Killer Idea: The Darkness

Dipper Member Posts: 149
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

This would be a killer that may actually creep out survivors, something I often miss in this game. The Darkness can morph itself into a shadow that can kinda fly through the room.

In his physical form, it can create cracks in walls which it uses to teleport through as a shadow (similar to Demogorgon). As a shadow it can't do much harm, this form is mainly for undetected movement, in his physical form, it can create shadow traps (similat to Freddies Dream Snares) that will slow down survivors.

These traps can also be attached to generators, but only 2 gens can be "cursed" at the same time. If a survivor starts to repair a cursed gen (detectable by entity smoke coming out of it), the Entity will block the generator for 30 seconds and the survivor will start to scream. The curse lifts on it's own after one minute.

If the killer is in its shadow-form, survivors can stun it with flashlights and force it to take their physical form