Stop acting like SWF is unbeatable



  • Rellewd
    Rellewd Member Posts: 195

    maybe we'll play sometime together i commonly take it easy if the survivors [BAD WORD] suck.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Survivor sided map by far. Always see survivors escaping whether im surviving or playing killer. I like the map though.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,804
    edited March 2021

    Kill rate is ~68% at red rank compared to ~56% overall. 68% is substantially higher than the kill rate at all ranks, and high in general. For the kill rate to be this high, and for it to jump up at red rank, at least one of the following need to be true:

    1) SWF is not as OP as people say it is.

    2) Borderline-unbeatable SWFs are rare even at red rank.

    The alternatives are all unlikely (e.g. SWFs frequently smurf, or just rarely play, to the point where good SWFs are more common at other ranks).


    I think the answer is a little of both. The ceiling for SWF is theoretically very high, but in practice squads that can even sniff that ceiling are extremely rare. Your average SWF is not communicating that effectively, is playing too altruistically, and has a relatively wide gap in skill among the party members. Many are not four-man squads and many are ready to meme with off-meta builds. As a result, I wouldn't be surprised if SWF performance isn't that lopsided compared to solo in practice. We obviously need more data to be able to say for sure, though.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,804

    I disagree that killer is harder to play in the first place, but regardless your statement is not true. It's an asymmetrical game. Balance is the result of how the two sides perform against each other. It has little to do with how easy it is to play.

    Imagine a game of HORSE between Steph Curry and a random guy off the street in which Steph is given the handicap of taking every shot with one hand behind his back. His shots are objectively harder to make, but he's still going to destroy the rando regardless. He has some added difficulty to contend with, but the game's balance still of course tilts in his favor.

    Some killers are braindead easy to play and others are quite difficult. That doesn't often match up with which killers are the strongest. Nurse is the classic example of a difficult killer to play that is nonetheless very powerful. A killer like Legion is on the other side, as they're simple to play but also pretty weak.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    And furthermore if the whole team is muted the whole match then you know they are partied up in a 3rd party and you can just confirm your kills and move on to the next.

    The huge problem with voice chat proximity chat is the ones that opt in to team with the opposing side. For me Friday the 13th game wasn't killed by just a lawsuit it was teaming in more than half-of the matches.

    Double edge sword seems too risky to even venture with it.

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    My statement regarding killer being harder to play isn't in reference to the mechanics or skill level of any individual killers. It's in regards to the whole gameplay experience of playing killer Vs playing survivor.

    The very nature of an Asymmetrical 4v1 game is unbalanced at it's very core.

    This is backed up by the fact that there are so few players willing to play killer in this game compared to survivors. Hence the massive difference in queue times.

    I'm not complaining about that either, as I prefer the challenge and stress of playing killer over the much more casual atmosphere of survivor.

    But let's not pretend there is not a significant difference in gameplay experience between the two.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,804

    There is a huge gameplay difference, yes, but I wouldn't say that action equates to difficulty. If you're weighing holding on M1 on gens heavily in how easy survivor is to play, I can see that though. I just wouldn't say chasing is any harder than looping, or that game sense is easier to develop on one side or the other.

    Re: queue times, I wouldn't be so quick to jump to the conclusion that this has to do with difficulty. There are going to be tons of factors impacting queue times, but most boil down to fun, not difficulty. For example, if you enjoy gaming with friends, you will not play killer. If you find holding M1 for large stretches of matches boring, you will not play survivor. If your frame rate is atrocious while playing killer and it's interfering with your ability to play, you will not play killer. If you get motion sickness from the low FOV or are colorblind and struggle to see scratches (well, not after this patch) you will probably not play killer. Etc.