African American, Euro, Korean, Chinese, Japanese - Why is there no Survivor from India?

Survivors in game. We have European, African American, Korean, Chinese, Japanese etc
Why is there no Survivor from India? We have multiple of others?
The cosmetics and colors would be awesome!
There are about 200 countries on Earth. There have only been a few original (non-licensed) chapters. Give the devs some time.
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Dwight, Meg, Feng, Jake, Nea, Yui, Claudette, Jake, David, Kate, Jane, Felix, Zarina, Elodie.
There has been more than enough chance. Yui could have been Indian, My not Felix? etc etc
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It's up to the devs to decide when to introduce an indian survivor.
It's better to wait and get a well designed character than to get one that is only added for the sake of diversity.
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Well said
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Afaik (this was off the top of my head do correct me if I'm wrong):
Dwight, Kate, and Meg are American
Feng is Chinese
Jake is Korean-American
Nea is Swedish
Yui is Japanese
Claudette is Canadian
David is British
Jane is
HispanicLatin-AmericanFelix is German
Zarina is Lebanese American
Elodie is French Madagassian
Ace is Argentinian from Italian descent
Adam is Jamaican
Jeff is Canadian (with Norweigan roots)
Yun-Jin Lee is Korean
This seems like a pretty diverse cast, does it not?
Like Orion said, give them time. They'll create one eventually, just like most other nationalities.
"But why not have Yui be Indian-" why have her be Indian instead of Japanese? What makes being Indian better than Japanese and what makes it work in her backstory more? Yui's lore is often regarded as one of the best in the game, why would making her Indian over Japanese improve this?
It's the same with all of the cast, why make them Indian instead of their current nationality? Why would that improve their backstory?
Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on27 -
They could've also been from Madagascar, Ethiopia, Finland, Namibia, Chile, New Zealand, Italy, Portugal, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Nepal, and more.
India is not special in this regard, it's not being ignored in any way. There are a ton of countries, is all.
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So...none of the characters have been added for the "for the sake of diversity" (Or about to be added? And no, before you say it, I dont have an issue with this group or that group being the game, as inevitably people turn to that when they start losing an arguement).
note, the bracketed part isnt pointed at you.
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Good list :)
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I would actually love to see a Latino male or a Muslim survivor. It would be nice.
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I'm just saying that design and lore should take priority over nationality.
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The devs already said they didn't want to put modern religions in the game. That's why the only religious killer is from the beginning of human civilization.
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Why not if you don't mind me asking?
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You know this is somewhat rich coming from you when you're wanting LGBT representation and the answer "be patient" doesn't seem to be enough.
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I suppose because religion is a VERY touchy topic so it's safer to just exclude it from the game
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Can't remember.
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Because depicting a bloodthirsty murderer as Islamic is bound to explode in your face.
And even making a Muslim survivor is sure to bring problems as well. Some may be upset seeing them die or do things not exactly according to the religion etc.
All in all the devs probably don't want to deal with the backlash from bashing Muslims over the head with an axe and throwing them on meathooks.
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200 countries that are not being purposefully excluded (and keeping in mind that original characters come from all walks of life and countries) vs. LGBT lore which was purposefully being excluded (by the devs' own admission, and keeping in mind that original characters' lore has been exclusively heterosexual). Doesn't seem like a fair comparison, IMO.
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LGBTQ+ representation is important but pretty much nobody said that it should happen as soon as possible.
It should be done well like every other character
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You do realise just how diverse the world is, right? Be patient. There's a lot of ethnicities and cultures to get through and like it or not, one is not any more important than any other.
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Yet when they make a character's race they're clearly choosing an ethnicity on purpose.
It's the same entire argument, just race instead of sexuality, but you tell this person to wait when that answer isn't good enough for you.
Kinda hypocritical tbh
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Not to say that Indian people don't deserve to be in Dead by Daylight (they do) but there are already a lot of Asian characters. It's just going to take a while to get all of the Asian countries and there is a lot of diversity among those characters.
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A Native American would be cool.
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No. They would only be remotely comparable if the game had nothing but a single ethnicity. As it is, DbD has a very culturally diverse cast and its always getting more diverse.
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Now hold there. There are plenty of characters who were introduced to add diversity, like Nick Fury in the comics or Starfire's original design.
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There's a difference between choosing one option out of hundreds to cycle through them, and just ignoring all the options to begin with.
You're conflating someone who's choosing restaurant A one time instead of restaurants B-Z, and someone who doesn't consider restaurants B-Z viable options to begin with. There's a big difference between the two.
The devs are not purposefully excluding any country or ethnicity, as evidenced by the multitude of countries that survivors and killers originate from, but they were purposefully excluding LGBT lore, by their own admission.
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Yet there are currently many ethnicities in the game that are already being represented. May I ask which characters have been confirmed to be LGBT? Can't tell me? That's because the LGBT have yet to get any representation, just like certain ethnicities.
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I'd like a welsh survivor, unfortunately david is english
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The design and lore of a character should be more important than the nationality of them is what i'm talking about
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Just a hypothesis. Survivor ethnicities are likely a function of where the player base lives.
K pop killer just screams "we're trying hard to break into Korean competitive sports."
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Diversity isn't diverse enough I guess.
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Because it's not a diversity check list? Understand i have no issue with them including people of every background. I'd just like it to make sense and happen organically rather than feeling like a mark on a check list.
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I'm sure that Ace, Zarina and Élodie were solely created to tap into their (I'm sure) massive playerbases in Argentina, Lebanon and Madagascar, and not because the writers had interesting ideas for characters from those locales.
Nope, it's 100% about trying to get demographs to play the game.
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Now I'm upset there's no Australians. I feel excluded. How dare they.
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Who cares if they devs are enjoying what they are doing and their creativity, as long as they make sure that they know that they have to fulfill their obligations to our overlords and diversify the characters. Bug fixes? No. Reverse the matchmaking update? No. Make sure that they put in a character that is to my liking because of my selfish wish to be glorified and receive attention for “caring” and being a “non-racist”? ABSOLUTELY
everyone can see through the charade
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I swear to god you can't make these ppl happy
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Hey guys you see that Indian character? That’s because of me, you’re welcome. Now I don’t need to do any good for anyone or anything at all for that matter except sit on my chair. I’ve already done my part to make the world a better place, what exactly have you done lately?
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No aussies. 0/10
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Well, this turned hostile fast. I think it would be cool to have an Indian survivor!
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I also tend to think it might be playerbase as well. I have NO IDEA what the demographic is but DBD might not have a huge Indian player base. I imagine some people would like to play a character from their country/ ethnicity and this might drive sales of a particular region if they created a character based on it.
So if DBD has a 9,000 person playerbase in Russia and a 700 playerbase in India, making a Russian survivor would be where the money was (for now)
I’m all for diversity so I’m sure it’ll come although I think we’re going to see Russian very soon (for my reasoning above).
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Indians are being recognized more and more in every game.
Overwatch has Symmetra.
Apex Legends has Rampart.
DBD will have one eventually.
Give it time.
Koreans weren't introduced for almost FIVE years until now (although Jake is technically Korean) so you can rest assured nobody is favoring one race over the other.
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Jane is also from America, as her lore states. I think she's Latin-American
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What do you mean by "these people"🤔
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Perhaps wait for an Indian themed chapter with a killer based on Indian lore. Like how Oni was based on Japanese lore.
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I'm sure that will happen somewhere down the line. The devs have been very diverse - without directly pointing out I'd even say there is disability recognition with Claudette being on the spectrum.
Bearing in mind diversity isn't just about nationality, lgbtqi+ and cognitive disabilities. There's so much more that can be considered diverse:
Social status, physical disabilities, culture, ethodiversity, neurodiversity, personality, nature vs nurture, ethnicity, age, citizenship, ideological, cultism, gender expressionism, identity, education, income..
There's a lot to consider. Heck, I don't think we've had a male redhead yet! But the devs have done well thus far for inclusiveness. No doubt more varieties of people will come about down the line.
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Ace was created well before the game become bigger and more marketable.
Zarina is from the middle east where there is huge market potential, look at all those games that have been including arabian-themed characters like Tekken and SFV attempting to cater to them, kudos to them for making a woman instead of a young male with short beard and a kufiya.
Elodie is just a token stereotyped black character with token haircut included (that lookalike design has been put into so many games and films lately that it looks like they use cookie moulds to make them...) also she was born and raised in Paris not Madagascar her parents are from there, I wish they had included another black person similar to Claudette or Adam, they feel more realistic and authentic than Elodie.
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Just an info to the disabilities, we actually have some more (yeah not everything I list is technically a disability, but still worth nothing with diversity in mind):
Claudette and Dwight wear glasses (granted, that’s not really something people think about when talking about disabilities, but it’s still there), Yui is Cross-eyed, Claudette may have some form of autism as you said (and has some kind of skin disease/condition i think), Ash is an amputee, Deathslinger has something going on with his leg and needs some self-engineered device to walk (very cool considering his backstory), and Bill smokes and has really bad lungs (well not a disability either, but still diverse enough to get a mention), Hillbilly was born heavily disfigured. There is probably more.
the only things excluded purposefully from this game are things that would need model/animation reworks or anything (modern) religious, and that with good reason.
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Gotchu, thanks ^^
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There's also not a Brazillian survivor or killer.
but you won't see me here trying to make yui brazillian, and erase the japanese representation just because...
######### man?
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What? Yui is not Indian because the devs decided to make her Japanese?
And Felix is German. The name is common in Germany. Why would he be Indian?
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because Yui is japanese and felix is german?