Beast of Prey - buff

Your lust for a kill is so intense that your connection with The Entity is momentarily lost, making you totally unpredictable.
Upon gaining the Bloodlust status effect, you are granted the Undetectable status effect for as long as Bloodlust is active. After chase has ended, the Bloodlust status effect remains for 9/12/15 seconds.
Gain 100% bonus bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter category.
Ehh still not a great perk over others.
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It would be one of the stronger chase perks because it would allow you to chain bloodlust from target to target. It would definitely be really good on Oni for getting that first m1. Also other m1 killers like Myers.
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I might just change it to make you get into bloodlust faster.
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All that does is make you hook slightly faster. Would you keep current bloodlust if you restart a chase or would it reset to no bloodlust?
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You would be able to chain bloodlust. So if you start another chase within 9/12/15 seconds of ending one you keep your bloodlust at the same level you had it before and gain it normally.
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I'd make it just give Bloodlust a larger speed boost, so it helps you close down the chase faster.
Chaining chases together could encourage slugging, which I don't know that they'd want to do. But increasing the speed boost would help do what it's intended to do, which is improve the killer in chases.