Which Killers will you never consider playing?

For me it's Nurse, Billy, Spirit, Freddy, Huntress and Twins
Nurse isn't worth the effort for me
Billy is about as fun as having bubonic plague
Spirit and Freddy are unfair as hell
Huntress has all the consistency of peanut butter 7 months past it's expiration date
Twins are just ######### boring
what about you guys?
all these + Hag - Twins. Twins are fun
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That's alot of characters to limit yourself from playing.
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I play basically every other killer besides those 6, granted some more then others, but those 6 have given me the least amount of fun in the matches i played with them, so i don't bother with them
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I just don’t agree with their gameplay.
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Personally, I'm one to try any killer the devs release no matter how awful they are. For me the better question is who would you only play for a daily ritual (because for me that's as close to never as you can get with how willing I am to try and play every killer).
Going off of that, the answer is Blight, because I play mostly on console, Hillbilly, his mini nerf really messed with him so I don't like him much anymore, Hag, I find her really boring, and Deathslinger, same as Hag and for some reason I just can't aim for the life of me as Slinger and Huntress I'm like getting deadly shots.
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Blight, I’m console, nuff said.
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Huntress, Plague, and Deathslinger, the ranged trio. I have horrible aim, so if I'm gonna play a ranged killer I'll probably be playing Trickster. Yeah yeah I know, I'm weird.
I haven't really played Wraith but I am interested in playing him sometime, once I have the urge to level him up. So he doesn't count here.
Hag is just boring. I like chases, and Hag isn't a chase killer, so she's not my type.
I probably won't be playing Ghostface that much. I kinda regret leveling him up tbh
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None. I love this game, so at some point I'm going to end up seriously playing all the characters. Right now, the ones I avoid are:
Demo, because I know once I start I won't stop.
Clown, because I'm just not a huge fan.
Hag, because I reached a point where I feel more guilty playing her than Forever Freddy.
Wraith, because no good perks :(
Deathslinger, because it's extremely painful to se show much my skill has deteriorated.
And Bubba, because no particular reason, I just don't play him much. I even find him pretty fun when I do, so it's even weirder.
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Nurse, Blight and Twins.
They are all miserable on Console.
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Twins, Hag, and Freddy.
I'd like to keep the Dreamworld mechanic out of my real life.
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Huntress and Deathslinger because I use a controller.
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freddy and hag. it feel nasty to play them.
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Only Spirit because she is unfair against survivors.
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Honestly don't blame you for not playing Demo, he really grows on people, i had to fight myself for quite a while to stop playing him constantly
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Hag and Freddy.
I played Hag a lot, mostly to get all Perks on her. But I am not planning to touch her, except for the fact of getting all Perks again. I just hate playing Hag, it is boring because you cannot chase and I really just like the gameplay.
For Freddy, I will also only play him to get all Perks (currently not even close to that I think), because I can feel my brain dying when playing him. Like, no challenge at all.
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Twins and Ghostface. I mean I've tried ghostface out a bunch but I never do well with him. Guess I'm just not getting his playstyle.
Twins I haven't bought and I'm not ever planning to.
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Freddy, twins, hag
these three extremely unfun to and play against.
not so bad if it’s against swf, can be fun
these two against solo’s it’s just over to quickly.
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Nurse, Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Leatherface, Freddy, Twins.
Nurse is hard to learn and i don't like her stun. Trapper is boring and if his traps are ignored he has no power. Wraith and Hillbilly abilities are not fun for me.
Leatherface, Freddy and Twins are the killers i hate to play against the most and i don't want to ruin the fun for others.
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Leatherface, he's still Level 1 and I have never played a single game with him, never plan to, just because of how much I hate him as survivor, even as a killer main I still hold more of a moral code against considering playing him than going and tryharding with Spirit
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Twins because extremely clunky gameplay. I played them like 3 times (first time on ptb, then on release, then a few months later).
Huntress because I hate aiming on her.
Billy because cooldown for cooldown.
Nurse because her cooldown feels awful. I can still win with her, but I don't feel like it's fun when you struggle with bugs and the killer more than you struggle with actual opponents.
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Hag. Boring, campy playstyle. Completely brain-dead killer that I never want to play again.
And then Twins, who are also a complete abomination that desperately need a full rework.
Every other killer I'll play now and then.
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Killers I hate to face Deathslinger and The Twins, the less the better.
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I feel the most guilty about playing Freddy, though I still use him for daily challenges. Spirit is a close second.
I don't think I have ever played Pig. Perhaps the only Killer I have that I have never played. No particular reason, just complete lack of interest.
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I won't say I'll never consider playing, but - as a console player that has no aim whatsoever - it's very unlikely I'll go for Deathslinger or Huntress. I also think Oni is veeeery frustrating.
I think Billy was easier to use before the changes, but I kind of like him.
I hate Freddy, so I avoid playing with him and even feel guilty when I do his dailies because he feels to unfair to go against. And if I play Spirit I tend to use both of her passive phasing add ons and meme around as much as I can.
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Wraith, Hillbilly, Cannibal, Freddy, Twins. I don't find them that interesting, but Freddy is just a better Hag or Demogorgon.
At some point I might buy Myers or Ghost(face). I won't say never on Oni, but he's a lot like Hillbilly, and would be super low priority. Next reset I'm going to play more Nurse or Huntress, as opposed to running hard with Pig/Hag, and then switching to Spirit around rank 7ish. Progressing to rank 1 is pretty slow on non-meta killers if you aren't willing to tunnel or use NOED.
I'm unlikely to ever play Deathslinger because he's extremely frustrating to play against. Between his lack of a terror radius, nearly hit-scan rifle, lack of reload weakness, and his ability to randomly shoot you through objects and walls... Nah.
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For me it's Nurse, Hillbilly...
and especially Doctor. There is a lot to learn with his shock timing and mind games but he's such a mediocre killer there really isn't a reward for learning it. Doctor is such a lame killer to me.
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Demo and Blight. Demo because he’s absolutely useless and Blight because he sucks so bad
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Spirit and nurse because I think they are unfair
I’d add Freddy but I do play him when I’m in a bad mood sometimes
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Twins make me feel like a scumbag.
Freddy and Spirit are so braindead easy.
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Peanut butter expires...?
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just plague. I despise her. She is TOO clunky.
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Nurse for me not even worth it
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Twins. Unless its for a daily to chase survivors, I won't play them because they aren't fun in the least. Worst killer design in the game.
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The majority of killers are not my cup of tea.
However the few killers I despise are those that I will always refuse to play actively.
Nurse, Spirit and Hag.
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I'll play anyone if given some sort of reason like a daily or challenge, but I guess Spirit? I just don't find her fun to play at all.
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I play them all every now and again.
but nurse, clown and spirit are basically on the bottom of the list because I either can't play them properly or don't like the playstyle
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Spirit, pyramid head, ghostface, clown, legion.
Having played against them for so much their overall aesthetic, strengths, and weaknesses do not appeal to me one bit.
Also, if Freddy ever gets a Robert englund skin I will consider that..
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Hag and Nurse for me.
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Freddy, Pig, Ghostface, and Pyramid head are so ######### boring 99% of the time. I'll occasionally play Pallet Freddy for a quick laugh or PH if for some reason im in the mood for him, but 99% of the time they're sleep inducing.
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Nurse because she's juat way to frustrating to learn.
Twins because I despise the play style they encourage.
Freddy because freddy.
I try to play billy every so often but I just find him for frustrating to play vs bubba.
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Twins, they're overall just bad design. I know people rate them high on their Tier Lists, but I feel like a killer that basically slugs and camps everyone as their power shouldn't be rated that high honestly.
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Plague and Pig.
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I play every killer occasionally, the one I play the least is Myers and Plague cause of their very slow snowballs. I like mine fast
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Nurse, Twins, Blight, and Trickster.
Nurse because I'm just not putting that kind of time into a single Killer. The other three because I just didn't find them fun when trying them on PTB.
Mainly, I bought DbD to play the horror icons of Myers, Freddy, Leatherface, Amanda, and Ghostface, though.
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Freddy. I only touched him for his achievements.. God, he's so boring.
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hag, spirit, freddy. they're so sleeper.
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The only killers I actively avoid playing (as in I instantly recycle daily rituals related to them) are Trapper and Hag. I don't find their web-of-traps playstyle to be particularly fun. I can use them well-enough to achieve good results on occasion, but winning with them just isn't all that satisfying for me.
I also usually skip out on playing Plague and Ghost Face. I want to like them, but their powers still feel far too buggy and unreliable for my tastes.
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Nurse and Blight (consle player here)
Also to a lesser degree, Clown, Trapper, Bubba and Billy. I have played Bubba and Billy and I cannot stand the chainsaw mechanics. Trapper is boring and weak, just can't stand the Clown.
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yes, and it is not pretty when it does
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Spirit and Twins because they're about as fun to play as watching paint dry.
Freddy too cuz i just dont like playing him.