnelling.

    When are gonna get the ability to downvote someone out of the forums? Lol

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Facecamping is really not the only form of tunneling. A killer can easily switch targets when he sees someone doing anything because tunneling someone out of the match makes it easier to win.

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    If you don't want to be tunneled off of hook and you run this perk, understandable.

    If you want to run this perk so you can run around for 60 seconds and be invulnerable to consequences until the timer is up, yeah, not my cup of tea commander. Especially when you can progress the game while the perk is active.

  • Member Posts: 907
  • Member Posts: 1,839

    Not even playing Devils Advocate here, but I legit wouldn't mind if the timer paused while in active chase after the other changes go through. Alternatively, for being slugged on the ground, maybe the timer would pause within terror radius. I dunno. Something to give slugged Survivors a bit of a bone. Maybe tack on another 10 seconds if downed while DS is active instead of the TR thing.

    I have been on the receiving end of a Killer slugging me and waiting out the DS while others were basically circling around, trying to get their attention. DS isn't always a deterrent. Obviously, those teammates SHOULD have been working gens and not doing their best vulture impersonations, but I still feel for the sluggy that gets watched by a Killer for a minute while waiting out the DS.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    True as that may be, a survivor shouldn't have to purposefully mess up in chase just to be able to use a perk that's already going to be situational after its changes. If DS is going to be an anti-tunnelling perk, the devs need to recognise that a killer can tunnel someone for longer than a minute.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    it absolutely deserved a nerf because players (especially SWF) abused the heck out of it. If you get unhooked and go back to doing your objectives than you’re not being tunneled.

    The devs finally made this a true anti tunnel perk so if you don’t like it than i’m sorry thats your problem. Unless a killer is tunneling you off hook you should not be rewarded a free get out of jail card because you failed at your chase.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    I'm personally not a fan of making perks overly reliant on others. Furthermore, with the case of getting stared down while slugged, UB doesn't do much unless you pack Soul Guard with it. Seems silly to require 3 perk slots to deal with one issue. With the changes of DS to make it far harder to abuse, adding a bit of time to it in chase wouldn't hurt anything. It would rightly be stronger if tunneled off hook, while being completely normal if not.

    Besides, after the changes, it will only let someone get away long enough to make sure they aren't tunneled, then deactivate the moment they try to progress the match anyways. If the timer went on forever, it would still essentially remove that Survivor from progressing the trial. I'm not saying it should go forever, but an extension on the timer for being chased or slugged wouldn't punish non-tunneling Killers.

  • Member Posts: 383

    How many times are you gonna make the same topic?

  • Member Posts: 142

    Don't bother guys. Sluzzy is a known baiter. You got baited.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I would have been fine with the timer lasting indefinitely in cases of actual tunneling, even if just leading up to EGC.

    The fact that people are still whining about locker DS after this is incredible. So lacking in self awareness that they're the reason this new version of DS exists. I myself should never get hit by this new DS as killer for playing too well so I'm happy.

    I may even consider running it on survivor again, doesn't feel scummy now.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    how do none of these morons realize that all of this guys' posts are baits after seeing a hundred of them

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    It's not unfairly nerfed. If I'm playing a round as killer and I down you while you're healing someone or you take someone off a hook right in my face and I down you no more free escape. I understand it's frustrating but as survivors we've used DS as crutch quite a lot. I've done it too. BT is to protect someone coming off a hook so they have a chance to run. and sometimes yeah killers can be jerks and camp a hook but then you don't go in and get stuff done.

    It will just take some adjustments but if you're truly being tunneled off a hook DS will still do it's job.

    I don't know why people are so upset about it at this point.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    no since DS only activates after you come off a hook. and just because it deactivates doesn't mean you can't use it later if you are getting tunneled down.

  • Member Posts: 256

    No, not really. Do you know what can happen in 1 minute? when you loop a killer for a minute your team can focus on gens and if they are efficient they can do 2 gens by the time you get down. DS is one of the strongest perks in the game and more than 60 seconds would be insane. DS is fine now and they should never touch it again in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    Yes! The queen speaks!

    BBQ = overpowered

    DS = weak

  • Member Posts: 383

    I'm honestly fine with the DS changes though they could now 'buff' the perk to make it easier to use while also serving its purpose more efficiently as an anti-tunnel perk. If the survivor can't interact with any objectives to progress the game these changes would be pretty balanced to offset the harsh conditions of use.

    • Removing the skill check and making it a choice to use after pickup would help the most in lower ranks where tunneling is most likely to happen, but the survivor is bad with skill checks.
    • Having it become multi-use would make the killer think twice before tunneling a survivor directly after an unhook should it already have been used. Most killers just camp and tunnel the survivor to death if they've used it once as the killer knows DS is gone.
  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited March 2021

    I've thought with the nerf I'd be fine with it being used twice if the devs did that.

  • Member Posts: 575

    The nerfs are definitely deserved but I do wish they would change BT to work activate based on proximity rather than terror radius to compensate. The fact that BT just doesn't work against some killers and perks makes DS feel necessary as an insurance perk.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Yeah, those killers that cried got 4Ks regardless. Streamers are famous for never losing and crying about DS while annihilating the team, slugging and abusing their own perks. Ironically, DS is suddenly an anti-tunnel perk when it is almost impossible for it to now be used. If it is going to be anti-tunnel it needs a whole lot of buffs like no timers, no losing it when slugged, multiple uses. Red rank killers will slug you and have no consequences with DS. Spirits are pretty notorious for phasing all the way back and not being able to do anything means an even easier game for the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,164
    edited March 2021

    It doesn't need a buff, and this is more of a fix than a nerf. It doesn't need any counter buff. It's sole purpose, now, is to counter tunneling. It does that just fine.

    You are not being tunneled if you're doing anything to further your objective. Period, end of story.

    You don't have DS at the start of the match. It activates when you're unhooked. If you touch a gen after you're unhooked, yes, DS goes away. Which it should. Under no circumstances should you be invincible and able to work on your objective.

    Anyone complaining about this nerf knows that they now actually have to get good at the game, instead of forcing offensive plays with DS and acting like they're good.

  • Member Posts: 593

    Yea hi survivor main here DS doesn't need to always be active especially on gens and totems I admit I use it as I can atm but not really on gens as I find most competent killers hit you walk away and come back for you later the only real trick is the locker trick jump in a locker killer can wait out my DS or leave either way my team is getting gen time while the killer sits at my locker waiting it out.

    Also lets be honest decisive should really be used as a last attempt perk like getting hooked at endgame killer camps and you get off killer is under pressure hits you picks you up then you stab them they then lose you to the hatch or exit whatever that's how it should be imo

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    In a word, "nonsense." There is only one work around for DS and that is to wait until it expires. That hasn't changed with the proposed change to DS. The only thing that has altered is that you can't do certain things in the Killers face to taunt them. That's it. DS still does exactly what it was originally designed to do. It discourages the Killer from picking you up right after being unhooked.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    Or the killer could just choose not to tunnel, give the survivor with DS active a chance to actually play the game and by the time they get found again, will no longer have it. Umless of course they were acting as a detriment to the team by not doing anything productive.

  • Member Posts: 256

    Sometimes you have to tunnel/slug that is just the reality. You won't 12 hook a good SWF group, that is just a fact. 60 seconds is reasonable and I think they should stick to that. There is no need to make DS stronger because it is pretty much the same as before but without this stupid 1 minute I can do what I want mechanic. If a killer wants to tunnel you, he will tunnel you but you also have all the tools to prevent this as long as possible. Survivors are in a good spot and so are killers in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 868

    Remove ds from your perks and use prove thyself or resilience. If I see a killer tunneling someone to death I run towards him and point to the hook, let him hook me and I kill myself in first hook and find another match. Easy.

  • Member Posts: 475

    What invincibility is everyone talking about? Survivors working on Gens with DS are not invincible. They get slapped in the back just as good as any other survivor. Borrowed time and OoO are way more obnoxious than DS. Its funny to hear the devs encourage tunneling and camping then they nerf DS.

  • Member Posts: 868

    Don’t worry. When they nerf ds to the ground killer will start complaining about bt

  • Member Posts: 475

    Its gonna be funny when killers think they see a survivor working on a gen then they get hit by DS cuz the survivor was just pretending.

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    That's actually a much cooler and much more interesting situation than anything you can do with the current version of DS.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    If that happened to me they would likely escape with my respect for a mindgame well played.

  • Member Posts: 219

    Youl find if you play kiler you have more than one thing to watch as you have four people that can do gens at start of game and if they all split up on a map like ormond then most killers are pretty much #########.

    I don't see any problem if I killer wants to apply pressure and that one of the ways to it.

    Plus ds needed it because of gen rushing greddy survivours and don't even get me started on the perks survivours can run that are more annoying than a tunnel. Most killers tunnel to eat up the ds and get it out of way.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Survivors using their DS protection to advance the game in a significant way is busted. Period.

    The devs finally realized this and took corrective action. Survivors still have plenty of powerful perks to use.

    Once DS and OOO are out of the picture, survivor perks will finally be balanced.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    But if they're not working on the gen, then it won't grab the survivor even though I told it to freakin' lunge... I just wanna slap the survivor down and stop them from furthering the objective, I'm not trying to tunnel them out. If they get hit and go down on the ground because they weren't actually working on the gen, cool, I'm leavin' them and going for someone else.

    Nothin' gets me to put the controller down and go afk during a match like the controls not doing what I tell them to do. Or frame drops, if I get massive frame drops more than a couple times, the hell with it, survivors can do the gens and leave.

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