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Discussing the Whole Blight / Oni 180s



  • Member Posts: 1,594

    I'm not here to start a fight my guy. I'm stating the true facts that there's people that abuse this bug, granted not 100% of the time, I already apologized to said killer who never saw the bug either until that day. I'm not saying to Abuse the bug 24/7 every match, i'm Telling people about said bug So bhvr can Fix it.

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    Despite me never using said "Exploit" as it's still not a Said exploit but ight..

  • Member Posts: 293
    edited March 2021

    I don’t see it as bigger deal on blight than Oni

    blight had still gotta hit you twice and there arnt that many really good blight players.

    But Oni is pretty popular (at least where l play he is) having that ability with your one shot is kinda crazy.

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    Tbf i rarely see a Oni.. i like versin' em but Not alot of people like playin' em for odd reasons..

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    I mean Oni always have been buggued when it comes to Wrath hit. Proof by screenshot :

    He is 2 m away from me and not facing in the right direction.

    As for Blight, i could not say, i face him like once every 100 games. Which is a shame. So i'll say let exploiters exploit if i get to play against more Oni and Blight which are among the funniest killers to go against.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    You said that 360's were exploits. Why haven't BHVR put a warning on those? Same with window techs.

    "It's literally changing your dpi" for an unfair advantage unintended by the game developers. 360's are literally spinning your mouse around and stretched res is literally just changing your monitor settings.

    What's that I smell? Not quite cow pat, no it's the lovely scent of hypocrisy.

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    ...When did i say 360s was a exploit. that's not altering your in-game sensitivity, that's using your Keyboard / controller In which BOTH Console and Pc can do without moving said Camera. so that'sa

    2: That Window exploit is more so bs in every way possible...

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    aight im confusing you with someone else- you all make the same argument just with different examples and it's hard to keep up.

    but that doesn't answer my question- if the window exploit is an actual exploit like you claim, then why hasnt this recieved a warning? answer: because there doesnt have to be a warning issued by bhvr for it to still be an exploit. the wake up exploit was an exploit- no warning.

    so why make the point of this exploit not recieving a warning when many other's also haven't?

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    Well i forgive you on that 360 issue. BUT onto said window tech,

    It's just bout Uncounterable. even with the mindgames you can "Try" to do, Only a few selected killers can deny that which is: Clown trapper hag spirit Nurse...IF that. (or lest you run bamboozle but i highly doubt anyone runs bamboozle on every single killer..)

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    You're still not answering my question.

    If it was an exploit. then why hasn't bhvr put a warning on players to Not abuse it...

    Where's the warning for this window exploit? Where's the warning for Wake Up! ? Where's the warning for the multitudes of exploits from over the years?

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    Behavior isn't the best for telling players to Not use said Perks / items / bugs.

    They did Announce The double killer / triple / quad killers in public match, Infinite Mending, is the one that Really comes to mind, I'll have to do more Research into bhvr line of "We don't tell players but we'll announce it later on"

    ...And the thing with Wake up bug... Everyone and their mother abused said perk. Even Fog Whisperers used this perk and no survivor got a Warning / ban for using said perk.. BEFORE they fixed it..

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    So if they're not "the best for telling players not to use said perks/items/bugs" what makes you so SURE that they'd announce this one to the world?

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    Knowing Behavior? They don't tell us anything bout what they're doin'. I mean look at the stats they gave us, It doesn't factor in the suicides on hooks. Dcs. crashes. Etc, in which that Data is 100% skewed..

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    If it is an exploit (and I haven't really investigated any of this stuff real close yet, so I am not saying they are or aren't at this point), it doesn't matter who has more eploits. Only one question matters and nothing else.

    "Have the devs expressly forbidden us to use this exploit"

    If the answer is yes, then don't do it. Doesn't matter which side it's for

    If the answer is no, then by all means use it till they patch it out.

    This game has always been full of small exploits that both sides use - this is nothing new.

    There is nothing wrong with asking the devs to fix them either.

    But let's not engage in "but the other side does it" because that is irrelevant.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    I'm quite neutral on this topic now.

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