Why devs did not ask the COMMUNITY about their new DS?


They justified the delayed DS by "we're not happy about it".

Yes... But what about the community? Maybe the community would be happy about it. They didn't even ask us! PTB is there for a reason: to test their new ideas before it goes live. Hatch rework was delayed because the community was overall not happy about it. Maybe it would be different with DS? We'll never know!

So, I'm asking this: please, next time, put your work in progress in the PTB, if it's a bad idea, community will let you know about it. If community overall is happy about it, no need to change it since it harms no one.


  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2018

    You mean the same community that thinks nurse is balanced ? Or the one that thinks DS is balanced ? I prefer they just balance things according to their own vision.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    @SoulKey said:
    You mean the same community that thinks nurse is balanced ? Or the one that thinks DS is balanced ? I prefer they just balance things according to their own vision.

    I'm pretty sure he did not meant the mob of people that whine every 2 steps that barely have any experience with the game but rather the huge group of people that have 1k+ hours with the killer and survivor and knows the game through and through.

    For the most part those show up on PTB because they won't care about bp's that much and can properly test it out.

    Nurse is balanced, you just need coordination and game knowledge to fight her on equal grounds and I don't mean swf.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    @theArashi said:

    @SoulKey said:
    You mean the same community that thinks nurse is balanced ? Or the one that thinks DS is balanced ? I prefer they just balance things according to their own vision.

    I'm pretty sure he did not meant the mob of people that whine every 2 steps that barely have any experience with the game but rather the huge group of people that have 1k+ hours with the killer and survivor and knows the game through and through.

    For the most part those show up on PTB because they won't care about bp's that much and can properly test it out.

    Nurse is balanced, you just need coordination and game knowledge to fight her on equal grounds and I don't mean swf.

    The majority of playbase don't really bother with forums tbh and most regulars who post usually have 1k+ hours in the game. Allowing those to control how the game is heading, doesn't really make much sense to me.

    As for you thinking nurse is balanced, are we talking about 3+ blinks ? Or just a skilled 2 blinks nurse ? Coz i had two games in a row yesterday with 3 and 4 blinks in a row, game knowledge didn't seem to help much with it.

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    I am fully agree with OP. The whole point of a PTB is to test changes in a live setting. We already know that the "test team" they have is not a group that speak for the majority of players. BHVR has a mass market of free testers and although we do have bias opinions based on the roles we play, who better to actually tell you if something's good enough, than the people who play your game on a consistent bases. Players from casual to vet, rank 20-1. The PTB is basically a pointless exercise if things such as the DS change and the Spirit PTB feedback are not even going to be taken on board.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    @SoulKey said:

    @theArashi said:

    @SoulKey said:
    You mean the same community that thinks nurse is balanced ? Or the one that thinks DS is balanced ? I prefer they just balance things according to their own vision.

    I'm pretty sure he did not meant the mob of people that whine every 2 steps that barely have any experience with the game but rather the huge group of people that have 1k+ hours with the killer and survivor and knows the game through and through.

    For the most part those show up on PTB because they won't care about bp's that much and can properly test it out.

    Nurse is balanced, you just need coordination and game knowledge to fight her on equal grounds and I don't mean swf.

    The majority of playbase don't really bother with forums tbh and most regulars who post usually have 1k+ hours in the game. Allowing those to control how the game is heading, doesn't really make much sense to me.

    As for you thinking nurse is balanced, are we talking about 3+ blinks ? Or just a skilled 2 blinks nurse ? Coz i had two games in a row yesterday with 3 and 4 blinks in a row, game knowledge didn't seem to help much with it.

    Majority of players will play it casually regardless of the balance state as they do now.
    That is the point of the balance changes as it only shows the problems on the extremes so the best and the worst. It sadly shows up for casual players because they do rank up regardless of 'skill' with just playtime and then they go against very good killers and are unable to handle them.

    I had 2 games against nurse today both were around rank 5.
    One nurse did get a single kill which was a mori and other one got 4k with 1 gen done.

    Once you play nurse a lot you get to go against teams that know what to do to win. I can exactly see all the misplays done by the survivors and the killer in both of these games.

    First game: Map with hardly any open fields, survivors always sticked to the walls and trees and tried to get away when out of sight/behind the wall. 4 blink nurse with green mori BBQ and nurses calling. Survivors always spread out, next stick in one plays and work on gens.

    Second game: Multiple survivors were close to each other, trying to run away on the open field. Everyone run for the unhook, only one person sticked to the gen to fix it far from the hook.
    She had bbq and always went away from the hook but once the unhook happend she came back ofc as there was hardly any cover around the place so perfect field for nurse.
    Survivors mistakes: Greed, fast unhooks, no one worked on gens, clumping up, trying to run in front of the nurse for the unhook when she just downed someone else(She will catch up to you in no time).
    Killer capitilized on mistakes which granted her a win.

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    The community is mostly survivors (it is a 4v1 game after all, so of course it makes sense there is more of one side).
    If they asked the community about it, it would get nixed entirely and suddenly DS = upon hitting the activate ability button (skillchecks are too hard guys), instantly kill the killer and force uninstalls their game :lol:

    The PTB is great for testing new features, finding bugs, getting balance feedback on things they already want in the game but might miss something that breaks the mechanic/perk/etc without a larger test base. If something doesn't pass their internal testing it makes sense not to get to a PTB. Why give everyone a chance to test something that's already been decided to not work how they want?

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Soren said:
    They justified the delayed DS by "we're not happy about it".

    Yes... But what about the community? Maybe the community would be happy about it. They didn't even ask us! PTB is there for a reason: to test their new ideas before it goes live. Hatch rework was delayed because the community was overall not happy about it. Maybe it would be different with DS? We'll never know!

    So, I'm asking this: please, next time, put your work in progress in the PTB, if it's a bad idea, community will let you know about it. If community overall is happy about it, no need to change it since it harms no one.

    Of course survivors are not happy about a DS nerf and would do everythign to delay it even further (it lived for 2 years now btw)

    They dont need to ask the community, they already know the answer :wink:

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    They showed us the change on stream and gave us time to give feedback 
  • TreblucFayle
    TreblucFayle Member Posts: 75

    If they don't like the change, it doesn't matter what the community thinks. Ultimately... It's their game, not ours.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited October 2018

    Why should they put in the PTB a change they don't like and they wouldn't implement? It would make no sense.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    No, people would whine and moan if these changes did not go through on the PTB.
    The devs are the only ones looking objectively.