Suggestion: Max. Rank difference in SWF

Dipper Member Posts: 149
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

In CS:GO, there is a maximum rank difference if you want to play with friends. I don't know why there isn't something like that for Dead by Daylight. 2 Gamemodes: "Casual" and "Matchmaking". Casual gives half bloodpoints and XP, but you can play in an SWF with any rank. Meanwhile Matchmaking gives the normal amount of Bloodpoints and XP, but if you play in an SWF, you must have a maximum of 5 Ranks difference. With that, a red rank can't play with brown ranks in the game

Same with killers. If you join a casual game, you might get into a SWF like they currently are, but if you are in Match Making, you know that all Survs do have a similar rank to yours.

Of course this would split the waiting times. So in Matchmaking you will have to wait as a killer, because many killers want a fairer ranked game, while in Casual you'll have to wait longer as a survivor, because many friends with higher rank difference will play that mode. But then you can choose the gamemode regarding what you want to play. If you want to play killer real quick, but care for waiting time, just join the casual game. If you want to play survivor, join MM

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    So, here are the normal answers in advance. I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anything:

    This games community is too small for Casual and Ranked modes.

    This game is a Casual game, so ranks don't matter.

    Survivor queue is already too long, this would make it worse.

    The game shouldn't stop friends from playing together.

    Ranks aren't the same as skill.

    Git gud

    I probably forgot a few, but you get the idea.

  • Dipper
    Dipper Member Posts: 149

    But it doesn't stop friends from playing together. There is a gamemode that doesn't care for ranks, it's just so people can be sure that the games are fair for them

    Then "gid gud" is the best thing to say to people, especially if they are not experienced in the game, but face a red rank

    Also this game is not casual. Ranks do matter and you get banned for leaving, Behaviour also calls it "Matchmaking." Casual would be "Kill your friends"

    And you can still be sure that someone who is a red rank is 100 times more experienced than someone who is a brown rank. I got trolled by swfs many times and it's just ruining the will to play killer. That's why the survivor queue times are so long

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    i think max rank difference could be fine but i'm gonna have to go with a solid no on splitting the game into two different modes.