Which Killers will you never consider playing?
Clown. Literally nothing about his design or power interests me. At least with Nurse I can get a masochistic kick out of blinking into walls like a drunk kiwi.
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Billy, Blight, Twins, and Spirit. They just don't interest me.
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tbh, the twins and the trickester, most boring killers i have seen in a while
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Honestly, I feel personally attacked whenever the game gives me a daily of Billy, Huntress and Oni. I simply cannot get a down with Billy's chainsaw in a way that is just painful. Huntress and Oni on the other hand are inconsistent, whether by the weird hitboxes or by the survivors playstyle. Also, I really think that Oni is on the weak side of the spectrum so I really don't have much reason to playing him.
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I play all killers but the one I won't play for a very long time again is Blight. F-tier killer horrible to control.
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I rarely play Hag or Spirit. I know what it's like to play against those two killers in solo queue, so as a courtesy I avoid them.
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I generally cycle through all the killers apart from the Twins - they're just dogshit.
If you ever want to play the Twins - just play Demogorgon. Demo is an infinitely better version of them in every way. The only thing you miss is blocking loops - if the survivor forgets the 'W' key exist.
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I play every killer but if I had to choose one it would be Hag
Don't feel like rebinding teleport to scroll wheel every time I play her.
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Spirit and Freddy, they are booooooooring, I dont like being spoonfed.
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I don't often play Plague or Doctor cause they are obnoxious to face.
I don't often play Nurse or Blight cause their movements bother me.
I don't often play Freddy, Spirit, or Cannibal cause their player base has tainted them for me. The first two being for sweaty players you can smell through the monitor and the last for being a face camping magnet.
I don't often play Hillbilly as he was the sweat lord champion before the Spirit and Freddy came along, but that has worn off. I just still don't touch him cause of general disinterest.
I don't often play Pig cause I simply like Ghostface better than her in every single way.
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Hillbilly I hate using his chainsaw. Bubba and Freddy because I hate them. The Twins because they're lame and boring.
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I avoid demo,Twins and plague.
Demo such a boring ability, portals are almost always useless and can be destroyed. Everything he does is known by survivors and shred is the most uninspired power that can be easily missed.
Twins their ability is unique but not very useful. Victor can be destroyed and end a chase meanwhile if you down someone you still have to go to them pick them up.
Plague. Its just plague bro I have more fun watching paint dry. Her puking ability is just weird and not very useful unless survivors cleanse even if they don't they just rush gens while injured.
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Spirit - Not her abilities, its the noise she makes. I hate it.
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Console blight
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Legion: Just seems soooo boring.
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I have more than enough points to get Clown, Deathslinger, (and upcoming Dickster) for free but I haven’t because they don’t really appeal to me. I get them eventually because I’m a completist but I’m not willing to press the button just yet.
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Get them...dont play them but spend the BP's to get the perks unlocked. Then ignore them forever.
The only thing to annoys me with this, the game then forces stupid dailies at you for those killers! Nice try BHVR, but if I didnt play them for the last 6 months, that pathetic daily is NOT going to change that.
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Hag, because Hag
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Oni. I’ve always though he controls like doo doo and I don’t care to learn past that.
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Spirit and Freddy I find boring.
No not because they are strong or anything, I mean even if they were mid or low tier killers I find them boring to play as. I used to love freddy before, the old one, I don't like the current one at all.
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I will play all of them granted not everyday or session, but I so play everyone on occasion. I'm on console and blight isn't that awful honestly. Twins i got the adept that day on midwich, so I'd say it's not too bad. With nurse I just cant get blink timing down yet, but I'm trying.
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While never is a strong word I don’t see myself playing nurse for quite a long time. I would rather learn universal skills on other killers or skills that apply to multiple other killers before dedicating a lot of time to nurse and learning things that only work for her.
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- Nurse because the VFX give me a migraine
- Deathslinger because I don't like shooting games
- Twins because I hate body horror and I think they're revolting
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Twins because there gameplay is misrable and boring.
Hag (daily shows up il play a round) otherwise she dosent appeal to me. Gameplay wise i lile her design but it just dosent suit my preferences.
Crapper for a time I enjoyed crapper but as time has gone on he just gets worse and worse. He has so many weaknesses spends way too much time doing nothing and has no tricks beyond his bear traps making his loop play just awful.
Trickster will likely join the category of not playing mostly because if I ever want to play a ranged killer I'll play slinger or huntress. There way more intimating and dont spend so much time trying to get a down because you need what eight or 6 blades to down. Nothing nunced about his throws either so ya pretty boy is looking real underwhelming.
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Literally, she is just face camp and slug the killer, and it's really boring to play as let alone against.
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Spirit - unfun and unbalanced pos, full of "mind games" + meta
Oni - meta crap, not interested.
Freddy - He was my favorite slasher in movies, now dbd ruined his portray by either being useless crap (release) or bloated low skill ceiling killer (current), I don't want to touch it + meta crap.
Nurse - I played her for at least 600 hours, enough is enough. No more. Too many bugs makes her experience just sad and bordering as masochism
Twins - never played as one, bought her with iris on her release, one day I will complete adepts on her and never touch her again until a rework. She is just so unhealthy. Even though I'm a proud owner of a slug ranch, she is beyond my taste, she is like comparing hand made tasty and salty slugs to industrialized factory pumping low quality slugs without any taste and low amount of salt. She is of course the industrial slug machine, no fun allowed for either side.
I play all other killers.
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The only killers I absolutely hate playing as are Billy and Oni.
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Spirit and Slinger. Playing boring killers is not my style, I'll stick to Blight.
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I enjoy Doctor and Myers a lot. I've tried many of the killers. I actually do like Twins, and enjoy concepts of Plague and Demo (I can't get his portals to work for the life of me lol). The only killers i'm not super interested in is Blight or Nurse. The vision loss loss after blinking or blighting (?) Isn't appealing lol
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I can't put myself through that pain again.... The one time i tried nurse, the survivors felt sorry for me since i couldn't even blink through a pallet!
Never again!
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Trapper, Deathslinger, Nurse, Huntress, Legion, Blight, Plague.
Either boring, too much effort, or just personally bad with due to terrible aim.
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I haven't used The Executioner's power yet, and don't plan on ever using it, but I play him very frequently.
I use him for a braindead chase M1 build (because he's 115%, and how he drags the sword behind him is representative of how I play this build, and we don't have a robot killer yet); throw on some quality of life perks like Lightborn, Iron Grasp, and BBQ; and then play like a bot, not stressing over anything. Whatever happens happens; I get to lower my heart rate after several intense matches; and I get a handful of points in the process.
The most annoying part is the messages after the match:
"Thank you for not camping or tunneling. I've only had campers and tunnelers for the past 3 or 4 matches."
My response:
"I wish survivors would simply run in a straight line instead of looping and 360's. I've only had survivors who do this for the past 3 or 4,000 matches."
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Twins, I'm never going to get them
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The Twins, Nurse and Blight (I am console), Legion, Spirit, and Freddy.
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Freddy/clown, twins, deathslinger, and stealth killers. Oh and demo.. he's fun to go against, but whenever i see people playing him on stream.. man it does look boring :(
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Nurse is actually quite fun when you get the hang of her. You don't have to be good, you just have to not suck. I got halfway and then quit because I'm plain lazy, but she was still fun in hindsight.
Billy and huntress fall into a similar camp. They're fun when they work, frustrating when they don't.
As for me, I despise playing Hag. All the rank 20 Megs keep interrupting me while I try to set up my web.