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team repairng is a debuff ?

aphshir Member Posts: 15

I always asked me a question why when your repairing a gen with a teamate the progress bar turns red with a red speed icon ?

It sould be yellow because the progress bar goes faster no ? am i missing something ?

Best Answer

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737
    Answer ✓

    Regular gen speed for one person - 100%

    2 people is something like 175%: it is faster than if you were repairing it alone, but it is slower than if 2 people repair separate generators. So it is actually a debuff.

    The perk "Prove thyself" gets rid of this debuff, meaning 2 people will repair at 200% speed.


  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    When you repair with another person you and the other person will repair 15% slower individually, so as Harold_Shipman said, it is faster to work on gens by yourself.

    The red/yellow progress bar shows the speed of the action for only you and not the total speed.

  • aphshir
    aphshir Member Posts: 15

    thanks :) i understand why now