Can we please have a chill mode?

mexicowl Member Posts: 53
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

It is so hard to enjoy playing when you get to the higher ranks on either side anymore. I love this game and when I have fun its really fun, however its becoming more and more rare to have a "normal" game. On survivors side you frequently end up facing tunnelers and campers who ruin the game for everyone. On killers every game feels like gen rush, dead hard, decisive, and borrowed time. Yes there's counters but why must we be stuck in a loop? To counter tunneling and camping we need to bring in borrowed and decisive making it so we can't use other fun perks. To counter gen rushing you're practically forced to always run ruin or pop. The worst part about this is its the own player base ruining an otherwise great game but the devs don't crack down on people camping and tunneling, despite it being likely the most frustrating and worst part of the game. I just wish there was some option to play where you don't earn bloodpoints and rank so that maybe people wouldn't tryhard so bad and it could be more fun aside from just kill your friends. I want to play with random people and still have fun.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    I used to find just as much DS, DH, SB and such, and even more campers and tunnelers in around green ranks when I came back from long breaks, if your problem isn't the difficulty of your games but the quality of your matches, I find the best ones are around red ranks for survivor and purple rank for killer. A "Chill mode" would be a worse version of both in my opinion.

  • mexicowl
    mexicowl Member Posts: 53

    The issue is, you try to play fun and you just lose super hard, going down in ranks makes the players so bad that its boring. Neither is truly fun.

  • mexicowl
    mexicowl Member Posts: 53

    A "chill mode" would make it so that people aren't trying so hard to not lose rank and earn bloodpoints. It would just be for relaxing, modes like this while still having issues such as players taking the chill mode too seriously usually do make it more relaxing and enjoyable. As for the ranks there's a slight difference, green and yellow ranks may have more campers and tunnelers but due to lack of skill they are also usually easier to still get everyone out. Red rank versions are good enough that if they camp or tunnel then thats it, you lose.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    I think the best we could ever get to a chill mode is an offline mode with just bots, but I don't think that'll happen for a good while unfortunately considering the dev team has other priorities.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited March 2021

    "Chill mode" is called purple ranks, and I'd bloody well like to get back there please because all of this hold-W-slam-gens-instadrop-pallets is really just not fun.

    Of course, you can't bloody well depip if you actually play killer and get hooks. No, that's not allowed. Just sit at rank 1 and get 1k after 1k. 1's all round.

    Edit: well, purple ranks used to be chill. Then they messed up the matchmaking system and now everyone gets the red rank experience.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309
    edited March 2021

    Yes, play with absurd or random builds, and/or focus on a single goal that is not survival (do your challenges...). Dedramatizes the fact of dying or not killing all survivors.

    Or play another game, you don't have to play only DBD. In terms of release, the period is not very good, but there is no shortage of games, including feel good games <3

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    They just need to bring bots into the game and get it over with, a practice mode would let newer players get a better footing before a public trial or just to practice when you aren't having good games and feel off

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If you play "chill", you'll eventually derank to where other "chill" people play. Alternatively, there's KYF.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    there is no other competitive game that doesn't have a casual mode. There is always a ranked setting, and a casual setting. The only exceptions are battle royales which do not have a ranked mode of any kind in the first place, because how the hell would you matchmake 100 people?

    the solution is simple. just limit add ons and items to the white and yellow tiers, boom, instant casual mode. Maybe slow gen and sacrifice speed by 15%. There you go, unranked, casual mode where everything is a bit more relaxed. It could still use your rank for matchmaking, but there would be no reason to sweat. It could prob give less bp too, for the sake of incentivizing the ranked mode, but it 1000% would work and should exist in some form

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    As long as the game is heavily RNG based meaning:

    • You never know which killer you are going to face.
    • You don’t automatically know if they are SWF or not.
    • You’ll never know what perks each side is bringing and their intentions.

    You will never truly have a “chill” mode. Too many times people bring non-meta builds and too many times they encounter the opposite side playing like they are winning cash if they win the match.

  • Zer0
    Zer0 Member Posts: 42

    Disable SWF and killers will sweat less

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197
    edited March 2021

    What would stop the sweat squads going into casual to destroy others.

    Wouldn't solve anything.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    Half of your argument was a list of analogies and the other half was deconstructing the world chill. A casual mode still exists in most games with competitive PVP, its not that that isnt a good argument, its that that isnt an argument. Its done in literally every other example of game, saying it wouldnt work because its PVP makes no sense. The point of a casual gamemode is the stakes are low and everyone's abilities are kept to a minimum.

    Look at R6, Overwatch, LOL, there are casual gamemodes for every very competitive game. Its not that people aren't trying, its that they aren't trying as much. They don't want to have anxiety playing a game they enjoy all the time. This isn't about toning down dbd, its about letting you choose when you wanna really go at it.

    The measures were listed in my first message. Its done in literally every other comparable environment and setting, so Im not the one being unrealistic. And personally I would literally never use the casual mode, I play at high red ranks and don't mind having to play in a highly optimized way, doesn't change the fact that I think there should be a casual mode :/

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I play all of those games. Their "chill mode" as you put it is no less competitive than the main one. Sell bridges somewhere else. :) Again, this is the game. It isn't going to change for lots of logistical reasons. Let me explain:

    1. The spice must flow. Please forgive my inner geek coming out there, but that analogy is the nail on the head. This game only works with there being enough Killers to Survivors so that the Ques don't grind to a halt. Breaking the game into multiple Ques will dilute the Player Base which is why they haven't fixed a more PRESSING problem of the SWF. They are adverse to breaking up the Ques into more than one because it is hard enough keeping one running smoothly. Do you see my point?
    2. Nobody agrees on what "Chill Mode" would entail. Nobody agrees on anything.
    3. All the games that have a so-called Chill Mode are lies. I play them too. They are still not chill.

    Again, we circle back to my original point. This is the game. You accept and embrace it, or you find one you like better. There is no shame in saying, "You know what, I don't enjoy DbD, I think I'll vagabond on to something I do enjoy." I won't judge you. We won't even know you are gone. Those of us who do enjoy the game are too busy, nor do we care. What is important is that you find the right game for you. The success of DbD (and it is very successful) indicates that there are quite a lot of people who enjoy it. Why do some insist that it be fixed to their liking rather than the more practical realistic solution of them just finding something they like?

  • shitman
    shitman Member Posts: 203

    I like how BHVR made the leveling perks in DBD MOBILE. You don't need to save up and spend bloodpoints on perks. You just need to play a certain character in the game.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Mobile is a F2P game, if I'm not mistaken. That's a wholly different set of requirements, and I personally prefer the way it works here. I shouldn't have to play a character (or hope that their perks come to the Shrine) to get their perks.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    Thats just... really not true. Like in any metric. There is no dialogue or focused strategy in casual siege, its you play your role and then execute. In ranked everything is calculated, every position is held, no one is dicking around, it is optimized. In overwatch it really is just deathmatch in casual. Ranked has such an important balance that needs to be kept to maintain in the higher ranks. You need to optimize positioning in ways that just will not be seen in unranked. League... holy ######### if you think their casual gamemodes are anything other than casual then you are playing at some low ######### ranks in the ranked modes...

    Im not selling bridges, you are just being wholly unrealistic. Optimization and execution are the key factors of a competitive setting, and if you can't understand that then its clear you've never experiences a highly competitive setting...

    Im not calling it a chill mode at this because that is an oversimplification, its casual, it isnt optimized, its just people playing the game. By every definition, it is not a competitive setting. If you are so hung up on the word "chill mode" you are either 12 or just don't want to address the discussion.

    I never sad that there weren't flaws, the biggest certain is que times. It is also possible that the many people interested in asymmetrical horror but who are too frustrated to learn the optimizations would thrive in a casual setting, one we are not providing for them. While yes that is far less likely, it is possible that the community size would increase with such an addition.

    And almost as if you aren't reading anything Im saying, as if that weren't already obvious, I said it is not a feature I would use because I prefer the competitive setting in general. That doesn't change the fact that this addition needs to exist in some form

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I am reading what you are saying; it is a pipe dream. It doesn't exist. As to whether or not I play in competitive formats, I gravitate toward them. I live for them. I'm one of the most competitive people you are ever going to talk to here or anywhere else. Perhaps what is odd about me is that I largely am competing with myself. At the end of the day, you are all just Bots to me. I'm trying to beat my last best record, not you.

    In regards to PvP games, I'm simply more pragmatic than you are in this matter. Games are not MADE casual by the designers. They are only as relaxed as the Players engaged in them. This is a huge player base in a PvP game. That means most matches are going to be hard fought by one or more of the people involved. The only time you are going to hit a casual game is when matchmaking puts you up against someone you should not be playing. That is reality.

    I've pointed this out before, and I will again many times I'm sure. If you want specific limits, choose CUSTOM GAME and get together with like-minded individuals. You can play as casual/chill/relaxed/easy-going/etc. as you want. DbD has given you this mode already. Go use it. Quit trying to insist the rest of us have to cater to YOU. You have the option; use it.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    For literally the third time now, and Im opening with this because for as far as your head is up your own ass, you still can't read ######### english. I have no intention on using a casual dbd mode. I personally do not want or need that environment, I prefer the optimized competition of a rank 1 swf trying to survive against me, playing out a fair game where I get my 12 hooks without having to rely on crutch perks or tunneling or some #########. Im here for the difficult, highly optimized game. I think disregarding the less competitive setting as pointless and as something that isn't integral in a game's health is ridiculous though, and I think many people would enjoy such a mode.

    You haven't given a single reason as to why it wouldn't functionally work other than "different people call chill a different thing". The argument for slower que times is not a problem with the system itself, it is a potential issue with matchmaking. If more people were playing in general because of the casual mode that wouldn't be an issue, but if thats the route we want to go down neither of us can speak on fact, those are both pure speculation.

    You're 100% just talking out of your ass whenever you reference a different game. Different gamemodes 100% have different mechanics. In rainbow for example, ranked games have a pick/ban phase and the defenders get to select which bomb site they want to defend. The ranked diffuser has DOUBLE the activation time, and they get a minute less per round. Ranked Siege has even outright banned new ops in the past in ranked. There are also more rounds in a game.

    This is just one example, but each of the games I listed have vastly different casual and ranked gameplay mechanics that force a more team oriented and calculated play style. You aren't being pragmatic, you're just talking out of your ass because you realized someone actually put some amount of thought into something and you can't poke holes in it because you don't know what the ######### you're talking about.

    And Jesus ######### christ, lose the god complex. "YOU ARE ALL BOTS TO ME", "ITS A PIPE DREAM", "LET ME GIVE YOU THREE CONSECUTIVE ANALOGIES SO I CAN JERK OFF MY GIANT PENIS". Holy ######### who do you think you are? Its so ######### cringy. Its a discussion board, make some points and discuss or go back to your living inside your giant ######### head

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Heh. Watch your blood pressure there champ. If I trigger you that easy, I can only imagine what the game does to you. The option to have casual games ALREADY exists for anyone who wants to use it. If people choose to disregard it, they have only themselves to blame. Custom game exists for people who want to implement (with like-minded folks) whatever rules they want, and try out whatever they want. So let me REPEAT: the mode already exists.

    Getting angry at me doesn't in any way negate the points I've made. You said that the DEV should make a casual mode for people who want to play it. I've pointed out (and you are ignoring) that mode already exists. If people go into the Ques, they get whomever they get matched with and should understand that. If people don't like the heat, they stay out of the kitchen. The game provides them with an alternate way of playing.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    yes because everyone always has five people available. You also get literally no reward of any kind for this, no bp, no xp towards tomes, but if you want to say ignoring the fact that customs games physically exist as ignoring the "many points" you claim to have made, then that is just very diluted... The games listed all have custom games AND casual modes, there is a time and place for each and you know that. Its okay to be wrong, but if you want to just keep changing what your goal is then this isn't a discussion, its me explaining at you for twenty minutes :/

    You went from "no game would ever do such a thing" to "yea but its just the same" to "yea but no one would want it" to "yea but we have it already"

    Your first and most recent points are literally antitheses to each other. You are arguing for the sake of it. Doubling down on a wrong answer is so much worse than just admitting you might have been wrong

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    They won't split playerbase since it'll make qeues longer. But it would be nice, considering psn communities will no longer be available soon. I used to play kyf with randoms there pretty often.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited March 2021

    Actually it is SUPER easy, barely an inconvenience. Whenever I want a custom game, and my regular pals aren't available, I jump on to Discord and it takes a few minutes at most. I've even picked up casual players with a post. Again, do not blame the game or the Dev if you can't be bothered to FIND the people who want to play by your terms. They are out there; I'm sure.

    *P.S. I said the kind of casual game YOU want mandated into a Que is impossible. I have now pointed out an alternate way for you to get one. You should be elated. And you don't need XP or BP or any of those things when everything is UNLOCKED in the Custom Game. And you don't DESERVE those things earned in a game with less work than everyone else.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    99% of all games : Have a designated casual mode with functioning matchmaking : reward the play against people

    99% of games : Have a designated, harder, more competitive ranked mode, with greater rewards for playing

    99% of games : Have a custom mode with your ability to choose maps, abilities, and other modifiers you normally have no control over

    When you can explain wh dbd needs to follow a different pattern, for literally any reason, you can get off your high horse. Because false equivalencies still aren't an argument

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Sure, I can do that for you. DbD is a successful game NOW. They do that by keeping their Ques moving. They aren't going to fix what isn't broken. :)

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I’m rank 7 survivor and I’m constantly getting tunnelers and campers. Just had a match with the pig that tunneled me so bad she ignored everyone else and just kept putting me oh the hook till I was dead. Couldn’t do much else. She didn’t even try to go after others.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited March 2021

    If you want a "chill mode", then find a different game because this one isn't always going to deliver that. In fact, Most PvP games aren't going to deliver that.

    This is not a put down or anything either - it's a mentality I put on myself. If I'm not in the mood to be competitive, I don't play DBD. I find something I can take it easy in.

    Post edited by FrenziedRoach on
  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    So your final reason, be all end all, for all the theatricts and ######### you were pulling, is ######### "meh" XD

    Im ######### dead

  • pigsaag
    pigsaag Member Posts: 206

    yeah, good luck with that. and i feel pitty for you when mmr changes comes live, because once you get a lot of wins with one killer, swf will become common.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Even if there was a chill mode, what's to stop the tryhards from going into chill mode?

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    I think there could be a chill mode that just does not use perks or items. I'd actually want to play a mode where there are no perks or items(except maybe items picked in the arena).

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I didn't pull anything; the theatrics were all YOURS. You are the ones asking for something, demanding it in fact. You gave us a lot of jive about other games having what you want. Go play those other games. :) If you keep playing this one, then clearly the game is fine and doesn't need what you are asking for.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    "hey you have a car, and I have a car, so why do we need a bus service in this town?". Its still such a non argument. Other games have less competitive sections for availability, expanding the community and allowing people to learn a game in a semi competitive environment so they can then experience what a game really has to offer. The lower ranks in dbd really are awful. They are full of campers, tunnelers, and overall just really poor players trying to rank up with non-viable gameplay. A casual setting, as in all games, provides an opportunity to walk before you can run.

    I can't figure out if you are literally just trolling or actually this ignorant at this point

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    I think a "chill mode" mode would be a 2v8 in a big map but have it only appear for a couple of hours

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Right now I'm laughing at you. Are you seriously calling ME a troll after all the personal attacks you have lobbed along with your edited language? :) This is the situation. The OP (and you) have said you want a chill/casual/relaxed/whatever mode. I advised you:

    1. That is isn't going to happen.
    2. Why it isn't going to happen (logistics of the Ques).
    3. And offered you an option that gives you a work around (Custom Game).

    You didn't like my answers. Not liking my answers and attacking me personally (as amusing as I find it) doesn't alter any facts or refute my points. The discussion between us was over a long time ago in so far as the debate. But since you seem to want to continue our little chat, let me ask you exactly HOW you think this casual game should be achieved, how it will keep out the wolves among the sheep, and why you think people who are playing "casually" should earn as much BP or XP as those who are working for it?

    People who heckle and demand things from the DEV from the cheap seat are always endlessly fascinating to me. To hear you guys talk, balancing the game, fixing that bug, creating an alternate casual system is a snap. Why I'll bet you think you could have it coded and whipped up over a weekend right? The DEV, you know the people whose very jobs depend on this game being successful, they clearly don't know near as much as you. Why they should give you a job! There, now I'm trolling just a bit to make you happy.

    Again, you can already play as casually as you like with people of like minds in a Custom Game. It exists as an option for you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The DEV created that with people who to set their own limits in mind. The complexity of the game for NORMAL matchmaking is already proving to be a tough nut for the company to crack. Now you want them to put another pot on the stovetop and somehow create this relaxed version where everyone taking part will magically conform to the standards you want? Really?

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    You still cant ######### read. Jesus #########. I literally said a casual mode would deserve some, but far less rewards. Your mention of ques was not your first point, I pointed out the flaws in your original points so you kept jumping ship until I agreed that it is the single POSSIBLE issue. I also mentioned how the influx of players would likely counteract that, but that both of us were being speculative which is unfair.

    You keep going in circles, you keep backtracking, you cant ######### read.

    I explained the point of all three gamemodes. I explained why literally every other major title has them. I explained the difference between a casual and custom gamemode. But because all you want to do is make... honestly really poor... analogies over and over again, and keep talking down to someone who is actual listing points and using examples while all you do is say "that cant work because... uh uh... I dont know how it would?" then you're just a ######### dipshit.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited March 2021

    All sound and fury, signifying nothing... I read every word you wrote. You stated what you wanted, what you think it will be, but not really how. That is a pretty big omission. And to recap, insulting me in no way strengthens your argument. In fact, it undermines you. Also, the fact that you can't keep up with my arguments, or understand them, doesn't mean they are wrong. I'm perfectly happy to let you keep making a fool of yourself, and discuss this for eternity with you. The longer we discuss it, the more clear it becomes to anyone (masochistic enough to still be reading) why your idea of a casual mode will never work. In short, you are the perfect sounding board for me. You make your position sound utterly ludicrous. But let's get into specifics...

    1. How will you keep out the people who SAY they are there for a casual game but are really ruthless Killers?
    2. You say they will get less rewards for playing casual, but why should they get ANY rewards?
    3. And if they are getting rewards, what percentage are you suggesting?
    4. What metrics will be used to kick people out of the casual play?
    5. If someone is always winning, does that mean they aren't casual enough?
    6. Will we need another casual Que for those who find the one you suggest still too competitive?
    7. What about people who just make another account to pretend to be casual?
    8. Should people in the casual que be eligible for certain cosmetics, charms and such that people have to earn?
    9. And who will decide what (if any) special casual rules apply?
    10. And who decides what Killers, Perks, etc. are not fit for casual play?

    I could keep going, and probably will as our discussion progresses. If you truly want this thing, then you need to give a LOT more specifics on how you think this will work, so we can figure out the unintended consequences. Going back to that earned rewards thing, let's talk some more about why some people should be able to earn ANY rewards and thus unlock certain things if they aren't really playing against the same odds as everyone else. Would casual preclude SWF, i.e. all casual games must be Solo then? A SWF is not casual for the Killer.

  • mexicowl
    mexicowl Member Posts: 53

    Man its almost like you didn't read the part saying "aside from kill your friends" and "I want to play with randoms and still ahve fun"